He called me and says I have your perlite after a month.
I said great WTFEK am I going to do with it without the coco coir??
Where is the coco?
I can't use the perlite without the coco.
I'm driving in for that.
Almost 4 weeks goes by.
I drop in twice NO COCO.
Friday night he calls and wakes to say my coco is in.
Power outage was yesterday everyone else in the plaza was open.
His wife is in at 10 am every Monday like clock and work.
I get there and see the sign, fek fek fek.
His daughter is sitting in her van in front of the store , leans out the window and politely says -
Sorry he will be open tomorrow.
All too funny
I love living in the boonies on the water.
Nothing bothers me anymore. Hehe
Stay safe