VIVOHUT 2 Point Oh! Bill284 Grows North Atlantic Seed Co. In Coco

Question - Does anyone recognize this?

Bubba Whip 1/29/24

- Fed - 2 x week SNS 209 insect control with her nutrients. Every week since June 1st
- Sprayed with SNS/bug spray every 10 days
- Sprayed 2 x this season with SNS DC for mold & rot
- Green House temp 15 - 30 c plenty of air circulation
- RH 60% days / 70% nights
- she had spider mites when I first pulled her out of the VIVOHUT May/24
SNS cleared that up and no sign of bugs since
-I scope constantly and no bugs eggs or poop but I’m half blind 🤣
- She had some leaves with small spots along the edges
- She uncharacteristically cannibalized
some fan leaves over the last week or so
- This appeared on some leaves today
looks like rot in the first few pics

- Scope pics show little dots of clear and yellow oil like drops on the underside of the leaves
- various pics of spots for below

Thoughts ?

10 pics of leaves front and back
10 pics from the scope from below











Looks like ph burn to me but check the ph in your dirt and water and let me know. Haven't had it yet.
Oh great...I'm seeing spots
High pH causes interveinal chlorosis and bleaching, pale mottling, and blotchy or marginal necrosis of new growth. Damage is primarily due to reduced availability of minerals, especially iron, manganese, and zinc, so any of the symptoms of those deficiencies may occur in high-pH soils.
Looks like ph burn to me but check the ph in your dirt and water and let me know. Haven't had it yet.
Nutrients are checked daily 5.8 consistently.
Full strength nutrients with kelp.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Nutrients are checked daily 5.8 consistently.
Full strength nutrients with kelp.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
The coco breaks down over time in the soil can't that raise the ph? What's your dirts ph level?
High pH causes interveinal chlorosis and bleaching, pale mottling, and blotchy or marginal necrosis of new growth. Damage is primarily due to reduced availability of minerals, especially iron, manganese, and zinc, so any of the symptoms of those deficiencies may occur in high-pH soils.
I did run out of coco and had to mix in some old used coco to fill the pot.🧐
Thank you.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Nutrients are checked daily 5.8 consistently.
Full strength nutrients with kelp.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
That's spot on perfect for the nutrients kelps awesome I used some early growth on my babushkas.
I did run out of coco and had to mix in some old used coco to fill the pot.🧐
Thank you.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Just worth a thought there's countless things it could be so good to at least knock a few off the list and be extra sure.
The coco breaks down over time in the soil can't that raise the ph? What's your dirts ph level?
It's coco.
I don't check the ph of the actual coco.
And run-off goes through the fiber floor.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It's coco.
I don't check the ph of the actual coco.
And run-off goes through the fiber floor.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
There's ways to get the ph level out of the dirt right? you don't need the run offs ph if the soil is good.
Hi Bill,

I've never seen that with Mega Crop but I would be inclined to get in there and clean out the infected areas..

Basically a lollipopping !

Thanks Chuckeye :thanks:
Starkraven gave me something to check so I have a place to start.
Apreciate it.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
There's ways to get the ph level out of the dirt right? you don't need the run offs ph if the soil is good.
I think I might get out the pump tomorrow and run a 100 gallons of river water through her before I feed tomorrow.
If there was something wrong with the old coco I might be able to flush it out.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I think I might get out the pump tomorrow and run a 100 gallons of river water through her before I feed tomorrow.
If there was something wrong with the old coco I might be able to flush it out.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thats what I would do one flush and back to the old schedule good luck I hope this helps!
Thats what I would do one flush and back to the old schedule good luck I hope this helps!
Thanks you.
I completely forgot about running out of coco.
The stuff I reused wasn’t washed or dried the way I normally do it.
So it makes sense. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks you.
I completely forgot about running out of coco.
The stuff I reused wasn’t washed or dried the way I normally do it.
So it makes sense. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
That makes sense lol 😆 so I flushed my bags for 2 weeks before transplanting my ladies and added a teaspoon of molasses to the water for the microbes. I gotta make sure to do it again next year!
Woah! Slow down! Take a Deep breath and think this through before putting in alot of work that may be unnecessary.

1st off, it it on all plants, from top to bottom?
No just that one.
Various locations.
But I’ve started to see those little spots now on a couple of the others.
No bad leaves though

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Forgot to mention, I have overfed with MC...

Once was adding Bud Explosion too early in flower Without reducing the amount of MC, the new growth leaves came out corkscrewed and another grow simply overfeeding sativa's. They didn't like anything over 900ppm, the usual burn moving up from the leaf tips. Cutting back on the amount fixed that....

And burnt tips all over the plant, not just the bottom.

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