Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

Grats on 300! :high-five:

And over 20,000 likes! You're extremely likable :circle-of-love:

I like you too, Dres :)

Grats on Sparta mate :)

I have no idea what that means, Doc :scratchinghead:

According to the Urban Dictionary,

1. sparta

a verb, to kick someone in the chest while yelling "Sparta!"



A term shouted in a loud and powerful voice in order to declare ones presence and stature (usually accompanied by a fist or spear raise). Strikes fear and horror into others. Especially effective against Persian armies.

Opportune times to yell "Sparta!":
-while defending Sparta
-while defending Greece
-while kicking an emissary down a bottomless pit
-while leading the Spartan army into battle
-while in the Phalanx formation
-before chugging a beer
-after chugging a beer
-at random people walking down the street
-before taking a final exam
-in a crowded elevator
-during an orgasm... nice
-in the middle of a heist
-while battling a monkey
-while brushing your teeth
-while waiting in line at a dining hall
-with a mouth full of cereal and milk

The list goes on, but none seem to apply.

What is "Sparta"? :scratchinghead:
Good Night

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