Vivosun: This April, Meet The Future Of Growing

Hey, is there a switch that can be flipped to get that fan to blow upwards instead of down?
No, The fan is down because it evenly blows around the canopy and circulates the air. The main goal is to have even airflow around all the plants, while eliminating the need for extra equipment. Fans from the sides are not able to blow through the canopy as easily as this nor do they circulate the air throughout the whole tent.
No, The fan is down because it evenly blows around the canopy and circulates the air. The main goal is to have even airflow around all the plants, while eliminating the need for extra equipment. Fans from the sides are not able to blow through the canopy as easily as this nor do they circulate the air throughout the whole tent.
If you have filter that going to move air in and out effectively. I have the 3&1 tent from y'all and it moves thru the tent well with one I have. Removes the fan . Least I have no problem without one so far.
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