Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Long time, no see. Good to see your sweet Gollum face around here! How have you been?
I'm going in for surgery this spring again. Gotta make sure my meds are in order. I'm not holding much hope for the "fix" though. Surgery helps for a bit, until my next ruptured disc happens. The nerve damage is getting pretty bad though.
Hope things in S.A. are going well for you and yours.

The gardens looking great, the plants are happy and so far it's been a pleasant 2019.
Had 2 ops on l3-l4 and most recently in last May they did a fusion on l4-l5, after the epidural came out I stopped all meds and don't touch them. Want to go for a MRI in cpl months see what's what, but I won't have another op as the recovery gets longer. Hope the girls in the garden do well so I can crack on with making
The gardens looking great, the plants are happy and so far it's been a pleasant 2019.
Had 2 ops on l3-l4 and most recently in last May they did a fusion on l4-l5, after the epidural came out I stopped all meds and don't touch them. Want to go for a MRI in cpl months see what's what, but I won't have another op as the recovery gets longer. Hope the girls in the garden do well so I can crack on with making
My is all cervical spine problems afaik. I can feel the bones( and hear them) grinding together. I had my c-7 replaced with titanium a few years back.
I hope we both find relief , friend. Some days are pretty dark but you know could you not?
I know the feeling of being looked at. I got a 50 liters of soil delivered to my door of something called "canna earth professional" - "for perfect cannabis flowers". Of course it wasn't packed properly and my neighbours saw it sitting in front of my door for 8 hours...
Aw crap...that really sucks kushy. Even in legal states growers still like their privacy. I contact the seller first now before I order to make sure it is as stealthy as possible. Most places will work with you. If the don't, I move on. Most places dealing with Cannabis will understand and won't want to alienate their customer base. Yet others are mum on the subject and will hang up at the first mention of it.
I know the feeling of being looked at. I got a 50 liters of soil delivered to my door of something called "canna earth professional" - "for perfect cannabis flowers". Of course it wasn't packed properly and my neighbours saw it sitting in front of my door for 8 hours...

I flat out will refuse to order from a company who does not privately pack stuff.
I flat out will refuse to order from a company who does not privately pack stuff.

I won´t make that mistake again. It´s a nightmare having the neighbours suspect. It´s not technically illegal to smoke where I am but to grow is definitely not ok...

Some businesses just don´t know how to keep their customers
Humidity is much better. Picked up a new humidifier. I need to pick up a 4 ft extension cord for it. Right now it is on a bucket in the corner.

Himalaya gold has not sprouted yet. Lil' lemon is loving life.
Temp 75f
Rh 60%.

I have them on a 20/4 schedule that I will decrease as they get a bit bigger....or sprout.
Hurry up Himmy G! I'm pretty sure that the Himalaya Gold come from a lot that may have sat a bit. They had a scratch game in the package that began in 2015... The Lemons were a much fresher batch.

Hope y'all are doing well. It always lifts my spirits when I get to interact with you fine people.
Funny, I was looking at a 3ft. tall bag of perlite yesterday. I can't wait until you can grow again. It's been a long road and you've handled it beautifully. I hope it happens sooner rather than later for you.
Still haven't found a grow store.. But I will.
Our sweet crazy guy is fixing his old light for me and I found a seriously thick black cloth in the closet... Future grow tent...
So, not far to go...
Still haven't found a grow store.. But I will.
Our sweet crazy guy is fixing his old light for me and I found a seriously thick black cloth in the closet... Future grow tent...
So, not far to go...
Excited for you to start. I know how it feels when your soul craves something so bad. Feels like there is a piece missing.
Well....My Himalaya gold isn't showing. I took a gentle peek. She hasn't even cracked.
I'll give her a few days, I guess. I'm not holding much hope though.
I do have quite a few seeds to try. Hopefully one will take. I should have scarified them first. I will if I have to drop another one.
Lil Lemon.
I've secretly replaced my medium with Folgers crystals. Lol.
Lil lemon is looking good. Himalaya Gold was a dud. I didn't see the hole it had in it. I dropped another one tonight. Wish I would have noticed.
Weird....the Vault put on a seed giveaway for xmas. It was supposed to be announced tomorrow......It has mysteriously vanished from the sponsor section. Wtf?
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