Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

I wonder how that works if they can't retrieve the post? Do over ,I guess.

My Himalaya Gold seed sank. I'll put it in a baggie with a coffee filter or paper towel. Set it on the Xbox and hope for the best. I will have a few to try if this one doesn't take either.
She's growing. She has a small rip in her leaf. She came out that way.
Over two days my nuted water only went up from 5.8 to 5.9. That isn't terrible.
I was worried it would climb faster so I was pHing small amounts of water. Chris encouraged me to do a larger batch. It worked, of course. Thanks Chris.
Lil lemon is growing. You all know what they look like at that age. Lights are off anyway

No movement on the 2nd Himalaya Gold seed. I'll give her a week or so then I'll either try again or start a clone or drop a different mystery bagseed strain. These seeds are really big, they may just need a lot of time to sprout.
Don’t give up too soon
They are greenhouse seeds. I read their germination article. It said they may need up to 2 weeks to sprout. The seed is in a food container on my fridge in some moist paper towels. I'll give her a fighting chance. I'd really like to have some variety here. 6 months of one strain can get a bit dull.
Don't have much to post...kinda in limbo waiting for a seed to sprout.
the Lemon OG Candy is doubling the size of her first true leaves daily. She's growing well. She has a slow, steady growth and does not appear to be stretching.

My bagseed mother plant has been largely ignored. She was growing up into the light. Could have made 50 clones with what I took off of her. I may start a few clones of her, especially if my HG seed doesn't take. It would be kinda cool to see my original strain growing in hempy.
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