Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

I might not always be so nice sir, but I ALWAYS tell truth and cut to the chase, I'm here to grow weed and help others....I don't get paid...and I am certainly qualified to and have been paid well in the past for the exact things I do here..........I grew p in a rough place, and have all the scars to prove it,,,,,later!

You always seem nice to me McLoadie :thumb:...plus you always have great advice
Thanks jay......I have devoted a significant portion of my life to the study and culture of plants, I'm encouraged to see your gratefulness! I can grow just fine on my own, and with the help of my peers who are professionals...they don't do journals, and for the most part they don't teach. They have simply taken me under their wing til I'm ready to give back to them, and I do that perpetually. There's always more going on than meets the eye.
I might not always be so nice sir, but I ALWAYS tell truth and cut to the chase, I'm here to grow weed and help others....I don't get paid...and I am certainly qualified to and have been paid well in the past for the exact things I do here..........I grew p in a rough place, and have all the scars to prove it,,,,,later!

:cheer:Money money money :cheer:

:trance: Take those dollar signs out of your eyes Mc :trance:

You are a weed warrior for Jesus and I love you very much :circle-of-love:

You were the first imaginary person in 420lalaland to greet and rep me :thumb:

You have consistantly given me the best advice in all these months :geek:

You are The person I respect most on the site (Apart from 420Girl :ciao: and Happy Kitty :hippy:)

And I only say these things because I know you can take a joke :partyboy:
HI Rico :ciao:

I was gonna post but didn't want to get yelled at for posting on your closed thread :):laugh:

How is everything my friend?...have you figured out your plans for your next grow?

No problem, Jay :thumb:

We can talk about the future if you want.

Mr. Squiryl is working on a visit to the bunker,

but he's not sure if he wants to continue...

The little baby wappa is growing well.

One of the Ex seedlings has a killer sativa punch.

Very psychedelic :hippy:
:cheer:Money money money :cheer:

:trance: Take those dollar signs out of your eyes Mc :trance:

You are a weed warrior for Jesus and I love you very much :circle-of-love:

You were the first imaginary person in 420lalaland to greet and rep me :thumb:

You have consistantly given me the best advice in all these months :geek:

You are The person I respect most on the site (Apart from 420Girl :ciao: and Happy Kitty :hippy:)

And I only say these things because I know you can take a joke :partyboy:

Weed warriors have bills too! No offense taken, I'm in a foul mood this morning......I often wonder If I will ever have peace in my life. The probs don't come from myself....I'm peaceful and content....which is likely the reason for the sustained attacks I'm experiencing. I need to get home, find a secluded abode and continue my work....in peace!
Weed warriors have bills too! No offense taken, I'm in a foul mood this morning......I often wonder If I will ever have peace in my life. The probs don't come from myself....I'm peaceful and content....which is likely the reason for the sustained attacks I'm experiencing. I need to get home, find a secluded abode and continue my work....in peace!

You should go wherever you feel is home, Mc.

This life is too short for compromise.
:passitleft: High Ricco :circle-of-love:

:ciao: :passitleft: High Dennise :circle-of-love:

ok this is the right thread
I didn't notice the untopic lol

Hi Chronic :ciao:

Any thread is fine. I'm finally subb'd :lot-o-toke: to my own threads :)

"Untopic" is where we keep chit-chat and electrical tips (Hi BB :ciao:)

This is "Completed Journals",

a kind of twilight zone,

between the kayak

and the deep blue sea.

3.33 HC FTW KC.
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