Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

Foil just wont cut it when someone as smart as The Ringmaster; Mr. Rico Suavay PhD. The yut (My cousin Vinny) AKA Ricorico from Updown the Valleymountaintop in the desert by the sea Is reading your mind.

The wardrobe is clear for Unscrogina, The Cannatonic has been jarred.

Final wait was just over a week and we have 2 liters of Bud.

That's almost a half a gallon!!!


2 liters from 600 Whats :scratchinghead:

That is roughly 3.33 of something :dreamy:

so I'm happy enough, considering the frazzling of the poor plant :bigblush:

sending it into shock, reveg and banana production :trance:

and of course, three weeks of intesive "sampling" :bongrip:


I picked a small bud off Unscrogina today in the name of scientific sampling, err... research :)


The cold temps at night are turning her purple at the edges :)


She is also smelling better. not just citrus, but a more complex, perfumed smell.

Not as deep as "The Branch" but closer than before. I think this is temperature related :scratchinghead:


Mostly cloudy trichs :)

Thanks Jay :)

We have Problem animals in the Greenhouse :straightface:

At least 3 different kinds of bugs and a capertidiler suddenly find "The Purple Branch" increadibly tasty :straightface:

I just checked her and noticed bite-marks on several leaves.

Turned them over to find masses of aphid looking things, whitefly and long, flat greenflies.

Finger'n'thumb did what they could and she has lost lots of lovely purple leaves :straightface:

I shook the branch to shoo more flys...Bad idea, considering how affected the branch-stubby stem connection is :straightface:

Woodified stem/branch connections are not flexible.

I don't believe that there is much connecting her to the stem any more :straightface:

I'll take pics in a moment.

Is there a bug season? Is seems that this Fall plenty 420 members are being infested no matter where they live. Could it be that this is the time of year when bugs look for somewhere to get cozy as temps drop?
All part of the rollercoaster of outdoor growing :)

Bugs attack weakened plants.

I've had worse before, but taking off the purple leaves broke my heart a little bit more with each leaf.

I'm so glad I brought the cannatonic into the bunker (even though she got fried)
Is there a bug season? Is seems that this Fall plenty 420 members are being infested no matter where they live. Could it be that this is the time of year when bugs look for somewhere to get cozy as temps drop?

Could be, Reg. Could be.

I thought it was getting too cold for bugs, but no.

Maybe they are just looking for somewhere cozy,

But yesterday there were none (I check everyday)

And yesterday was delicate surgery day.

Maybe I sould have left it, but too late now,

she was being eaten and woodified by the blight.

I stand by my weakened plant theory, incorporating your "Cozy Bug" Idea.

"Cozy Bugs like Weakened Plants"
Try saying that 10 times on a friday night :lot-o-toke:
The last days of the Purple Branch

Weakened by cold and creeping blight

Insects found her in the night...

Leaves with aphids

Little bullys, picking on weakened plants

You like it Cosy, huh?

I'll give you cosy, you little basterds

How's this?

Cosy enough for you?

I bet it's cosy as hell right now :)
Budrot budrot, you thief in the night.

Oh evil Botrytis, you're so full of shite.

Budlet's been cut, but the stem's a bit brown.

Oh well, F**k it. Off with her crown :)

Cutting her cola may save her today,

But she's coming down fairly soon anyway,

And what of the cola? Well she's been undressed

Putting my sampling skills to the test

And what of the brown bit? I don't hear you say,

Well, just to be safe I have cut it away

One night of budrot does not a diseased plant make.

But just to be sure, I will now let her bake :)

Merry Christmas everyone :ciao:

And a happy new year :xmas:
Glad you got rid of the majority of the infestation. I will migrate half of my Ladybug population to the UB and the AGB, if so god help me!

....And that's how you get some cannatonic for christmas! :high-five:
Ladybug party in the UB :party:
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