Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

Excellent pics Rico...the colors of the outdoor plants amaze me...the bunker plants look beautiful and frosty...Nice work :bravo:

Hi Jay :ciao:

Thank You, you're very kind.

It's only lots of photos, not plants.

They are all of the same plant.

It's not even a whole plant, just a branch.

The bunker plants are tiny.

But cute.

They were all engineered for a wardrobe,

so they look really short in the bunker

Dag Mr. Suavay, you just keep on keeping on... My goal is to be like you not Mike. Hopefully within the next year I can get a never ending harvest going & eliminate my guy. The way I smoke I could do all my Xmas shopping next year with the money I save & not to mention buy more goodies to grow more weed. One thing I definitely have to invest in is another tent. That's the 1st step to the never ending harvest.
Hi Jay :ciao:

Thank You, you're very kind.

It's only lots of photos, not plants.

They are all of the same plant.

It's not even a whole plant, just a branch.

The bunker plants are tiny.

But cute.

They were all engineered for a wardrobe,

so they look really short in the bunker


Ha ha ...I'm a little out of it right now :)...I've been in and out of sleep for the past few hours since I got home from work...working while sick has really been taking its toll on me and I'm not getting better

Let me try again:

Every time I see the "Branch's" buds the colors amaze me :thumb:

How far into flower are the plants in the bunker?

I'm gonna do two small plants next run...I don't have the room for them but I just couldn't get rid of them :)...just put them in 2 liter bottles last nite

Plus reps for beautiful plants Rico
I wanna be like Rico!!!
Who is mike?
Racecar... I think it's some silly B-ball player who likes Disneyland over Spain. Somethings definitely wrong with him.
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