Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

The banana was not open, so I am pleased at the timing, but I won't get any seeds

(Mr. Sqirryl has enough :))

Thanks, Alex :) The ballast is my new hero :thumb:

Be careful with that Hero title... it doesnt always work out. ;)
That's true, Spimp.

Sometimes, even our heros let us down...

Hi Levernz :ciao:

I think the little Cfls are unnecessary now.

They were only there because the Cannatonic was blocking the sun god light.

I plan to elevate the cloneabouts tommorow and the cfls will be in the way.

I might leave the one that is beside unScrogina.

And the 125 Watt cfl stays :)
Thank you Bruncle AG :)

The sun god and Mr. Squirryl are both very happy :thumb:

And so am I
Now here you go!!! WHERE'S My READING GLASSES?
Here are some quickish dried nugs and trichome pics. I'm off to the bunker now :)






Look! a sneaky banana :)

Thank you kindly 4 all your kind komments :thanks:

I was in contemplation, among other things.

The cannatonic is stored in the wardrobe drying :)



Unscrogina has no-one to lean on



Cfls are still on...

Feelin' down...

Missing cannatonic...

Jai Jaganatha to my great green guru again soon I will be moving on to the mountains which will be an adventure all in itself
My son Jai was wed to his girl on the 28th the occasion was made even greater as we had 2 very big Yogis come to atend they gave a talk in english plus stayed for the meal after alltogether there was 100 guests from around the world mostly the uk but many from Aussie and America When I gave my speech I was over come and only managed to get a few of the many words out that I wanted to say
Soo my good grower friend have a great day I will try and stay in touch I love 420 so when my prayer time came at the main temple I made it for all my 420 buddies You and many others I am holding in my heart all through this magical tour
all good fourtune to you Srils Ricorico
P.S This message is as much for all my friends on 420 I simply do not have the time to get around the site so I say to you all
Jai Jaganatha have wonderfull times and may your life be filled wih all you want BFKnow:circle-of-love:
I better hurry up & get there! Soon there wont be any broads left in The Club Rico Bunker... Save me a bowl.:thumb: 1hc ftw kc
Very nice Rico :) Congrats on the harvest, great yield as well :bravo::thumb:

Thanxx Levernz :)

My keyboard broke lastnite so I couldn't write that that the first pic is the harvest side by side and the 2nd is how they hang in the wardrobe.

The singing incident hurt the yield by stopping the growth.

There were so many small fresh leaves around the lower buds that I think she was starting to reveg!

pain in the arse to trim, in spite of being heavily defoliated!

I better hurry up & get there! Soon there wont be any broads left in The Club Rico Bunker... Save me a bowl.:thumb: 1hc ftw kc

Don't worry, Reg. There will always be a broad and a bowl in the Bunker for you :allgood:

1 HC FTW KC foweva.

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