VIVOHUT 2 Point Oh! Bill284 Grows North Atlantic Seed Co. In Coco

Forgot to mention, I have overfed with MC...

Once was adding Bud Explosion too early in flower Without reducing the amount of MC, the new growth leaves came out corkscrewed and another grow simply overfeeding sativa's. They didn't like anything over 900ppm, the usual burn moving up from the leaf tips. Cutting back on the amount fixed that....

And burnt tips all over the plant, not just the bottom.

Here are a couple pics Bubba Whip 1/29/24




Question - Does anyone recognize this?

Bubba Whip 1/29/24 Coco Perlite 100l. Bag bokashi & frass

- Given full strength nutrients daily with calmag first @5.8 ph with added kelp - week 1 of flower
- Fed - 2 x week SNS 209 insect control with her nutrients. Every week since June 1st
- Sprayed with SNS/bug spray every 10 days
- Sprayed 2 x this season with SNS DC for mold & rot
- Green House temp 15 - 30 c plenty of air circulation
- RH 60% days / 70% nights
- she had spider mites when I first pulled her out of the VIVOHUT May/24
SNS cleared that up and no sign of bugs since
-I scope constantly and no bugs eggs or poop but I’m half blind 🤣
- She had some leaves with small spots along the edges
- She uncharacteristically cannibalized
some fan leaves over the last week or so
- This appeared on some leaves today
looks like rot in the first few pics

- Scope pics show little dots of clear and yellow oil like drops on the underside of the leaves
- various pics of spots for below

Thoughts ?

10 pics of leaves front and back
10 pics from the scope from below











Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Looks a lot like what happened to one of my plants back in 2022. I thought it was the result of my brother spraying them, but when it continued we figured it was rootbound.
It takes a while in fabric pots, but it does happen.
Something to consider.
Scope pics

Anyone ever see these droplets on the underside of the leaves











Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Those are really evenly spaced. Almost like a grid.
I'm pretty sure that's moisture seeping out the stomata.
Looks a lot like what happened to one of my plants back in 2022. I thought it was the result of my brother spraying them, but when it continued we figured it was rootbound.
It takes a while in fabric pots, but it does happen.
Something to consider.

Those are really evenly spaced. Almost like a grid.
I'm pretty sure that's moisture seeping out the stomata.
Yea that’s what it looks like.
Have you ever seen that before?
That’s the bottom

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Doubt it's you Coco Bill. I merely flushed mine and I've ran 4 times with it. And your inoculated too so your PH should be solid unless you get salt build up 👍
Thanks buddy ;)
Can you think of anything else?
Did you see the droplets on the bottom?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Not really. The closest I've seen to that is when water droplets form on the tips of leaf serrations when they've absorbed too much water, too fast.
I only saw it a few times.
It does happen a lot without us noticing though. That's why water collects between two leaves that are lying on top of each other.

I agree with Mel, the drops are transpiration.

The bottom of the plants look too wet, and could explain all the leaf problems. Since the top half looks good, taking the weather into consideration, running another fan at the lower half can help evaporate the transpiration, and prevent pooling.

I don't think this is a ph/flush type of problem? ❤️
Here are a couple pics Bubba Whip 1/29/24
Not much help here Bill, leaf tips look good so I doubt it's too much food.

If it wasn't for the spots I would write off the yellow leaves as old age/light dep...

I did have one plant, the Malawi that started showing necrosis towards the upper middle of the plant.

Added some Bud Explosion and that stopped ! Couldn't find a picture but it doesn't look like your issue...

IIRC you are already using BE ?


WooHoo! ❤️

Just out of curiosity? Judging by the media wet spot, are those yellow leaves getting wet when you feed/water?
I hand water with a wand directly on top of the coco.
The leaves are dry and the rh has been good so far this year.
Everyone is about to get a good clean out aswell

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Not much help here Bill, leaf tips look good so I doubt it's too much food.

If it wasn't for the spots I would write off the yellow leaves as old age/light dep...

I did have one plant, the Malawi that started showing necrosis towards the upper middle of the plant.

Added some Bud Explosion and that stopped ! Couldn't find a picture but it doesn't look like your issue...

IIRC you are already using BE ?

I just started adding bud explosion. ;)
Day 3
Thanks buddy.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

I agree with Mel, the drops are transpiration.

The bottom of the plants look too wet, and could explain all the leaf problems. Since the top half looks good, taking the weather into consideration, running another fan at the lower half can help evaporate the transpiration, and prevent pooling.

I don't think this is a ph/flush type of problem? ❤️
If it’s on the bottom of damaged leave that couldn’t transpire properly would that cause this to appear ?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Maybe a little early, GreenLeaf says to start After the first week of flower !

Just watch the new growth for the dreaded corkscrewing 😆

Appreciate it :thanks:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
If it’s on the bottom of damaged leave that couldn’t transpire properly would that cause this to appear ?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
My guess would be yes, I ve seen similar on my grows over the years. Never caused me any major issue. Always attributed it to my foliar feeds, but never really knew for sure.
My guess would be yes, I ve seen similar on my grows over the years. Never caused me any major issue. Always attributed it to my foliar feeds, but never really knew for sure.
Makes sense right?
Thanks :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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