Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Pics of the Cookies X at day # 88 since sprout and day #1 since flip.
She is on Prescription Blend for nutes and was vegged under the @Atreum Lighting Hydra-3200. I did have to move her under a different light for flower. Space management and all that good stuff.

She may very well be the last plant that I flower in my closet. :confused:
Nobody saw this shit coming....

From Mother Jones.

MN republicans accidentally legalize THC edibles in MN.

Here’s something you don’t see every day: On Friday, THC-infused edibles and beverages became legal in the great state of Minnesota, after a law containing the legalization measure was included in a health and human services funding bill. How did this measure get through? Critically, a key Republican state senator who co-chaired the committee that passed it didn’t read the text closely enough. According to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Sen. Jim Abeler “said he didn’t realize the new law would legalize edibles containing delta-9 THC before it passed,” and thought he was just regulating existing CBD products:

“I thought we were doing a technical fix, and it winded up having a broader impact than I expected,” Abeler said adding that the Legislature should consider rolling the new law back.

House Democrats and Gov. Tim Walz, both of whom support recreational marijuana legalization, are unlikely to agree to such a request. Majority Leader Ryan Winkler, DFL-Golden Valley, called Abeler’s suggestion to roll back the law “ridiculous” and said Democrats have no interest in doing so.

Minnesota Reformer’s account adds another great detail: after Abeler, along with a bipartisan conference committee of House and Senate members, voted unanimously for the amendment, Abeler then said out loud, “That doesn’t legalize marijuana—we didn’t just do that.”
To which, a Democratic state Rep. said: “Oh, are you kidding? Of course you have. Of course you have. No, just kidding. We’ll do that next, Okay?”

Abeler’s qualification was technically true—the fine print of the measure legalized THC products derived from hemp, but not from marijuana, even though they have the same effect: helping people get high.

This isn’t quite the ideal way to pass important legislation, and there appear to be some kinks to work out—for instance, more clearly defining who can actually sell edibles in the state. But Minnesota isn’t entering the Wild West entirely; as the Star-Tribune notes, it’s still imposing some basic guidelines, such as child-proof packaging and an over-21 age restriction. Still, by opening its stores to edibles, Minnesota made history: It’s the only state in America that’s legalized only edibles for recreational use. Maybe a few months of gummies will soften them on the rest.
Maybe a few months of gummies will soften them on the rest.
I think things will move right along, once they see that tax money rolling in...
When contraband turns to commodity, the gov't wants a big ol' slice of  that pie.. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Nobody saw this shit coming....

From Mother Jones.

MN republicans accidentally legalize THC edibles in MN.

Here’s something you don’t see every day: On Friday, THC-infused edibles and beverages became legal in the great state of Minnesota, after a law containing the legalization measure was included in a health and human services funding bill. How did this measure get through? Critically, a key Republican state senator who co-chaired the committee that passed it didn’t read the text closely enough. According to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Sen. Jim Abeler “said he didn’t realize the new law would legalize edibles containing delta-9 THC before it passed,” and thought he was just regulating existing CBD products:

“I thought we were doing a technical fix, and it winded up having a broader impact than I expected,” Abeler said adding that the Legislature should consider rolling the new law back.

House Democrats and Gov. Tim Walz, both of whom support recreational marijuana legalization, are unlikely to agree to such a request. Majority Leader Ryan Winkler, DFL-Golden Valley, called Abeler’s suggestion to roll back the law “ridiculous” and said Democrats have no interest in doing so.

Minnesota Reformer’s account adds another great detail: after Abeler, along with a bipartisan conference committee of House and Senate members, voted unanimously for the amendment, Abeler then said out loud, “That doesn’t legalize marijuana—we didn’t just do that.”
To which, a Democratic state Rep. said: “Oh, are you kidding? Of course you have. Of course you have. No, just kidding. We’ll do that next, Okay?”

Abeler’s qualification was technically true—the fine print of the measure legalized THC products derived from hemp, but not from marijuana, even though they have the same effect: helping people get high.

This isn’t quite the ideal way to pass important legislation, and there appear to be some kinks to work out—for instance, more clearly defining who can actually sell edibles in the state. But Minnesota isn’t entering the Wild West entirely; as the Star-Tribune notes, it’s still imposing some basic guidelines, such as child-proof packaging and an over-21 age restriction. Still, by opening its stores to edibles, Minnesota made history: It’s the only state in America that’s legalized only edibles for recreational use. Maybe a few months of gummies will soften them on the rest.
Hey V.G. :ciao: thanks for that.
I never would have known.
And just thought they were doing a slow roll out of pot restrictions. :rofl:
Oh my your politicians are very interesting to say the least.
We watch in wonder what is happening to you. :rolleyes:
Here in Ontario legalization has looked like a monkey feking a football.
And the worst part is the government did it on purpose.
First there were only 6 stores for the province and you had to buy you meds through the mail, not ideal for a lot of people.
Great for the mailman. :bong:
Then all of a sudden there is 6 stores on every street.
Then no one makes money but the government.
Because everyone has to but their pot through them no matter what.
They have the market cornered and don't care.
And when you order 6 cases from them they never have stock.
It's very frustrating.
And you are only allowed to buy and possess 28 grams at any given time.
Outside your house, it's a ridiculous law the cops love enforcing. :bongrip:
They take all your pot.
There were so many ridiculous things.
I'm not going to keep ranting about them sorry.
Hope your having a nice day my friend.

Stay safe :cool:
Pics of the Cookies X at day # 88 since sprout and day #1 since flip.
She is on Prescription Blend for nutes and was vegged under the @Atreum Lighting Hydra-3200. I did have to move her under a different light for flower. Space management and all that good stuff.

She may very well be the last plant that I flower in my closet. :confused:
What’s your take so far on the Prescription Blend nutes? I’m in love with them. I’ve gotten flawless plant after flawless plant with them. They are now my go to non-organic nute!
Nobody saw this shit coming....

From Mother Jones.

MN republicans accidentally legalize THC edibles in MN.

Here’s something you don’t see every day: On Friday, THC-infused edibles and beverages became legal in the great state of Minnesota, after a law containing the legalization measure was included in a health and human services funding bill. How did this measure get through? Critically, a key Republican state senator who co-chaired the committee that passed it didn’t read the text closely enough. According to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Sen. Jim Abeler “said he didn’t realize the new law would legalize edibles containing delta-9 THC before it passed,” and thought he was just regulating existing CBD products:

“I thought we were doing a technical fix, and it winded up having a broader impact than I expected,” Abeler said adding that the Legislature should consider rolling the new law back.

House Democrats and Gov. Tim Walz, both of whom support recreational marijuana legalization, are unlikely to agree to such a request. Majority Leader Ryan Winkler, DFL-Golden Valley, called Abeler’s suggestion to roll back the law “ridiculous” and said Democrats have no interest in doing so.

Minnesota Reformer’s account adds another great detail: after Abeler, along with a bipartisan conference committee of House and Senate members, voted unanimously for the amendment, Abeler then said out loud, “That doesn’t legalize marijuana—we didn’t just do that.”
To which, a Democratic state Rep. said: “Oh, are you kidding? Of course you have. Of course you have. No, just kidding. We’ll do that next, Okay?”

Abeler’s qualification was technically true—the fine print of the measure legalized THC products derived from hemp, but not from marijuana, even though they have the same effect: helping people get high.

This isn’t quite the ideal way to pass important legislation, and there appear to be some kinks to work out—for instance, more clearly defining who can actually sell edibles in the state. But Minnesota isn’t entering the Wild West entirely; as the Star-Tribune notes, it’s still imposing some basic guidelines, such as child-proof packaging and an over-21 age restriction. Still, by opening its stores to edibles, Minnesota made history: It’s the only state in America that’s legalized only edibles for recreational use. Maybe a few months of gummies will soften them on the rest.
I posted this article too. LMAO. Idiots.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Maybe a few months of gummies will soften them on the rest.
This is the funniest thing ever! Whoops it's ok for thc infused edibles. There's some red faced politicians going to work the office this week! NayNaNayNaPooPoo!
I think things will move right along, once they see that tax money rolling in...
When contraband turns to commodity, the gov't wants a big ol' slice of  that pie.. :cheesygrinsmiley:
True but it'll take years to get there. Bill mentioned a monkey and a football? Yes!
We watch in wonder what is happening to you.
Don't get me started! :):confused: This is the thing nightmares are made from!

Your Wookie and Blueberry Auto's are killer V! I have a Skywalker Kush That is growing like your blueberry. Been waiting for the day really. Those giant colas big as soda bottles sure look great!
I think things will move right along, once they see that tax money rolling in...
When contraband turns to commodity, the gov't wants a big ol' slice of  that pie.. :cheesygrinsmiley:
It's only the GOP that's standing in the way of progress here. Surprised?

Hopefully we'll just vote them out of office this time. We have our foot in the door now. It occurred to me that I can state that I'm stoned in public without any issue. It's legal-ish now.

Hey V.G. :ciao: thanks for that.
I never would have known.
And just thought they were doing a slow roll out of pot restrictions. :rofl:
Oh my your politicians are very interesting to say the least.
We watch in wonder what is happening to you. :rolleyes:
Here in Ontario legalization has looked like a monkey feking a football.
And the worst part is the government did it on purpose.
First there were only 6 stores for the province and you had to buy you meds through the mail, not ideal for a lot of people.
Great for the mailman. :bong:
Then all of a sudden there is 6 stores on every street.
Then no one makes money but the government.
Because everyone has to but their pot through them no matter what.
They have the market cornered and don't care.
And when you order 6 cases from them they never have stock.
It's very frustrating.
And you are only allowed to buy and possess 28 grams at any given time.
Outside your house, it's a ridiculous law the cops love enforcing. :bongrip:
They take all your pot.
There were so many ridiculous things.
I'm not going to keep ranting about them sorry.
Hope your having a nice day my friend.

Stay safe :cool:
Government will fuck up the best things in life.
Our Governor has been trying to legalize for four years. He's gotten smokeable flower for med users. That happened this February. Between the edibles and the flower things are changing for the better , albeit slowly.

What’s your take so far on the Prescription Blend nutes? I’m in love with them. I’ve gotten flawless plant after flawless plant with them. They are now my go to non-organic nute!
Love em. Really easy to use.
I do prefer to use a graduated shot glass for measuring. I get a more precise amount over the pipettes. They dribble a bit and throw my amounts off sometimes by a ml or so.

It's easier to do a five gallon pail with the shot glass as well. I can sometimes lose count at how many 10 ml pipettes I've used. This way if I get distracted I can figure out where I am easier.
I posted this article too. LMAO. Idiots.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Lol. We are still laughing our asses off about it.
I saw the video on YouTube too. Was really funny.
This is the funniest thing ever! Whoops it's ok for thc infused edibles. There's some red faced politicians going to work the office this week! NayNaNayNaPooPoo!
It's hilarious. Dude probably got so much shit from his coworkers and constituents.
Zero chance that the Governor is rolling that shit back.
Your Wookie and Blueberry Auto's are killer V! I have a Skywalker Kush That is growing like your blueberry. Been waiting for the day really. Those giant colas big as soda bottles sure look great!
Thanks. I did notice a few bad leaves on the Blueberry. I'll have to investigate further. Not too worried about her right now. I'm far too busy.

Could be that I let her get a little too dry. I'm spread pretty thin these days.
It's been challenging to keep them all fed since they are on different schedules.

I have to clean out and scrap a vehicle today...if it stops raining. After that I need to start painting the exterior of my current place. Hopefully I can start this next week. If we end up moving a paint job would certainly help to sell this place. I don't think it's been painted since 1977.
Then I'm on to inspecting the new place and figuring out what I need to rehab that place before we move in. I know it needs new flooring and paint but not sure what else. It's hard to tell with all the current owners stuff everywhere. I can paint pretty well and the bf used to be a flooring installer. We have that covered at least.
I'll measure the master, walk-in closet and bathroom and see how much room I'll have to grow. That's the thing that's worrying me right now.
I'd like to keep the 2x4 and 2x2 both running. I don't think that anything less than two spaces would give us the amounts we need. I'll already be down a grow closet.
Cross your fingers for me. This is a lot for me to handle. I've been eating stress for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

So much shit to do in 80+ days. Oof...

The Wookiee Auto is pretty much done. Just waiting for her soil to dry out a little bit. Blueberry has a way to go yet.

Kinda loving this Cookies X. She's a big girl.

Hope she stops stretching soon or I may have to take my shelf out to grow her in my closet. That's the tallest space that I have. For now she's in the 2x2 tent. I switched her around with the Autos. I was trying to avoid moving the shelf so I switched spots. The tent is a little taller than the closet with the shelf installed.

That's all for these ladies.
Damn, you're a busy gal, VG!
Thanks for taking the time to post up those beautiful plants!
** I think you're gonna need to move that shelf... :)
Your plants look amazing.
Why , thank you Joseph!
I'm surprised at how good they look. I haven't been spending much time with them lately.
I may have been guilty of overloving my plants in the past.
I think they like to be left alone.
Damn, you're a busy gal, VG!
Thanks for taking the time to post up those beautiful plants!
** I think you're gonna need to move that shelf... :)
I'm crazy busy. The only reason I had any time to post today is because it's raining. I'm stuck inside doing dishes and laundry. Picking away at my room. Getting rid of extra stuff.
Whether or not I move , I still need to throw a bunch of stuff. I just have way too much shit.
It's only the GOP that's standing in the way of progress here. Surprised?

Hopefully we'll just vote them out of office this time. We have our foot in the door now. It occurred to me that I can state that I'm stoned in public without any issue. It's legal-ish now.

Government will fuck up the best things in life.
Our Governor has been trying to legalize for four years. He's gotten smokeable flower for med users. That happened this February. Between the edibles and the flower things are changing for the better , albeit slowly.

Love em. Really easy to use.
I do prefer to use a graduated shot glass for measuring. I get a more precise amount over the pipettes. They dribble a bit and throw my amounts off sometimes by a ml or so.

It's easier to do a five gallon pail with the shot glass as well. I can sometimes lose count at how many 10 ml pipettes I've used. This way if I get distracted I can figure out where I am easier.

Lol. We are still laughing our asses off about it.
I saw the video on YouTube too. Was really funny.

It's hilarious. Dude probably got so much shit from his coworkers and constituents.
Zero chance that the Governor is rolling that shit back.

Thanks. I did notice a few bad leaves on the Blueberry. I'll have to investigate further. Not too worried about her right now. I'm far too busy.

Could be that I let her get a little too dry. I'm spread pretty thin these days.
It's been challenging to keep them all fed since they are on different schedules.

I have to clean out and scrap a vehicle today...if it stops raining. After that I need to start painting the exterior of my current place. Hopefully I can start this next week. If we end up moving a paint job would certainly help to sell this place. I don't think it's been painted since 1977.
Then I'm on to inspecting the new place and figuring out what I need to rehab that place before we move in. I know it needs new flooring and paint but not sure what else. It's hard to tell with all the current owners stuff everywhere. I can paint pretty well and the bf used to be a flooring installer. We have that covered at least.
I'll measure the master, walk-in closet and bathroom and see how much room I'll have to grow. That's the thing that's worrying me right now.
I'd like to keep the 2x4 and 2x2 both running. I don't think that anything less than two spaces would give us the amounts we need. I'll already be down a grow closet.
Cross your fingers for me. This is a lot for me to handle. I've been eating stress for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

So much shit to do in 80+ days. Oof...
Floors and paint are a huge chunk! Slow and steady when you can. Plants are beautiful as always V! :love:
Floors and paint are a huge chunk but those colas have a chuck of their own. :eek: Neglect is exactly what your plants need to be spectacular! Not that they weren't spectacular before, but they are improving with every grow.

Might have to give Rx Blend a try after seeing how nice yours have been lately.
Kinda loving this Cookies X. She's a big girl.
** I think you're gonna need to move that shelf
I agree with Carcass, or you might have to learn to supercrop. ;)
Floors and paint are a huge chunk! Slow and steady when you can. Plants are beautiful as always V! :love:
Thanks Stone.
Everyone is doing well except for the Blueberry and the Wookiee. Blueberry has some sort of yuck to her leaves and the Wookiee is dead.
Murdered in the prime of her life.

Not the only thing I've murdered lately. I let all of my mother's die. I'm scaling down. I also murdered my GG4 mother. That was unintentional. I have to look at her roots but it seems like rot or some sort of virus. Maybe didn't recover fully from the root and canopy trim.
I did take a cutting when I trimmed her roots. I had a feeling that I should just in case. Happy that I did that.
Floors and paint are a huge chunk but those colas have a chuck of their own. :eek: Neglect is exactly what your plants need to be spectacular! Not that they weren't spectacular before, but they are improving with every grow.

Might have to give Rx Blend a try after seeing how nice yours have been lately.

I agree with Carcass, or you might have to learn to supercrop. ;)
She's about 4" from the Nextlight today. I'd better figure something out by morning. I'll probably move her.

Rx is great as long as you don't get distracted while mixing. That's the only thing that I don't care for about it. When you get into six part nutes, shit can happen.
Why the early Wookies harvest and the BBa leaves don't look like it's gonna make a lick of difference.

Glad you took the GG4 cutting since there might be call for that eventually!
Early? She was 101 days old. Had enough amber for me. I actually held off an extra week before chopping her.

The Blueberry...may have been distracted mixing up her nutes. I'm not entirely positive but it's a definite maybe. I'm not going to chase deficiencies. Just make sure that I'm giving her the correct amounts from here on out and see what happens.

GG4 Clone had roots so I potted her up yesterday. Seems a bit perkier today but I'll be nervous until she starts to grow some.
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