VIVOHUT 2 Point Oh! Bill284 Grows North Atlantic Seed Co. In Coco

Just realized we got our seed from the same place north Atlantic seed company is where the humboldt dream is from Humboldt seed company made these genetics. Were also using the same bags @Bill284
Just realized we got our seed from the same place north Atlantic seed company is where the humboldt dream is from Humboldt seed company made these genetics. Were also using the same bags @Bill284
We are going to get along just fine :thumb:
Do you have a indoor set up?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
We are going to get along just fine :thumb:
Do you have a indoor set up?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I think we will and I'm going to work on it I was thinking of doing either hydro or airaponics tower but I need to do some research and get the equipment I would love to have some autos off season and grow outdoor when I can the limit where I live is 6 plants but I could rotate crops out from seasons have 6 outdoor photos from may-oct and photos from oct-may lol 😆
How's the 200s treating you? How much water does it take to saturate the dirt?
Coco @Bill284 Method
8-10 liters atm and rising as they drink more.
Every morning full strength nutrients at 900 ppm today.
Getting harder now the top layer is a web of fine roots.
Taking longer to feed.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Coco @Bill284 Method
8-10 liters atm and rising as they drink more.
Every morning full strength nutrients at 900 ppm today.
Getting harder now the top layer is a web of fine roots.
Taking longer to feed.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Been giving mine 4 liters each day now and the little ones 2 liters and the seem to be happy right now when it was 108° I was giving them all 4 liters in the morning and 4 at night it was just evaporating so fast they could hardly drink it especially with how the bags breath on a hot day.
Been giving mine 4 liters each day now and the little ones 2 liters and the seem to be happy right now when it was 108° I was giving them all 4 liters in the morning and 4 at night it was just evaporating so fast they could hardly drink it especially with how the bags breath on a hot day.
Water before it gets hot.
Just before they really start transpiring
You should fill that pot and let it sit really but it’s working.
Don’t water night. The roots jus sit in a pot of water all night.
If you see a drop later give them a drink.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Water before it gets hot.
Just before they really start transpiring
You should fill that pot and let it sit really but it’s working.
Don’t water night. The roots jus sit in a pot of water all night.
If you see a drop later give them a drink.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I didn't know that so watering early is more beneficial? I was under the impression that you wanted to always have the top 2 inches wet so I just water when I see the tops dry which happens to be about every 24-36 hours so every now and then I water at night 🌙 but if it's better in the morning I'll try it out until I harvest.
Water before it gets hot.
Just before they really start transpiring
You should fill that pot and let it sit really but it’s working.
Don’t water night. The roots jus sit in a pot of water all night.
If you see a drop later give them a drink.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
When you spray your plants leafs are you also doing that in the morning or is that better at night? For IPM?
When you spray your plants leafs are you also doing that in the morning or is that better at night? For IPM?
I try and do it early in the day.
Humidity rises at night so I want the moisture vented out before it gets dark.
I think they recommend you avoid doing it in direct sun during the hottest part of the day.
Timing for spray isn't as vital as feeding.
If I were you growing in soil I'd soak the bag until I get some run off.
Then let is sit until I see some droop and the bag has dried out.
Then I'd repeat soaking until I get some run off again.
It's much better for root growth.
Watering daily in soil creates lazy roots and reduces the amount of air available to her.
That's the point of a jumbo bag.
Fill it with healthy strong roots. :Namaste:
Your doing OK though.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I didn't know that so watering early is more beneficial? I was under the impression that you wanted to always have the top 2 inches wet so I just water when I see the tops dry which happens to be about every 24-36 hours so every now and then I water at night 🌙 but if it's better in the morning I'll try it out until I harvest.
Once the sun goes down they stop transpireing.
So water in the pot will just sit there preventing the roots from getting air.
It's better to have the pot full as they are transpireing.
So at peak heat and sun you have nutrients to create peak growth as they pump nutrients to the leaves.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Beautifully gardening Bill! Such lovely strong growth you consistently draw out of your plants. :yummy:
Thanks @Stunger :thanks:
It's all in the roots my friend. :thumb:
The big healthy plants are just a bonus. :rofl:
Hope things are going well today Amigo. :high-five:
Thanks for dropping in.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Well after 7 months of forplay it's about time you gave us some flower!🤣😍🥰

Thanks @Stunger :thanks:
It's all in the roots my friend. :thumb:
The big healthy plants are just a bonus. :rofl:
This is the best advice ever, if all you do is concentrate on keeping the roots happy a fantastic plant is simply a biproduct of it.

No matter what your grow style, healthy roots = perfect shoots.
Well after 7 months of forplay it's about time you gave us some flower!🤣😍🥰

This is the best advice ever, if all you do is concentrate on keeping the roots happy a fantastic plant is simply a biproduct of it.

No matter what your grow style, healthy roots = perfect shoots.
Thanks Gee.
That’s what I do :thumb:
My layering method creates a huge healthy root zone.
Big enough to flower out a monster.
Once stretch has finished I’ll reduce plant matter not needed.
This gives me roots bigger than my actual plant in flower.
It pumps nutrients where they are needed.
I grow big roots to feed my big fruits.
Works very well. :thanks:
Let’s face it you can’t grow a decent plant without a healthy root zone.
It’s a no brainer :rofl:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks Gee.
That’s what I do :thumb:
My layering method creates a huge healthy root zone.
Big enough to flower out a monster.
Once stretch has finished I’ll reduce plant matter not needed.
This gives me roots bigger than my actual plant in flower.
It pumps nutrients where they are needed.
I grow big roots to feed my big fruits.
Works very well. :thanks:
Let’s face it you can’t grow a decent plant without a healthy root zone.
It’s a no brainer :rofl:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
The power of a big-block chevy, hiding in a bag😎
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