Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Think I let the Wizards either get too dry or the lowering of the MC did something to them. Top leaves are dry at the leaf margins.

I'll try to stop the damage from progressing.

I'll take pics this evening when lights come back on. We can discuss then
If you need to pick up the phone and chat, I hear Chris is usually available. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Lol. He just got back from camping. Think he's still recovering from all the relaxation. 😂
Happy indigenous peoples day!

MN said "fuck you" to Columbus day.

It's no longer an observable holiday here. On to better things.
9 days later.....

Some crappy leaves but damage hasn't progressed further.
Looking niiice.
One of my Wizards had a similar issue on just a few leaves but it stopped once I went back to old formula (no balls) MC.
Something about the newer formula was burning them up a little

Love the height on those
Day #87 since sprout for the Wizard autos.
That shorty plant is getting some really fat and greasy looking buds. Tall plant is a bit behind her but the buds are starting to fatten up too.

No new damage from what I've seen.
Just chugging along.

They look like they still have a few weeks left but I'll get on there with my microscope and grab some trich pics soon. I found an old tripod for a camera that I'm going to try to mount my scope onto. I'm too shaky on my own to take clear pics. Hopefully that will help. It should.

Hope y'all are doing well. 💕
I was just gonna ask about that scent!

One of mine smells like grape jelly right now (shorty as well) the other one smells more like Wookiees.

Yours look awesome.👏 They are going to be phenomenal smoke I promise
I didn't fuck them up totally....
Trimmed a few funky leaves.

Shorty is my preferred phenotype. The tall one just didn't get as frosty or put on the same kind of weight or color.

Tall one first....


Her scent is heavenly....
Can barely see the hints of purple with all the frost

I was just gonna ask about that scent!

One of mine smells like grape jelly right now (shorty as well) the other one smells more like Wookiees.

Yours look awesome.👏 They are going to be phenomenal smoke I promise
I'll smell them again later and think about it a bit more. I just remember it being quite fruity and sugary.
That shorty is really impressive as far as frost. I can say that I've never had a plant that put out frosted petioles on the very bottom of the plant.
Frosty from head to toe.
They're both looking solid but I wonder which one is going to weigh more!
:welcome: back.
Looking at them first hand, I'd say the shorty. Her buds are rock hard and almost thrice the size of the other plants.

Can barely see the hints of purple with all the frost

Its much easier to see the purple under daylight. My tent fixture is pretty yellow.
I should have color corrected all the pics but I was way too tired yesterday.
The last pic is closest to natural daylight.
My new rig 😂

I'm just too shaky to hold the scope on my own. My bro was throwing the tripod out. I did a little Red Green inspired mod.

They look a bit blurry after downloading them from my Max-see app, still better than before.

Gotta keep an eye out for any more nanners. Only saw one so far.
My new rig 😂

I'm just too shaky to hold the scope on my own. My bro was throwing the tripod out. I did a little Red Green inspired mod.

They look a bit blurry after downloading them from my Max-see app, still better than before.

Gotta keep an eye out for any more nanners. Only saw one so far.
Who had the nanners? Cool pics and good find!
Very nice!...
it ain't fancy, but it gets the job done👍

Great pics, VG! They look fine to me...
At least I can see what's going on now.
I got sick of every scope pic coming out crappy.
Who had the nanners? Cool pics and good find!
The shorty Wizard had just one nanner on the very tippy top of her cola.
She's close to being done. Haven't looked at the tall one yet.
I'll do that after dinner.
At least I can see what's going on now.
I got sick of every scope pic coming out crappy.

The shorty Wizard had just one nanner on the very tippy top of her cola.
She's close to being done. Haven't looked at the tall one yet.
I'll do that after dinner.
Cool it was an end of life nanner, up high. Not really a surprise and glad it wasn’t down low a month ago when it would have been trouble.
Nice looking weed up close! 😋
Cool it was an end of life nanner, up high. Not really a surprise and glad it wasn’t down low a month ago when it would have been trouble.
Nice looking weed up close! 😋
I just hope that I didn't miss any prior to this. I haven't been paying close attention.
We'll find out eventually.
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