Visualize Whirrled Peas: A Perpetual Garden By 013

Not much else happing in the garden lately, I’ve got a twisted sister, yes twisted leaves on clone sister #2, while her twin #1 is not experiencing a problem. I’ve got both mosquito bits and dunks mixed in soil and as top dress, I’ve hit them with mosquito dunk water and Neem for a few weeks with no improvement. Now thanks to bro SmokingWings and his mention of root aphids I’m dosingl with Captain Jacks Spinosad. We will see about critters dining on my roots, bam can you taste that Spinosad?

In other news the Hawaiian Haze got a light trim and the half stunted Ak Purps is slowly flowering.

Dropped 1 Alaska Purple bean in water yesterday. I’m still hanging on to 1 more AK purps bean!
She slid into a 7.5 gallon container of soil this evening. This is an old photo from last bean drop!

You can’t be calling them clone #2 and clone #1.

It’s just so impersonal. Girls need names. If they’re twins I’d go MaryKate and Ashley.
Hey THG,

Pro-mix is good but any bagged soil can come with critters, but I’m sure they’ve got strict quality control in place. Farside05 has a recipe for making Faux-Mix which obviously is a take off on the real deal, it’s peat, perlite & mycos and cuts the price in half for 2X the volume of soil.... nit bad! The base for my soil is faux mix but I’ve added the veritable kitchen sink of amendments.

I’m more convinced now that I’ve got aphids somewhere either root or in the foliage.... we are headed for a show down at the ranch!
Hey Sweet Tra,

MaryKate & Ashley huh.... you really want me to give stripper names don’t ya! he, he, he..... This is a classy joint, I need some upscale names to keep up appearances. I can’t be affiliated with a low rent plant brothel.

I’m so glad you are stacking up jars and dropping new beans. I was afraid we were going to lose you over the bud trimming part. Chin up, it gets much better... and then you get mites!

My buddy asked me... Why don’t you get remarried? Told him I was gonna save a few steps, I’ll find a woman I can learn to hate and just buy her a house! (cymbal clash) I’ll be here all night - please tip your server.

All right Missy, it’s that time. Hope your shift is sensational!
Hey Sweet Tra,

MaryKate & Ashley huh.... you really want me to give stripper names don’t ya! he, he, he..... This is a classy joint, I need some upscale names to keep up appearances. I can’t be affiliated with a low rent plant brothel.

I’m so glad you are stacking up jars and dropping new beans. I was afraid we were going to lose you over the bud trimming part. Chin up, it gets much better... and then you get mites!

My buddy asked me... Why don’t you get remarried? Told him I was gonna save a few steps, I’ll find a woman I can learn to hate and just buy her a house! (cymbal clash) I’ll be here all night - please tip your server.

All right Missy, it’s that time. Hope your shift is sensational!
I don’t think I will ever like trimming!
I’m hoping this is all two hit shit, I’d rather it be one hit shit but since it’s cobs you don’t mind hitting it hard or hitting it twice anyway

the spring bedpan nugget collection in his and her sizes. Start collecting now and get the whole set. It’s only 9.99 but wait there’s more.... We've been trying to contact you about your cars extended warranty.. Do you suffer from that embarrassing itch, the one you can’t scratch in public? Hey how about vinyl siding?

now what does this have to do with the price of kitty in china? Everything you see its a cornspiracy perpetuated by.... Elvis and the aliens. They landed the craft near Graceland and Monsanto probed him and implanted GMO corn seeds....., ffs... who the heck is reading this drivel anyway?

Ok Richard noggin ... first pic is right after the first sweat

the small ones are gifts they started as 18 grams wet. from a distance all I can get is peppermint scent but up close a hint of earthy but then the delectable scent of a well made breakfast bar or breakfast cereal mix. That doesn’t sound too great to me but we shall see... the proof is in the pudding and where the flip is my spoon??
Have you tried the hydrogen peroxide trick? That helped when i had aphids. I have seen a few more lately so its has to be the soil which is odd i used DE dried mixed and dried the soil completely before planting. My plants seem to be doing better this time around. I'll take a pic of the 2 things I use but do the food safe hydrogen peroxide... (I also used the reg in a brown bottle but shhh)
Eyes gnats..I'm getting aquarium sand and layer it on top. I don't know what that will do to the top mat root layer but its gotta be better than what the Fn gnat larva are doing to it. I have to many other house plants for treatments jfc I'd need 5 gallon containers of neem and a hired hand to come do it lol
Right now, I'm pulling the yellow card..

They work especially if you dont drop them on the soil first
Welcome aboard MrSauga! Glad to have you here.

Ah yes those cobs, that’s my weed savings bank! I like freshies or well cured bud much better but want to regularly contribute to my rainy day, let’s stay home and get blazed support system.

That 140 gram cob cured out to about 30 grams but wow it’s still got a punch and you can hit it like a Hoover vacuum cleaner and never cough.
Hey Midwest!

Come on in and grab a spot on the couch, the necessary rolling oops I mean reading materials for this safety meeting are in the tray.... help yourself.

Yes, I’ve heard of the hydrogen peroxide trick but I was hoping to avoid wiping out the micro life. Altho, I could simply recharge with azos, mycos and some cooked soil. Think I’ve got a fix in but time will tell.

I hope between the 2 versions you can knock them down permanently, critters are a pain! Ok cool I won’t say a word.... Drop in anytime!
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