Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Hi all. Dont know if I can contribute much but thought I'd tag along for the ride. Got my own grow coming along but my grrrlz arent doing too well. They seem to be picking up speed now that they are being set out in the sun all day long to harden them off to be transplanted outside, and I just received some pretty dismal clones from a friend yesterday and they, too, after only a bit if sunshine yesterday afternoon seems to be picking them up too (if my eyes don't deceive me, that is).

But I'm here mostly to learn. Will chime in when I've got something worthwhile to add to the conversation.

All my best,
It’s a seal that fits on a bucket and has a lid that screws on air tight. Use a black bucket and it becomes air and light proof.

don't really grow enough of one strain lol ... could you turkey bag different strains and cure together ?
not sure that is even advisable on a couple different levels .. :p
It’s a seal that fits on a bucket and has a lid that screws on air tight. Use a black bucket and it becomes air and light proof.

Thanks Pennywise, I guess seeing as most buckets are either the normal 5gal plastic or steel and not intended for reuse in the construction industry, I’ve not come across them before.
Hi all. Dont know if I can contribute much but thought I'd tag along for the ride. Got my own grow coming along but my grrrlz arent doing too well. They seem to be picking up speed now that they are being set out in the sun all day long to harden them off to be transplanted outside, and I just received some pretty dismal clones from a friend yesterday and they, too, after only a bit if sunshine yesterday afternoon seems to be picking them up too (if my eyes don't deceive me, that is).

But I'm here mostly to learn. Will chime in when I've got something worthwhile to add to the conversation.

All my best,
Welcome Magnus.:ciao:

You can participate as much or as little as you like. There are no expectations here. If there were, I would be in a bad way. Lol
Hope you dont mind @Virgin Ground I know you get a lot of traffic in your thread. I have a photoperiod that's showing a lot of roots on the stem and I'm just wondering if I should get it in soil asap and cover the roots or if itshould be good for a couple days? It's about a day old and I'm away for work and the wife is babysitting, lol.
Hope you dont mind @Virgin Ground I know you get a lot of traffic in your thread. I have a photoperiod that's showing a lot of roots on the stem and I'm just wondering if I should get it in soil asap and cover the roots or if itshould be good for a couple days? It's about a day old and I'm away for work and the wife is babysitting, lol.
I would get it into soil. Plant it up to the green part or just a teenie bit beyond.

If it is in a humidity dome you may be able to put it off until morning.
I would get it into soil. Plant it up to the green part or just a teenie bit beyond.

If it is in a humidity dome you may be able to put it off until morning.
Perfect thanks, I'll get the wife to put it into soil tonight.
Indeed. It is the 22#/9.9kilo bag.
Bucket with gamma lid it is. Thanks bluter. :love:
It's a new formula, so things to learn.

Notable changes are described here:

  • More fine and ground powder consistency. We are grinding the “large white balls” that were present in the previous versions, which help make it more of a uniform type powder. For smaller growers especially, this will help them get a uniform even dose at low doses very easy.
  • Higher Magnesium (Mg) and Calcium (Ca). Yes, this was always a common request, and this should help prevent the requirement for any extra supplements especially for heavy feeding strains and growing conditions
  • Higher Phosphorous (P). This will help reduce the need for any extra boosters or supplements, and give overall better flowering and fruiting.
  • Lower Potassium (K). Our previous formulas always had quite a bit of K, so we are slightly reducing it in order to make room for other benefits above
  • Different form of Kelp extract (Ascophyllum Nodosum). We are including black flake type kelp which is higher quality, and increasing the quantities significantly. So there should be overall more kelp benefits from the updated formula.
Good Mornin y'all.
Here are the big girls. They are at day 90 for Derpy and Ammy and day 80 for Terpy.

Was hoping to grill today but it is windy, wet and cold. No smoked trout and asparagus for me.:(
I'll be sipping whiskey and listening to Patsy Cline if anyone needs me....
If it quits raining maybe I'll stoke up a fire in my new pit.
I'll wait until at least noon to start drinking. I should probably get brunch out of the way first.
It's a new formula, so things to learn.

Notable changes are described here:

  • More fine and ground powder consistency. We are grinding the “large white balls” that were present in the previous versions, which help make it more of a uniform type powder. For smaller growers especially, this will help them get a uniform even dose at low doses very easy.
  • Higher Magnesium (Mg) and Calcium (Ca). Yes, this was always a common request, and this should help prevent the requirement for any extra supplements especially for heavy feeding strains and growing conditions
  • Higher Phosphorous (P). This will help reduce the need for any extra boosters or supplements, and give overall better flowering and fruiting.
  • Lower Potassium (K). Our previous formulas always had quite a bit of K, so we are slightly reducing it in order to make room for other benefits above
  • Different form of Kelp extract (Ascophyllum Nodosum). We are including black flake type kelp which is higher quality, and increasing the quantities significantly. So there should be overall more kelp benefits from the updated formula.
Neat. Thanks for the info Saugs.
I hope they send the new stuff then. Would suck to get 22# of the old formula. They were completely sold out so I can't really see that happening.
it's 8 am here. i'll go look for something to toss in the coffee. firing up the pipe. might be a fuzzy afternoon.

my sister and her boyfriend are making mom dinner today. i'm gonna get going on the container plant project.
Here are the big girls. They are at day 90 for Derpy and Ammy and day 80 for Terpy.
Your girls are looking awesome! I'd never guess they were autos if I didn't already know they were. :welldone:
it's 8 am here. i'll go look for something to toss in the coffee. firing up the pipe. might be a fuzzy afternoon.

my sister and her boyfriend are making mom dinner today. i'm gonna get going on the container plant project.
Now you're tempting me into Irishing up my coffee.
I'm so weak.:p
Your girls are looking awesome! I'd never guess they were autos if I didn't already know they were. :welldone:
Being my first autos, I'm pretty happy with them.
I didn't treat them any different than photos.
Seemed to work ok.
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