Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

I just hope that I didn't miss any prior to this. I haven't been paying close attention.
We'll find out eventually.
You caught that one before it even came out that’s great. Haven’t had many nanners but it’s more common I’m sure when they have that longer life. Most of mine were already cut by that age.
Looks tasty!
You caught that one before it even came out that’s great. Haven’t had many nanners but it’s more common I’m sure when they have that longer life. Most of mine were already cut by that age.
Looks tasty!
I think she's 104 days from sprout.
I think she's 104 days from sprout.
Love to see that! My bigger Queen G might be a 90-100 day lady, little one is close to done already. Phenos are funny like that. My Wizards are remarkably similar to yours (one small dense one tall skinny) I love the colors on yours
Nice trichome pics. I have the same telescope. Good idea about securing it to your tripod. Did you cut a bud off to be scoped or did you just move the tripod closer to the plant?
Love to see that! My bigger Queen G might be a 90-100 day lady, little one is close to done already. Phenos are funny like that. My Wizards are remarkably similar to yours (one small dense one tall skinny) I love the colors on yours
Gotta scope again tomorrow but I'm thinking the shorty will be done by the end of this week.
Yeah, the color on her is gorgeous.
Nice trichome pics. I have the same telescope. Good idea about securing it to your tripod. Did you cut a bud off to be scoped or did you just move the tripod closer to the plant?
I just moved the tripod closer. I don't like cutting off buds to scope them so much. This works great for me.
Stunning pics VG! If those are still shaky I'm Katharine Hepburn. :)
I have fond memories of playing hookie from school and watching TCM. There was always a Katherine Hepburn movie on.
The Wizard autos are both jarred up. Have been for a few days now.

Got to try a sample from each.
That's going to be something special in a few weeks. Very fruity and smooth right off the plant. Effects were very nice.

Thanks again @Justin Goody for the chance to try out your new gear.
Gonna fail the marshmallow test immediately. Lol
The Wizard autos are both jarred up. Have been for a few days now.

Got to try a sample from each.
That's going to be something special in a few weeks. Very fruity and smooth right off the plant. Effects were very nice.

Thanks again @Justin Goody for the chance to try out your new gear.
Gonna fail the marshmallow test immediately. Lol
Currently smoking some Wizard that’s about 10-11 days dried. Still tastes great and the high is there.

Happy to see you around and glad you shared about this. She was a beauty and I know that smell very well, it’s right in front of me and makes me wish I could bottle it 😆
Wow, a whole 11 days and the high is still there? That's some longevity!
Probably should have said- it’s only been drying for 11 days and already smokes/tastes good..
I’ve been rolling up with sum of that Wizard lately, so I have. Still fresh mind, just these ten or eleven days she’s had on with the drying and no curing to speak of yet for this fine filly of a ganga plant, she’ll improve with the age to be sure but mark my words she’s a decent smoke already so she is.

I’ve bin rollin up wiv the latest out the farming facility, smokin the fresh, still fresh Wizard, its bare fresh, just ten to the eleven days out of the chop. But even so this is fierce bud already you feel me. Roadmen already be blazin on it, its safe, you know that doh - Wizard rocking me to my Timberlands down Hackney ways.

Lately I’ve been enjoying some absolutely top notch Wizard strain grown by my own fair hand. Its a little green still, just ten or perhaps eleven days of drying thus far, yet already its got something to it, of course with a full regime of drying and curing it will improve, yet already its delightful bouquet and the aromas of the terpenes are beginning to swirl and eddy around the tongue and mouth as one imbibes, it is of course sure to improve further with proper care and attention but most satisfactory already, what? Pip pip.

Add a comma or add another 80 words.

Same, same.

What’s the marshmellow test? 😅
Funny, I tried this on L last week. One sweet now and two more in ten minutes or two now.

She took two now and then when I gave the spare to her sister she just ambled over and through a mouth stuffed with Haribo put out her hand and said, “Give it to me” Her older sister duly complied.

I might need to tighten the rules on the test 😅

Two months to next harvest for me - what’s up next @Virgin Ground

Currently smoking some Wizard that’s about 10-11 days dried. Still tastes great and the high is there.

Happy to see you around and glad you shared about this. She was a beauty and I know that smell very well, it’s right in front of me and makes me wish I could bottle it 😆
I still can't get over how absolutely encrusted with trichs the petioles were on the short plant. All the way down the plant to the very bottom leaves. Was a fool to not take pics of it.
I haven't seen anything quite like it.
Would make a great hash plant imo.

Taller one has more grape flavor and slightly less sticky.
Not sure which one is stronger. I haven't done a lot of sampling yet but rest assured that will change quickly.

Lolol! You're so 5.
I...5 1/2.
Two months to next harvest for me - what’s up next @Virgin Ground
Just planting my next round right now. I grabbed some gear for the Canuk comparative. I have Cement Shoes Elite and G13.

I'll toss a link to that journal as soon as I have sprouts above ground. Come and check it out,if you have time.

I'm finishing up my ViparSpectra grow as well. Jarring up those plants tonight/tomorrow. They've taken their time drying. I check them daily and the smaller branches are finally starting to crack a little. They did have some really large and compact buds. No mold that I've seen yet. Won't really know until I dissect a few buds.
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