Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Nice upcan! Your plants are looking so happy to have you as their mother. :)

I just did a load of GeoPots last weekend and my washing machine didn't like it one bit. It leaked all over the floor and I had to rinse them again with the hose outside. They came out nice in the end though:
20220613_193019 GeoPot Laundry.jpg

Six 7g, one 5g, two 2g, and two 1g going all the way back to summer 2021. And I just found four more 1g post tucked away that need time!
While I don't find pot laundry much fun, the results that I get with the GeoPots is totally worth it.
Wish some of mine had handles. I suppose that there is nothing stopping me from adding some.
We'll see if I ever get to it.
that's the big crappy about fabric bags..

two solutions :

1) large laundromat washing machine. the big ones are called extractors. you may get chased away by someone brandishing a broomstick, or something more threatening, in a foreign language.

2) pressure washer. either home or commercial car wash. rip them out good with a pressure washer either do a hand clean or use a home washing machine after.

well maybe 3 solutions ..

3) just go back to cheap easy to source hard sides. more and more folk i know are doing this after a few years of fabric.
In the winter I vacuum mine out. In the summer I spray them off with my jet hose or brush them out if they are dry enough.
It isn't so bad. Just a little time consuming. I have enough pots that I only have to do it biannually.
I'll never grow weed in plastic pots (I can't imagine how rootbound they'd be after 80+ days of veg) but less soap and less water should get them through the HE washing machine better next time!
I don't have a HE machine but I still went on the lower side with the water and don't use soap at all. I just used the color safe bleach(H202) on the delicate cycle. I move them around after the spin and do an extra rinse.
Most times I let them soak for an hour first before I start the cycle.
Your buds are amazing! Lovely autos!
Thank you Jon.
Easy plants, once again.
Hey VG, I've been following on here.
I know! Great to have you follow along!:ciao::love:
Your wookies, cookies and blueberry are looking immaculate :adore:
I seem to have halted the issue I had with the Blueberry. Just a few rusty spots now but the plant looks a much healthier green.
Your @CoffeeShopSeeds spears make me happy I have a tent full of CoffeeShopSeeds plants V! They're fantastic!
I feel bad at how behind I am on your journal. It's nothing personal at all. I hope that you know that. I'm behind on everyone's. I luv ya but I'm up to my eyeballs this summer.

I just found out that it may get even more busy and complicated. It's a long story. A bit to long to tell today but I will spill the tea soon.

Gotta say that I'm happy with the @CoffeeShopSeeds Blueberry Auto. Nice structure and is hella stinky with blueberry goodness. Wish my Critical would have popped. That plant may have to wait a bit longer to get sprouted. It depends upon on how the summer/fall goes for me.

I can tell you this much, I may very well be going down to two, possibly one grow space if all goes as planned.

I'm as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
I just hope that I can continue to grow...
Holy smokes...
It's been a rough week.
Plants are doing ok though.

Time to put that Cookie X into flower ASAP. Hopefully I will have time to fully flower her out.

Life is changing quickly here. I have no idea where I'm going to be come Sept/Oct. We may be moving.
I don't know what this will mean for my grow if it does happen. Hopefully I'll just be down a space. I'll have to leave my beloved closet behind.
That makes me sad. I love the little grow space that the bf and I built together. I know it's nothing fancy but it has served us well.

I have to look to the future though. The new place is quite a bit bigger and would function better for my family.
Things are still kinda up in the air but we should know more soon.

Wish us luck, we are gonna need it. Either way we are going to have a ton of work ahead of us. This all happened rather suddenly. We weren't even looking for a different place but an opportunity presented itself. Lately my fortune cookies have been pretty adamant that I should go for it!
Far be it from me to question the devine nature and prophetic wisdom of the cookie.
Nice work on those autos, VG...and the Cookies x is just beautiful...:green_heart:

Best of luck on the upcoming changes, I hope everything works out well for you and the family!
And I also hope there's a spot to grow some weed in your new place..:)
Holy smokes...
It's been a rough week.
Plants are doing ok though.

Time to put that Cookie X into flower ASAP. Hopefully I will have time to fully flower her out.

Life is changing quickly here. I have no idea where I'm going to be come Sept/Oct. We may be moving.
I don't know what this will mean for my grow if it does happen. Hopefully I'll just be down a space. I'll have to leave my beloved closet behind.
That makes me sad. I love the little grow space that the bf and I built together. I know it's nothing fancy but it has served us well.

I have to look to the future though. The new place is quite a bit bigger and would function better for my family.
Things are still kinda up in the air but we should know more soon.

Wish us luck, we are gonna need it. Either way we are going to have a ton of work ahead of us. This all happened rather suddenly. We weren't even looking for a different place but an opportunity presented itself. Lately my fortune cookies have been pretty adamant that I should go for it!
Far be it from me to question the devine nature and prophetic wisdom of the cookie.
I love how you show us completely insane auto buds and then say “the plants are doing okay though.” Brilliant. Master of Understatement!

Wow that’s a lot of decision making! All I can say besides wishing you luck and good vibes is that if the fortune cookies are speaking to you, you ought to at least consider their point of view.

Good luck!
Despite the tough week you're having, VG, your plants don't look like they're suffering at all.

Good luck with the possible move! I hope it all works out for you and that your grow isn't disrupted because of it.
Nice work on those autos, VG...and the Cookies x is just beautiful...:green_heart:

Best of luck on the upcoming changes, I hope everything works out well for you and the family!
And I also hope there's a spot to grow some weed in your new place..:)
Thanks Carcass.
Still no new news on the other place. We've been busy with birthdays and our anniversary. 16 years is a long time..
Still worried about a place to grow over at the other place. We're supposed to look at it next week then decide if we want it or not.
Sounds like a big bite V! They taste the best! Good luck with the new place! I'm looking forward to the new digs already! It's not near Boston by any chance is it?;)
Lol. It's nowhere near Boston but it is exactly one block closer to Boston than I am right now!
Good luck with what is unfolding for you VG. I hope it all goes smoothly. I hope you get to continue growing!
I hope so too. I grow my meds for a genetic spinal issue. I really need them or life is pretty unbearable.
I may have to get creative in how I hide my tents by building a cabinet for them. My hope is that the walk-in closet is big enough for both of my tents. I'll find that out this coming week when we go check out the place.
Fingers crossed!!
I love how you show us completely insane auto buds and then say “the plants are doing okay though.” Brilliant. Master of Understatement!

Wow that’s a lot of decision making! All I can say besides wishing you luck and good vibes is that if the fortune cookies are speaking to you, you ought to at least consider their point of view.

Good luck!
I've had another cookie since then. This one said " Be prepared to accept a wondrous opportunity in the days ahead"!!
Pretty positive. I should consult baked goods more often!
Despite the tough week you're having, VG, your plants don't look like they're suffering at all.

Good luck with the possible move! I hope it all works out for you and that your grow isn't disrupted because of it.
The plants could look better. I have this awful habit about not turning my plants 1/4 turn daily or moving them around the tent so they get even lighting. You can see how some of the colas on the Blueberry Auto are much shorter than the others. I believe this is the outcome for my lack of attention lately. I'll try to do better in the future.
Spearalicious, and possibly exciting news! :cheer: for the future of the G fam.

Lol. Mystical cookie x, speak to me!
She is becoming a stinker!
Here is the quick rundown of my cloning method. Some things have changed slightly in the last year. Just minor tweaks but it has improved things.

When I take my clones I usually go for a top if it's convenient. Barring that I take a soft (green) cutting. A cutting that hasn't become stiff from growing 'bark'.
I put the cuttings into water for two or three days. These are some that I took a few days ago. I have yet to transfer them to perlite. It's already full of cuttings that I need to either cull or transplant.
This is my new perlite set-up. It's a seedling tray with a reservoir (drip tray) underneath. I can see the water level easier and can hold eight clones at a time.
These cuttings are just over a week old and look like they have some nice roots going.

I keep my cuttings in very bright yet filtered light. In this case, on top of my armoire, in front of a frosted east facing window. Barring that I recommend a 20ish watt lamp. They don't need anything too bright.

I always let the perlite cups run dry and then fill back up with fresh tap. You don't want them to wilt but you do want them looking for moisture.

Hope that explains my method.
Not the best method but it is one that I don't have to constantly check. I just check water levels every three days or so. If it's warmer where you are , you may need to check more frequently.

I have an rh of around 50-60% where they are sitting. It's right next to an open top aquarium..

By putting them in water for a few days they don't droop at all. If I stick them straight into perlite I get mixed results.

If you have any questions about this , don't hesitate to ask.
Here is the quick rundown of my cloning method. Some things have changed slightly in the last year. Just minor tweaks but it has improved things.

When I take my clones I usually go for a top if it's convenient. Barring that I take a soft (green) cutting. A cutting that hasn't become stiff from growing 'bark'.
I put the cuttings into water for two or three days. These are some that I took a few days ago. I have yet to transfer them to perlite. It's already full of cuttings that I need to either cull or transplant.
This is my new perlite set-up. It's a seedling tray with a reservoir (drip tray) underneath. I can see the water level easier and can hold eight clones at a time.
These cuttings are just over a week old and look like they have some nice roots going.

I keep my cuttings in very bright yet filtered light. In this case, on top of my armoire, in front of a frosted east facing window. Barring that I recommend a 20ish watt lamp. They don't need anything too bright.

I always let the perlite cups run dry and then fill back up with fresh tap. You don't want them to wilt but you do want them looking for moisture.

Hope that explains my method.
Not the best method but it is one that I don't have to constantly check. I just check water levels every three days or so. If it's warmer where you are , you may need to check more frequently.

I have an rh of around 50-60% where they are sitting. It's right next to an open top aquarium..

By putting them in water for a few days they don't droop at all. If I stick them straight into perlite I get mixed results.

If you have any questions about this , don't hesitate to ask.
Are you using any rooting hormones or just straight into the perlite?
Are you using any rooting hormones or just straight into the perlite?
Just straight tap water. Mine is high in Cal and mag. I would try rooting hormone if I had any. I just never seem to get around to ordering any. I have more essential things that I need to purchase before something like that.

I suppose that I could grab some aspirin or make some rooting hormone out of willow bark....

Someday I'll get around to grabbing some dip-n-grow.
Happy 16th!
Thanks darlin'!
It was a quiet day. All the kids were there. We started watched Man vs Bee on Netflix starring Rowan Atkinson.
Its pretty funny so far.
Happy Anniversary, VG! Only another 22 years and you'll be where me and Felonious are. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Wookiee is gonna be done well before that Blueberry. Wookiee has all the smell and the Blueberry is turning into a chonk monster. She has just begun to senesce. Those buds are probably gonna double in size yet.

I stick the Cookies X into flower this morning after a little thinning. She was crazy dense. Her lights are out for another few hours. I'll grab pics this evening and post them up soon.

Hope y'all are doing well.
I'm hanging in there,baby.
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