Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

FYP cannafan.

nanna nut bread :laughtwo:

:ciao: Rico.
Hows the Branch? holding on I pray? :bitingnails:

Hi Spimp :ciao:

The branch is holding on wonderfully




Well, I will say that those are good seeds to have around.....they will all be female. When I have gotten hermie action that's the way they usually came, and if not I could pinpoint the stress factor that turned em. I have strains that are so sensitive....but I've grown them all seedless too, so listen to mcloadie and save those seeds and don't whack the plant, let it go as long as you can to let the seeds mature.

Thank you for the reassurance, Mc :high-five:

The dieseltonic cloneabouts will be chopped soon, so I'll have more space to work with then :thumb:

I wish I was able to smoke as much as you all think I do :laughtwo: I would be so ripped right now :bong: I think I am one of the few stoners that pass up a smoke session to go practice healthy routines at the gym :laughtwo:

I'm sure you could smoke as much as we think you do if you tried :lot-o-toke:

....but then of course I reward my self with a few tokes :)

What a resilient gawgus girl she is. U should give urself a pat on the back RICO. U saved her from imenant death when u amputated her then better half. I'd love a jount off her the ruby red princess of ur greenhouse
What a resilient gawgus girl she is. U should give urself a pat on the back RICO. U saved her from imenant death when u amputated her then better half. I'd love a jount off her the ruby red princess of ur greenhouse

Cheers Alex :thumb: I'd share a joint with you any time (HCFTWKC)

I had to amputate most of her - over 50 flowering tops :straightface:

I gave her some warm aquarium water today :)
I bet she loved that RICO
All that warm shity water lol u really stand by the aquarium water don't u? Makes me wish I still had tropical fish. We have s garden pond with mature koi carp in it I wonder if that would be any good. It's all filtered like

U look like smashing the 300 mark before long
Dam shame u lost so much of her
I bet she loved that RICO
All that warm shity water lol u really stand by the aquarium water don't u? Makes me wish I still had tropical fish. We have s garden pond with mature koi carp in it I wonder if that would be any good. It's all filtered like

I tested the aquarium water today and the pH is 6.8, Lots of minerals, low in nitrites and high in nitrates :thumb:

I added some finisher and some bloombastic, which would bring the pH down a notch :)
You should laminate some of her beautiful purple fan leaves ...

They would make an awesome picture for a wall or maybe a collage ? :)

Thank you for the suggestions Doc,

I have been finger drawing with the dye from scrunched up leaves.
Sounds yummy Spimp :)

Hey Mcloadie, how long does it take seeds to "mature" generally?

Well, lemme see; we're gonna talk in indoor terms.......the bananas don't come out of the buds til they're around 2 or 3 weeks from harvest. But we have to remember that when they come out they've already been stripped of their pollen. So, I'd say to add another week and a half to that. Now, if you're talking about your selective pollination exercise, they will be done when the bud is done. Or, for extra assurance you could leave that branch on the plant and keep it growing to be SURE that you get mature seeds. I have been told, that the seeds are perfectly mature when they rattle in the husk, or to be more specific the calyx shell. I have used batches of seeds that some were quite mature and some were crappy, you will always hand select from your seed bank....with a loupe and a pair of tweezers and get those seeds that look simply lovely to you. It's a rewarding task you have undertaken..........my hats off to you!
Well, lemme see; we're gonna talk in indoor terms.......the bananas don't come out of the buds til they're around 2 or 3 weeks from harvest. But we have to remember that when they come out they've already been stripped of their pollen. So, I'd say to add another week and a half to that. Now, if you're talking about your selective pollination exercise, they will be done when the bud is done. Or, for extra assurance you could leave that branch on the plant and keep it growing to be SURE that you get mature seeds. I have been told, that the seeds are perfectly mature when they rattle in the husk, or to be more specific the calyx shell. I have used batches of seeds that some were quite mature and some were crappy, you will always hand select from your seed bank....with a loupe and a pair of tweezers and get those seeds that look simply lovely to you. It's a rewarding task you have undertaken..........my hats off to you!
Very good info and thank you! I've been told the darker the seed the better?
Hey my friend. May your garden become a blessed oasis of wonders green. may your plants blossom forth becoming almost obscene!

Thank you LA :thumb:

They have little dicks sticking out of them and they are about to shag themselves. How's that for obscene :laughtwo:
I have been told by Mr. Squirryl that breeders often perform a certain stress that would not be experienced

by the plant, either in nature or in an indoor grow environment, like shocking the roots with iced water

to induce the plant to produce male flowers that contain female only pollen.

Maybe the cold spell caused the hermiing here and the pollen would produce feminized seeds?

Any thoughts?

Does anyone have any feedback on this?
Does anyone have any feedback on this?

as long as the hermi is created mechanically, and it's not just a straight out hermi, that will do this just being grown normally....Then you're good to go. Make the plant herm by shockin it or whatever and it will produce fem seeds...which should have no more of a propensity to become hermaphrodite than their single parent...LOL.....I don't think it would produce male flowers...just female.
I'd give quite a few other people's eyeteeth for an originial Ricorico MJ fingerdrawing. :goof:

Please excuse the crappy leaf, it's my first attempt at leaf-juice "Art"


The green is from a leaf of mr. squirryl's ex-seedling ladyboy
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