Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Oh, that's not how I read this:

Lol. Yes.
I did say that. I was being a bit cheeky.
I'll stop...
Downsizing has its benefits.
It does.
You can find things a lot easier.

I may be gone for a few days. Still waiting to find out. Dad was sent to the ER this morning. Possible stroke.

I'll update when I can.
Mmmmm that wookie auto is my favourite. Beautiful big buds…. Awesome job
Thanks for the compliment, BC NZ.
I appreciate it.
Damn I hope he's okay and it's nothing major. Let the medical team know he has family that cares!
Me too. I haven't heard anything yet.

I've been trying to keep busy so my mind doesn't wander and fill with worry.

Just mowed the lawn. Dang it's hot out. Made me a bit dizzy.
Cooling off with a cold pack in front of the AC for now.
Best of luck to your Dad, VG- I hope it is just a minor bump in the road for him :love:
And congrats on the Wookiee harvest, she's a chonker!
Hey y'all.
A little update on my dad.
Looks like dad had a transient ischemic attack or mini stroke. He is recovering back at his assisted living facility.
They put him on some meds to hopefully avoid a true stroke in the future. He will be under close observation.
He's in good spirits and ours have greatly improved since yesterday.
Hey y'all.
A little update on my dad.
Looks like dad had a transient ischemic attack or mini stroke. He is recovering back at his assisted living facility.
They put him on some meds to hopefully avoid a true stroke in the future. He will be under close observation.
He's in good spirits and ours have greatly improved since yesterday.
Glad to hear good news! Glad your collective spirits are up too. It’s important to maintain positivity for the recovering person. I’ve been through this in my family too. TIA in my case, similar result. Good luck! Good vibes!
Great news about Dad,VG! :thumb:
I know how stressful something like this can be, glad you can rest a little easier tonight:love:
Oh, good news! I hope it's smooth sailing on the new meds. :circle-of-love:
So far, so good. He said he's feeling fine.
Glad to hear good news! Glad your collective spirits are up too. It’s important to maintain positivity for the recovering person. I’ve been through this in my family too. TIA in my case, similar result. Good luck! Good vibes!
Thanks Jon.
I try to stay as positive as I can. It's been a rough year for our family. Things have quited down for now. I'm thankful to have some sort of reprieve from the madness.
Very nice to hear V! Hugs for your dad!:circle-of-love::hug::circle-of-love: And you!
Hugs to you too, sweetie. :hug:
Great news about Dad,VG! :thumb:
I know how stressful something like this can be, glad you can rest a little easier tonight:love:
Good to have some of the stress gone. Still have a fair amount to deal with.
This housing deal isn't 100% yet.
Bf is supposed to talk to the seller this weekend and make sure it's still happening. He has to look at the place yet. Should be soon.
Poor Cookies X got within 2" of the Nextlight Core.
I don't see any damage yet.

I did move her over to the closet. With the shelf out she has a few feet to the light. Maybe a bit too far away right now.
I'll measure later and get her at the correct distance.

Its been three weeks since flip and she's still stretching...
Your plants look great, VG! Sorry to hear of your dad's hospitalization but I'm happy to hear he's back at his normal home now. :hug:
Pretty puffballs! Turn AC off and put on short sleeves. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Yeah. It gets pretty chilly in here. I'm back in long sleeves today.
The tents and rest of the house get too hot without the AC. With it on ,my tents stay between 70-80°.
I just get chilled sitting right next to it.

Your plants look great, VG! Sorry to hear of your dad's hospitalization but I'm happy to hear he's back at his normal home now. :hug:
:hug: Thanks HG.
He's doing quite well now.
It's summer so most of his days are filled with watching Baseball games.
His favorite pastime.
Hey y'all.
Hope you're all doing well.
I hope to carve out a little time to catch up in the near future.
For now, it's utter madness.
I get up at 4:30. I do my plant chores and have coffee. Then I get on the computer to look at equipment reviews and videos for future purchases. J helped me with figuring out a good paint sprayer so that's off my plate. Helpful dude.
I still need to get a random orbital sander and a few other things. Reviews and vids can get hella boring.
Then the rest of my days is getting as much extra stuff done while still doing my normal chores.
I'm beat.
Took this evening off because my oldest is visiting.
Bf grabbed us some edibles. My first legal pot. He just grabbed them from the corner tobacconist. No restrictions other than age. You can buy and possess as many as you can afford. This is fucking wild. I can't believe this shit went down and they legalized edibles with delta 9 muchless forgot to add any restrictions. LMFAO!!

I'm high af btw. Just thought I'd throw that out there. I noticed that I'm kinda rambling but can't seem to stop...or care.


I should show all you good folks a pic of at least one plant.

How about the Cookies X?

She's cool.

I'm gonna go eat more weed and maybe burgers.

OMG I reacted to a post and MrS had already been here!
OMG. He was and I missed it.
I love that fella. :love: :love: :love:

That Cookies X certainly has two different layers of canopy.
Lol. She's a weirdo.
Should have some crazy spears if all goes well. I'm still thinking about trimming the lower canopy.
Don't drop too much on some for the orbital sander.
I think it was a one time thing. I can't afford those prices.
I've convinced the bf that I need some molds. Just have to find the right ones....and find a good recipe.;)
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