Volksball's First Grow: White Widow Feminized Grow Journal 2018

I haven't seen it which doesn't mean it isn't a thing. I've only seen calcium issues with high-intensity LEDs. I would deal with the lights first and see what happens. Like I said, Ca shows up on the lowers first.

A plant that size is going to lose leaves. Stressed plants probably more!
I'm happy to say that having a look at the girls this morning, the necrofied spots and affected leaves that were there yesterday are still the only ones. Nothing has spread further or onto newer leaves. I'm not sure that I'm out of hot water yet, but signs are pointing in the right direction.

Fingers crossed.

Thanks again everyone for your help and time.

Day 80/5F
Hi guys,

Question: I know to keep the air moving over the top of the canopy, and I do, but what setting would you put the largest oscillating fan on if you had speeds 1, 2 and 3.? The breeze touches them now and they dance lightly on 1. I've tried 2, the plants move more vigorously, but in no way harmful. Will that cool the canopy better and help with my height/heat problem?

Pic from a couple days back.



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Light stress and heat stress are two different things. Have you tried the 75% yet?
Yep. Dimmed to that last night and pulled the light right up. They're just growing at a pace. I wonder if I'll have to dim to 50% at some point.

But does the fan at least relieve the heat stress? Or am I just blowing ambient temp air at them?
You are blowing the ambient temp air around, so it's not cooling them as much as making sure no one area is hotter than the rest. I'm guessing your room temps are cooler, so running the air through faster will take the temps down.

And too much air movement across the leaves can cause wind burn as the plant can't bring enough water to the leaves as it is transpiring faster with higher air flow.
You are blowing the ambient temp air around, so it's not cooling them as much as making sure no one area is hotter than the rest. I'm guessing your room temps are cooler, so running the air through faster will take the temps down.

And too much air movement across the leaves can cause wind burn as the plant can't bring enough water to the leaves as it is transpiring faster with higher air flow.
Gotcha. Thank you. Yes, the temps came down a few degrees which is good. So, I'll leave the fan on 1. There's good air movement in there. Like @West Hippie said, I thought the light would cost me the most, in starting to think running all those fans rivals that.
Dunno about that. Fans can't draw the wattage of an HPS. They would generate enormous amounts of heat. How many amps are these fans?
Sorry, the tongue and cheek didn't translate well. Sometimes that light feels like the sun on the back of my neck when I'm in there.
Sorry, the tongue and cheek didn't translate well. Sometimes that light feels like the sun on the back of my neck when I'm in there.
Sorry I forgot you were running hps 1000 that’s 9 amps at full load , my LED is 3.58 amps you’d have to run 15 fans!
When I run my 600w HPS I have to put an Air Conditioner in front of the tent and leave the door open, no fans for me hehe
But what does that do to your humidity? I know you want to be lower in flower, but doesn't that reduce it to basically the house's RH?
Hey guys, has anyone used this product? I was using one that wasnt available at my grow store anymore so I had to settle for this one. This one has some different properties than the last, i.e. a higher concentration of calcium but I think a lesser mag content. It recommends 1ml per liter or a tap per gallon. My current brand calls for 2ml per.

Any thoughts? I'm not entirely sure about switching in flower. Should I just wait it out until the other product comes in as I have some left? Or just run the new stuff? CalMag is pretty much CalMag.



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There are versions of calmag that are not compatable with an organic garden [look for the OMRI label] but other than that there is not much difference between the straight calmag products. There are calmag+ products to consider, such as the eggshell recipe that I offer on this forum, and the various other + products out there. On all the products, follow the directions unless it isnt quite enough, and then give more. :cool:
There are versions of calmag that are not compatable with an organic garden [look for the OMRI label] but other than that there is not much difference between the straight calmag products. There are calmag+ products to consider, such as the eggshell recipe that I offer on this forum, and the various other + products out there. On all the products, follow the directions unless it isnt quite enough, and then give more. :cool:
Ok. Thank you. And good to see you again! I'm not sure I want to experiment with the 'not enough' at this stage of the game. It goes back, then.

I'll wait for what I've been using :)
I occasionally need to jet out to various locations, some of which it is not possible for me to use my mobile hotspot. If I can't keep my traffic off of the corporate network, 420 does not happen. I am never more than a day or two away from my garden though, and I do catch back up, especially if I see someone mention my name. Looking good in here!
Thanks! Ahhh the real life....
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