VIVOHUT Bill284's New Grow Facility: Featuring VIVOSUN & Herbies Seeds


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#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎


Mango Mousse

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Those heavy colas filled with sticky goodness look 👀 mouth watering. CL🍀. :thumb: :circle-of-love:
Hey Cap'n. :ciao:
Lost a little to rot but she is tight and hard.:thumb:
Should be primo smoke.
Hope your doing well Amigo.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
How many jars 🫙 did you fill with her? CL🍀. :morenutes: :cheer:
Say 40 grams per jar ball park 1.5 pounds = about 16 jars.
I must have 40 jars ready to and still have a few full ones.
Funny enough all the stuff that disappeared in the fire we ended up with all my jars.
Not one was lost or broken.
But when I chop that green house this year I’ll be doing a bit of stick handling.
Might have to get some one pound grove bags.
Here you tried them?
Either that or 5 gallon pales.:rofl:

#VIVOSUN # Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Say 40 grams per jar ball park 1.5 pounds = about 16 jars.
I must have 40 jars ready to and still have a few full ones.
Funny enough all the stuff that disappeared in the fire we ended up with all my jars.
Not one was lost or broken.
But when I chop that green house this year I’ll be doing a bit of stick handling.
Might have to get some one pound grove bags.
Here you tried them?
Either that or 5 gallon pales.:rofl:

#VIVOSUN # Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
No I couldn’t wait for them to get delivered and bought jars but I’m still considering buying them because they just seem easier and better than buying jars 🫙. That’s one helluva an impressive amount of jars of Mango Mousse. How much did you lose to bud rot do you think? Overall it was a great grow even with a little fungus. Great job 👏 amigo. CL🍀. :thumb: :bravo::welldone::yahoo:
Say 40 grams per jar ball park 1.5 pounds = about 16 jars.
I must have 40 jars ready to and still have a few full ones.
Funny enough all the stuff that disappeared in the fire we ended up with all my jars.
Not one was lost or broken.
But when I chop that green house this year I’ll be doing a bit of stick handling.
Might have to get some one pound grove bags.
Here you tried them?
Either that or 5 gallon pales.:rofl:

#VIVOSUN # Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
1lb Grove Bags are great. Even better when they put the same seal as the new smaller ones. No burping, no silica bags. Just get it dry properly and throw it in.


Congrates on the harvest Bill, must of kept you busy for a while, enjoy your haul
Good morning Amigo :ciao:
It was 11 hours straight of trimming.
I had help too.
Stacey did fan's and I did the close trim.
It's a bit longer than I expected really.
But I did a meticulous job.
Buds that nice need good care.
Between the @VIVOSUN VS6450 light and their co2 control unit I managed to produce some stellar buds, absolutely stellar.
When are you coming to smoke some with me?:lot-o-toke:
I'll make sure I've lots on hand. :thumb:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Good job Bill!

I think this is your best grow yet!
Thank you so much T.:thanks: Good morning :ciao:
Looks like the hut will be a nug machine, hehe.
I'm really thrilled with the light I'm using.
@VIVOSUN VS6450 is the smallest light I've ever used in flower.
So I had some concerns.
But WoW it's stellar, some of the best buds I've ever harvested.
A squirt of co2 added in there does wonders aswell.
It's going to be a steady haul of rock hard nugs.:yahoo:
I appreciate the kind words.
Take care T.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
1lb Grove Bags are great. Even better when they put the same seal as the new smaller ones. No burping, no silica bags. Just get it dry properly and throw it in.


Morning Nick. :ciao::high-five:
Are those 1 pound bags?
7 pounds there?
What are you saving it for?
Is the market saturated there?
Ounces are down to 70 bucks here.
Our government screwed up legalization so badly no one is able to make a profit.
They make money but no body else can.
It's killing the system here.:rolleyes:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Morning Nick. :ciao::high-five:
Are those 1 pound bags?
7 pounds there?
What are you saving it for?
Is the market saturated there?
Ounces are down to 70 bucks here.
Our government screwed up legalization so badly no one is able to make a profit.
They make money but no body else can.
It's killing the system here.:rolleyes:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
That’s about what the Illinois government has done here but they taxed it so high that people would rather pay half price for black market weed. They still sell quite a bit I guess rich people don’t care. But everyone I know goes to Michigan once a month and stocks up for the month. CL🍀
70 bucks an ounce! Dang Bill! What happened to the black market?
They'll sell it to you for 50 instead lol.
The prices fell so drastically because the legal market is in competition with the black market.
They both get screwed but it's great for the consumer though. 😄
3.5kgish not done a proper count in a while. Was 4.5kg but our now ex builders had light fingers.

Yeah market saturated with illegally imported old Cali black market weed. Plus not many tourists in town. All cool - the great things about those bags is you seal them up is they just get better. Put them somewhere cool and dark and they just cure on. By the time the Cali gets cleared out and tourists return it will move at better than todays price (I fukn hope 😅) we’ll have another 5kg in November, Feb etc.

The bags are great bit pricey but reusable.

Come smoke some with me!
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