Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Thanks y'all.

Yesterday was really difficult. It made me aware at just how fractured my family really is. One person in particular is being a huge douche canoe and making everything super difficult for the level headed ones.

I'm so full of anger right now. Not sure what to do with it all.
It's gonna be a long road ahead ,gonna have to pace myself.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. I hope everything works out despite the outlier family member. :hug: :hug: :hug:
My presence here may be spotty in the near future.
Mom isn't doing well. We have a family meeting with her doctor later this afternoon to make end of life decisions.
She has been beligerant towards her nurses, refuses to eat, drink or have an oxygen mask on.
Says she wants to go.....

Doctors correct one issue and another pops up. Most of the family is on the same page as far as following her wishes. Just one outlier who is making issue and going against what she wants.
I'll know more of what's going on after the meeting.
It's only been three months since dad passed and I was hoping for more time.

In other news..
We met the deadline for moving all of our stuff but have yet to turn the place over. Bf is working on that today. Cross your fingers for me that at least that goes through without issue.

One of my kids was in the ER two days ago. Physically ok but don't want to go into that for now.

Dog has been sick for the last few days too. Hopefully just garbage gut or stress related.

I'm pretty much at the end of my rope.
I haven't been sleeping, barely eating, my nerves are so shot that I can't keep food down very well.

I feel like packing up my old beater van with a cooler and an inflatable mattress and bugging out for a few days. Turn off the phone and sit in the quiet of nature before I lose my mind.
Can't really do that though,not just yet.

I think my plants are still alive. Haven't been able to check on them for a few days.
I'll set some water out to off gas and feed them this evening if they are ready.
I know my houseplants need it too.ill try to post an update for both journals this evening but I'm not gonna lose sleep over it if I don't. I have to grab any chance at some sort of relaxation if I can. I can't keep on going like I am.

Just spread too thin right now.
So sorry things are so hard on you lately. :Namaste:
Hope everything works out for you. :love:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Hey y'all.

I appreciate the support.
I feel a lot better after an entire day of sleeping. First real rest I've had in over two weeks.

Here is a quick update on the Wizard autos. Day #62 since sprout.

They look pretty good except the leaf tip curling. I think that's from low rh we've been having combined with the heat from the light and the fan.

Hope y'all are doing well. I hope to catch up soon .
Hey y'all.

I appreciate the support.
I feel a lot better after an entire day of sleeping. First real rest I've had in over two weeks.

Here is a quick update on the Wizard autos. Day #62 since sprout.

They look pretty good except the leaf tip curling. I think that's from low rh we've been having combined with the heat from the light and the fan.

Hope y'all are doing well. I hope to catch up soon .
So glad you got some rest.
Try and be sure to take care of yourself.
You can't pour from an empty cup.
Your rest and health are important.
Take care. :hug:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Mom passed a little after three o'clock today.

Gonna be gone for a few days. Have a bunch of things I have to attend to.
Oh no so so sorry. :Namaste: :green_heart:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I'm sorry to hear your mum passed, too. My condolences, VG. It's been a tough year for you but I hope this is the last bad thing that happens to you this year. :hug:
Gone, but never forgotten...
My sincere condolances, VG :hug: :love:
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, especially so quickly on the heels of your dad in June. May her memory be a blessing for those who knew and loved her. :peace:
Thanks, Sheddy 💕
Oh no so so sorry. :Namaste: :green_heart:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Appreciate it , Bill
So sorry for that news VG! Do you have siblings?
Thanks Stone...I do. I have four siblings. Three brothers and a sister.

Not really close with any of them.
Sorry for your loss.
Thanks, Keith
My condolences VG. Wishing you and your family strength.
It's been rough,Carmen.
Thanks for the support.
I'm sorry to hear your mum passed, too. My condolences, VG. It's been a tough year for you but I hope this is the last bad thing that happens to you this year. :hug:
Me too, sister.
I'm plum worn out...
Gone, but never forgotten...
My sincere condolances, VG :hug: :love:
Thanks Carcass. 💕

Gonna be strange without them. I still feel like I can just pick up the phone and chat. I guess it hasn't fully sunk in quite yet.
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