Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

Well thank you for the concern. :)
Life can be a complicated thing Sir Rico. And when its running super smooth, its almost uncomfortable. Always waiting for the other shoe to drop. ;)
I do apoligize for causing any concern on my behalf. Nothing a few bong hits won't help.

BTW, I actually just took my first puff of the Corpse Bud. Not too bad. That mixed with reading the last few pages here has me in a pretty good mood. :)
I don't know Spimp. When life gets good as it rarely does I just try to sit back & enjoy it.
I hear you Spimp but fine female personal trainers & such attics wont help. racecar
Non-pointless Trichome pics :)
the clear trichs explain the racing, electric high :tokin:


But lots of cloudy and amber trichs as well :lot-o-toke:




I'll figure it out...somehow... :bongrip:
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