VIVOHUT 2 Point Oh! Bill284 Grows North Atlantic Seed Co. In Coco

I guess I say Northern Ontario but in the Grand scheme of things it's not that north lol we are a little south of North Bay, there's no electric, no running water, no cell phone service, just propane tanks that are boated in for the lights, fridges, and stoves. It's really great for one week to unplug however if I ever make the move up I'm getting a place with electric and flush toilets 😅.
I'm a little long in the tooth for those trips now.:rolleyes:
When I was 15 I took a bus from Toronto to North Bay.
Then hitchhiked to Emerald lake just south of Temiskaming.
Spent every summer fishing that area.
Actually have to head in that direction this week.
Doing a delivery to a friend, he is low on pot.
At least the blackflies won't be as bad there this year for ya.:thumb:
Lots of properties between here and there on the water with electricity.
If you decide to retire in the area.
It's actually affordable. ;)
Compared to down south.
You have a date picked yet ?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I'm a little long in the tooth for those trips now.:rolleyes:
When I was 15 I took a bus from Toronto to North Bay.
Then hitchhiked to Emerald lake just south of Temiskaming.
Spent every summer fishing that area.
Actually have to head in that direction this week.
Doing a delivery to a friend, he is low on pot.
At least the blackflies won't be as bad there this year for ya.:thumb:
Lots of properties between here and there on the water with electricity.
If you decide to retire in the area.
It's actually affordable. ;)
Compared to down south.
You have a date picked yet ?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
My retirement date is 2054! Only 30 more years to go, unless I get lucky and start playing the lottery and then actually hit it haha. I love that area, our club cabins are in Port Loring, lots of beautiful country and the people are super friendly even to us "Yanks".
Thank my lucky stars. :woohoo:
Finally coco and perlite.
I might as well have had them shipped for what he charged me. :rolleyes:
Live & Learn

If I reuse coco I mix it 50/50 with new coco.
But all old pots are outside behind the shed , frozen.
So I could defrost a couple and dry them then breakem open and remove the roots then use what's good.
I still have that option.
Especially now the snow melted and I can see them.
Not optimal but doable. :thumb:
Come spring I'll bust them open and use it 50/50 in the greenhouse.
But I just wanted a simple bag of coco.
Now I've gone through this with them I feel obligated to buy the stuff from them.
It's comical really. :rofl:
If you saw it on TV you would say it's silly, nobody is that inept.
But as it turns out they are.
I've only ever seen 1 person buy something there.
Don't know how they make rent.
The next nearest place is more than a 2 hour trip.
I don't mind honestly, I knew the deal when we moved.
We have got half an acre on the water with a beautiful chalet. :yahoo:
We traded city convince for rural heaven.
I knew things would be a bit harder to source.
I just didn't factor in the gong show.🤣😂
I'm not complaining just an update. :Namaste:
You get your lawnmower going yet?:rofl:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey Bill there's a few shops around here like that just bare shelves & the other opens when ever he feels like it, i'm pretty sure they're only there to wash money, cooling off a bit there now?
Hey Bill there's a few shops around here like that just bare shelves & the other opens when ever he feels like it, i'm pretty sure they're only there to wash money, cooling off a bit there now?
Hey buddy :ciao:makes sense.
Because you have to sell a lot just to make rent every day.
They aren’t selling enough to rent a phone number let alone the store.
I have it now.
Platinum Tahoe OG will be happy.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
New ground beneath their feet finally?!

I've got the coco :thumb:
I just have to finish pushing this rope up the stairs before I uppot.
Some days buddy some days. :rolleyes:
Glad your back safe & sound.
With your new pants. :rofl:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Happy Saturday Bill and all! Nice start!
Good morning Stone. Hope your weekend is going well Amigo. :high-five:
I just realized I missed a message last Sunday. :Namaste:
My apologies Stone. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
@North Atlantic Seed Co

Platinum Tahoe OG. 12/12/23

Solo cup to 5 gallon Air pot

Featuring @Bill284 Method & @DYNOMYCO

I mix perlite Bokashi &Frass in my Canna Coco

Perlite with Bokashi & Frass on the Bottom
of the air pot

Then layer coco between layers of perlite
to the top of the pot

Sprinkle @DYNOMYCO directly on the roots and in the hole

Then Bokashi and Frass on the root ball













I cover the rootball in DYNOMYCO and Bokashi & Frass

The rootball sits high in the center
Perlite let's nutrients flow to the outside moat


Zip ties on the air pot ahead of time as anchor points for training

Platinum Tahoe OG 12/12/23


Purple Kush 1/29/24

@North Atlantic Seed Co
The rest of the girls
Uppotting soon

@Bill284 Method




Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Love your journals bill! You always have a variety going on!
Thanks Buddy. :thanks:
It's actually quite quiet, compared to my usual Shanahans.:rofl:
Almost ready to fire up the veg room.
Just have to do a little more work then I'm starting my greenhouse girls.
Hopfully just 4 huge plants this summer.
My goal is 20 pounds.
No particular reason just sounds like a good goal.
12 pounds last summer so I want to beat that with 4 plants this summer.
Time to get moving. 😂
Hope your enjoying your weekend.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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