Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Just chunk it in ball jars or a freezer zip lock (gasp, the horror) until the kids are back in school. I've kept trim for weeks/months that way.

Next visit to store make sure you have coffee filters and foil or parchment paper and some jello, and a 47?ml bottle of evoo or coconut (my preferred),. Go on amazon and get a gum drop mold (easier than the bear molds) and just follow prestons easy recipe on youtube.

I use approx one bottle of oil to 8 boxes of jello and 8 packets of plain gelatin, to yield approx 320 gummies. Store gummies single layer with parchment between them in plastic lunchmeat containers at room temp. I prefer no asorbic acid.
Thanks for that Nh. I will be checking this out. I'll need to get a lockbox for my fridge too. No chances with the little ones getting it. Safety is our first priority.;)
Going to start cleaning my tent. Then I'm soaking seeds!!!!! I've been waiting patiently.
I get a sick/anxious feeling every time I pop one. I get nervous about killing the tiny sprouts.

Ok. So I have to locate and prep a humidifier. I have one...just hasn't been used in a good long while. I'm not sure if the filter is salvageable. I hope they still sell my filter type. It's an older model.

I'm going to run lights at night. It gets cold here and it would be easier to keep them warm this way. Between this and a better veg light, I should see some tighter node spacing.

Hempy...I am wondering if I need to add some vermiculite to the perlite since it is so dry here?
I need to make some pots here soon though so I'd better get my tail in gear. I will be going the Fox farms route. Concerned about if I will need added calcium. I have Epsom for the Mag. And my mystery water (don't know ppms) should be ok...I hope. Don't know what to use for calcium though. Milk in a pinch, I suppose. I wonder if oyster shell flour would work? Or perhaps Emilya's diy cal-mag?
I'm starting a new grow as we speak. I would love to have you along for the ride @Advocate420 .
It will be in my sig in the next few days. I'm going to need some growing support. I have not done hempy before....nervous a bit.
I'm starting a new grow as we speak. I would love to have you along for the ride @Advocate420 .
It will be in my sig in the next few days. I'm going to need some growing support. I have not done hempy before....nervous a bit.
Ok. What’s a Hempy ?? I wish I wasn’t serious.
I had little choice. I was ill prepared for soil being a seasonal item in my state. It would be around $50 for what I need plus shipping. Perlite is $4 and they have it year-round here. Christmas tapped my wallet out. I'd be pretty sad if I couldn't grow, so I thought I'd try it.

I'm hoping if I mess up...the hempy calvary will charge in. I'll do my due diligence and read, read....and read some more. I try not to ask for help too much. I'd rather figure out a problem by myself if possible. It's nice to have help when you need it though.
I had little choice. I was ill prepared for soil being a seasonal item in my state. It would be around $50 for what I need plus shipping. Perlite is $4 and they have it year-round here. Christmas tapped my wallet out. I'd be pretty sad if I couldn't grow, so I thought I'd try it.

I'm hoping if I mess up...the hempy calvary will charge in. I'll do my due diligence and read, read....and read some more. I try not to ask for help too much. I'd rather figure out a problem by myself if possible. It's nice to have help when you need it though.
Adapt and overcome. What better way.
Just chunk it in ball jars or a freezer zip lock (gasp, the horror) until the kids are back in school. I've kept trim for weeks/months that way.

Next visit to store make sure you have coffee filters and foil or parchment paper and some jello, and a 47?ml bottle of evoo or coconut (my preferred),. Go on amazon and get a gum drop mold (easier than the bear molds) and just follow prestons easy recipe on youtube.

I use approx one bottle of oil to 8 boxes of jello and 8 packets of plain gelatin, to yield approx 320 gummies. Store gummies single layer with parchment between them in plastic lunchmeat containers at room temp. I prefer no asorbic acid.

Which one is Prestons? Could you point me in the right direction? I see now that they are stored at room temp. Ok.
I forget to reply

I've used vermiculite with my Perlite, like added 20% or so

Really can't say I noticed and benefit from it.

Sue waters every 2 days always, I let mine go longer if needed or lazy, but usually every 2 ta 3 days ish.

My dirt transfer to Hempy kids hit the rezz yesterday and are very perky finally
I forget to reply

I've used vermiculite with my Perlite, like added 20% or so

Really can't say I noticed and benefit from it.

Sue waters every 2 days always, I let mine go longer if needed or lazy, but usually every 2 ta 3 days ish.

My dirt transfer to Hempy kids hit the rezz yesterday and are very perky finally
I'm going to see if my humidifier will work. Then I'll decide on the vermiculite.

I saw the pics of your pup today. You are both very lucky. I spent more time with dogs as a child than with humans. A day without a dog is like a day without sun for me. I appreciate that he is a rescue.
Hey VG,

I'm starting to think about my harvest and I remember you said you had issues with humidity. My plants are currently between 30-40% humidity but doing well. I'm worried about drying them though as I read that you need 50-60%. So my question was, what did you do with your harvests?
I hung the entire plant, turned off my oscillating fan and let them dry for about 4 days. I left all of the leaves on them.I went until the popcorn buds were almost entirely dry and the thin branches were starting to break, then I put them into paper bags.
I trimmed the popcorn first and trimmed the rest over a few days. It never smelled like hay like the one I harvested over a week ago. I harvested that very differently though. This way worked much better. I much prefer the dry trim now.
They were probably a tad bit overdry so I put them in with some boveda packs asap. They are looking ok now.
I will be adding a fan speed controller and a humidifier to my tent. I will only be growing 2 decent size plants from here on out. Hopefully my humidity problems will be a thing of the past.
I hope your new year holds much promise.:peace::)
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