Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Double filtered? Also, yay! I've clarified my butter as prep too and as today is harvest day - part 1, I'll be decarbing and infusing later on. SO excited. Have you tried yours yet?
I didn't get to try mine. Don't know when I will. I tried to use paper coffee filters to filter it and they took forever. I remembered that I had a mesh filter for my coffee maker. This thing worked beyond perfect. Looks like this.
So much easier to deal with and clean compared to cheese cloth.
What a coincidence. That's exactly what I bought an hour ago thinking it might work. Great minds eh!
Very nice, Mine worked great. You won't miss the mess you get with using cheese cloth. I bet you are elbows deep making budder right now.
My finished product. No need to drain. There is a very light film on the top. It is such a small amount I am not going to worry about it. I'm kinda afraid to try it. When my friends used to make it, it didn't look or smell this strong.
I might wait until next weekend to try it. Boyfriend is mad at me so I'm gonna hold off for now. If my back gets much worse I'll be trying it sooner.
No Himalaya Gold yet either. I don't remember how many days it's been. I'll just look back a page or two. I'm starting to wonder about these seeds though.
@Virgin ground who did you get them from!

I'd rather not say due to privacy concerns. I can tell you they were a comp. so they won't replace them. I did think about contacting them to see if they had better germination techniques, but I defer to the Greenhouse seeds website, since they are their product.
Did u water and paper towel them, or straight into Hempy/cubes
I soaked them for 24 hrs in distilled with a bit of peroxide. Lemon had a tail so she went straight in. Himalaya is in paper towels, still waiting.
Very nice, Mine worked great. You won't miss the mess you get with using cheese cloth. I bet you are elbows deep making budder right now.

Thanks for the advice, worked like a charm. I've got a cold and my nose and ears are blocked so can't really smell anything. Hope it didn't smell too strongly :p
Thanks for the advice, worked like a charm. I've got a cold and my nose and ears are blocked so can't really smell anything. Hope it didn't smell too strongly :p
If your neighbor gives you the stink eye later, you'll know. I'm going to have to go the roasting bag route in the future for decarb. I've been looking at multi-pots and rice cookers. These will help as well since they are enclosed for infusions.
My budder stinks up the kitchen if I take the lid off and let it sit for a few minutes. It had to be pretty strong smelling. I burned a bunch of nag champa incense in front of my exhaust hood while I was cooking. I went outside to check and the canna smell blended with the incense well.
The Himalaya Gold is a no show as of yet. I'll let the seed be for now.
I can do the following.
1. Drop another Lemon
2. Clone from my prior grows.
3. Mystery seeds that I found this morning. I found them in a jewellery box this morning... No clue as to what they are. No clue on the age or viability either.
4. Try the HG seeds once again. Maybe try soaking longer or getting hands on fulvic acid and try that.
5. Grow one Lemon in a 5 gallon hempy and fill my tent with her only.

This is the part of growing i don't really care for, as I am indecisive by nature.
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