Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Blueberry and PK have thrived in your downtime. This brain fog thing may not be working for you but your plants love it! :thumb:
I think having the environment dialed in has made a huge difference. I haven't been using my humidi in veg for the last few rounds. No good reason why either.
Yeah. Those heating mats are working pretty good too.
:ciao: Glad you are feeling a little better VG. :love: Your plants are looking gorgeous! :drool:
Good to see you too, Darlin'.
Any day that I have the energy to post is a good day!

I really like the looks of the Blueberry. She's a hot mama. Gonna try to clone the tops from both the PK and BB.
I've had then sitting in water for four or five days now. Just need to clean the cloner and pop them in.
I'm kinda impressed with my GG4 GC.
You can't tell from the pic how many bud sites she truly has.
It's insane.

Hope her scrawny branches toughen up quick.
Helloooooo there!

Grabbed some pics of that ladies.
We'll start off with the youngest and go from there.

STS DDA is looking like she wants to give up the ghost. I'm just letting her hang for the time being.
The other one is hungry so she got her first full feeding of MC. It should have happened days ago. She'll be fine in a few days.

Next up is the Peppermint Kush and Blueberry. Looking pretty nice to me. They are also on nothing but MC 5gr/gal. These two should be transplanted later on today with any luck. I'll splay them a bit once they are in their new pots. A few days later I'm flipping! I have to do some pot laundry first but that's no biggie. I decided that I'm going to go with five gallon GeoPots once again.
Have nutes mixed and at the ready.

I had the Doug's Varin out for inspection and feeding. She is on Prescription Blend nutes. I had her a little lower than recommended but just gave her a one ml bump for the Core A&B inputs. She also got her first dose of Big Data, the P&K booster. All other inputs remain at the recommended doses.
She's gonna need some supercropping (music to Shed's ears) to keep a somewhat even canopy.

Thinking of doing some Autoflowers in the near future. I haven't done too many of those. Just a few DDA and an Amnesia Ryder. About time to try some more , I think.
We'll see what I can get my greedy lil hands on. I'll keep you posted on that.

Still want to do some reversing, possibly breeding and a big Forum SOG. Not sure what order that'll all happen in but that's the plan for now.

Hope y'all are keeping busy and staying healthy.
Helloooooo there!

Grabbed some pics of that ladies.
We'll start off with the youngest and go from there.

STS DDA is looking like she wants to give up the ghost. I'm just letting her hang for the time being.
The other one is hungry so she got her first full feeding of MC. It should have happened days ago. She'll be fine in a few days.

Next up is the Peppermint Kush and Blueberry. Looking pretty nice to me. They are also on nothing but MC 5gr/gal. These two should be transplanted later on today with any luck. I'll splay them a bit once they are in their new pots. A few days later I'm flipping! I have to do some pot laundry first but that's no biggie. I decided that I'm going to go with five gallon GeoPots once again.
Have nutes mixed and at the ready.

I had the Doug's Varin out for inspection and feeding. She is on Prescription Blend nutes. I had her a little lower than recommended but just gave her a one ml bump for the Core A&B inputs. She also got her first dose of Big Data, the P&K booster. All other inputs remain at the recommended doses.
She's gonna need some supercropping (music to Shed's ears) to keep a somewhat even canopy.

Thinking of doing some Autoflowers in the near future. I haven't done too many of those. Just a few DDA and an Amnesia Ryder. About time to try some more , I think.
We'll see what I can get my greedy lil hands on. I'll keep you posted on that.

Still want to do some reversing, possibly breeding and a big Forum SOG. Not sure what order that'll all happen in but that's the plan for now.

Hope y'all are keeping busy and staying healthy.
Wow VG, the green color of your plants blows me away, I wish I could take my pictures out of the LED light. Mine are like that too but I can't show it as well as this. And man, they're SO healthy!!! That BB and PK both look absolutely amazing and just wow. I have a question on your DV/PB nutes. I am also using PB nutes, on my Apple Blossom. I have used them since day one exactly as the chart prescribes, to the letter, with no adjustments. I chose to do it this way because imho, that's the only way to truly see if the PB "system" works as it's supposed to. I have found to my delight that these nutes are AMAZING. I'm in love with them. So my question is, why did you make the choice to alter the Core A and Core B, by any amount? Why not just use it as the system it's intended to be without altering it? Just curious. The plant looks amazing. GREAT job.
Wow VG, the green color of your plants blows me away, I wish I could take my pictures out of the LED light. Mine are like that too but I can't show it as well as this. And man, they're SO healthy!!! That BB and PK both look absolutely amazing and just wow. I have a question on your DV/PB nutes. I am also using PB nutes, on my Apple Blossom. I have used them since day one exactly as the chart prescribes, to the letter, with no adjustments. I chose to do it this way because imho, that's the only way to truly see if the PB "system" works as it's supposed to. I have found to my delight that these nutes are AMAZING. I'm in love with them. So my question is, why did you make the choice to alter the Core A and Core B, by any amount? Why not just use it as the system it's intended to be without altering it? Just curious. The plant looks amazing. GREAT job.
Doug's Varin is a 100% sativa. My pheno is a lighter feeder than Shed's appears to be. I was getting some signs of overfeeding,so I backed off a bit.

I ran the PB nutes in a journal and used them full strength. At the end I was overfeeding them a bit.

Same as most systems. Watch your plants and adjust.
Doug's Varin is a 100% sativa. My pheno is a lighter feeder than Shed's appears to be. I was getting some signs of overfeeding,so I backed off a bit.

I ran the PB nutes in a journal and used them full strength. At the end I was overfeeding them a bit.

Same as most systems. Watch your plants and adjust.
Interesting, and thanks. See, that's exactly why I asked. This is my first shot with them. Now that I hear (and respect) your feedback, I know to watch. It's easy for me to relax, perhaps a bit too much, when they've done so well so far. Helpful info. And I would have done the same had I seen what you saw, I didn't know you had seen signs of overfeeding and also had that other experience. I totally agree, watch your plants and adjust. I will say that this Apple Blossom seems to be a strain that particularly enjoys this system, but from what you say here, it is likely as strain specific as any other nute system. Also interesting is that this is the very first week that she is drinking enough that I just gave her the second feeding of the week (with a clean water in between) of flower week 2 of their chart. I was curious to see if they continue the same way now that they appear to be about to be nuted twice a week instead of once. Again, your experience helps with that too, cuz I was already over it (lol) and now I'll keep a closer eye.

One other question if you don't mind - you said the 100% sativa is a lighter feeder than the others. Closest I've grown to a 100% sativa (very hard to find if you can at all, as you know I'm sure, 100% sativas) is the Ghost Train Haze I just harvested, which is highly sativa. She was a heavier feeder than my other two plants in that grow, Slurricane and Hulkberry, both hybrids and close to balanced with the indica heavy in the Slurricane. So the question is, do you feel sativas in general are lighter feeders, or was that just your experience with this particular plant?

Thanks VG.
So the question is, do you feel sativas in general are lighter feeders, or was that just your experience with this particular plant?
Sativas really can vary. What I've noticed is that cultivars from Mexico (poor soils) and parts of South America tend to like high humidity,tons of light and light feedings. Thai Sativas can handle a little more food. They come from richer soils. I've also heard that having thinner leaves accounts for lighter feedings.
Then we get into phenotypes which can vary.

I haven't grow many full on sativas. Maybe just the GTH before this.
Your plants are beautiful VG. Lovely to look at, delightful to know, and heaven to smoke. :)

My DV is a rectangle, Melville's is a square, and yours is a diamond. :welldone:
She isn't a diamond anymore. I supercropped her this morning.
VG, you sound so much better - I’m glad you are recovered!

Your girls are looking fab! :yummy:
Thanks Felipe.
I'm feeling pretty good today.

Ladies are loving life.
Hello again!

Time for some cloning.

I've had the tops from the Peppermint Kush and Blueberry sitting on some water for a few days...maybe a week? Time flies.
Anyway, I'll be popping those two into my little coffee can cloner that I made a few months back. Just regular tap with a few drops of 4-0-0 cal-mag added.
I start them with the tip about 1/2" of water and just let it drop a bit through evaporation and plant transpiration.
I just keep an eye on the water level and check for goopies. I haven't had any so far. I keep the temp around 70- 75°.

I stopped using the cup/perlite method. I had to try something new so I can get more cuttings to clone a bit faster and more uniform. I'll be making another one of these cloners as soon as I can get a can. I still have coffee left over from the first one.

My old method was to fill a cup like this full of perlite and add water.
While it worked fine I would often get my cuttings mixed up and it was too easy to knock over. Causing me to cuss a lot.

So I cut these a little bit ago. I scraped the stems and stuck them in tap water.
All I have to do is insert them into the cloner collars ...

Thats it. I should have roots in about ten days +/-.
Garden is looking lovely VG! A late congrats on the wee ones! :party:
I’m happy your health is on the upswing of things :love: :hug:
Thats it. I should have roots in about ten days +/-.
Roots in ten days??!!??!? In plain water? Man, whenever I've done that it's taken damn near a month!

Do you think it's the stem scraping, or something else?

10 days. That's pretty impressive. :thumb:
Wait what? Your perlite cup has a hole in it? Someone tell Felipe and Azi!


:goodluck: with the new cuttings. I hope they're labeled. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I only used the cup with no holes because I misplaced these ones. The heavy plastic ones are my normal cloning/hempy cups.

They aren't labeled. I need to figure out which is which. I'm sure that the PK will betray herself easily.
Roots in ten days??!!??!? In plain water? Man, whenever I've done that it's taken damn near a month!

Do you think it's the stem scraping, or something else?

10 days. That's pretty impressive. :thumb:
That was 10 days +/-.
Could be 9 days and could be three weeks. :laughtwo:
Depends upon how easy these two particular strains are to clone.
I have had some that just refuse to root too.
My Chemdawg was super fast while my GG4 is just about dead before she puts out roots.
Just scraping and a few drops of 4-0-0 cal-mag is all I do. I leave them in a glass of water for a few days right after I cut and scrape. They don't seem to wilt as much as they do when they are put in the cloner right off of the plant.
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