Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

@Virgin Ground , give in to the dark side, you will give in to the dark side, try some expresso Bailey’s in your coffee, it’s awesome;)
Wasn't aware that they had that. Just saw that they have a chocolate cherry too.

One of my very favorite things is chocolate covered espresso beans.
That's some real temptation right there...oof.
Happy Mother’s Day Queen!!

:kisstwo: :kisstwo: :kisstwo:
Plants look amazing Vg, planning to grow an Ammy Auto this next run I'm doing soon. Just waiting for my front door to be changed this Friday, then its full tilt with 6 - 8 autos before summer shuts me down.
Glad to see you CraZy.
This Ammy is a pistil monster. I think she may go over 110 days. She is Amnesia Ryder from World of Seeds.
Some supposedly super potent hybrid of C99, J.Herrer and a few others.
Gonna be fun to watch her finish.

Happy Mothers day,VG!
Your plants are looking excellent- Like Beez said - Hard to believe they're autos!
Happy Mothers day,VG!
Your plants are looking excellent- Like Beez said - Hard to believe they're autos!

Thank you dear.

I've never grown autos before so I'm not sure I understand. Why is it hard to believe?

Just got done with brunch.
Let the smoking and whiskey-ing commence!
Cheers. :passitleft:
Your late, I am into my second baileys & coffee :rofl:
I'm already 5 shots in. Crown Royal is so nummy.
I'd better slow down or its gonna be a short day. Lol
It’s funny, the only whiskey I drink is baileys, yet I get to try every new Crown product they come out with. Buddy of mine works at the one and only plant where Crown is made lol

Love the smell of whiskey, just don’t care for the taste much
I've only tried their whiskey. I'm not one for flavored whiskey or mixing my whiskey with anything, including ice.
I like mine neat in a clean glass. No plastic.

I do like Baileys as a dessert though.
Happy mothers day VG. Wanna get fucked up? Try some Green Chartreus lol

Hope you've had a good day
You trying to kill the actual me now??? Lol

130 secret herbs and spices. WTF is this stuff??:laugh::rofl::laugh::rofl:
130 secret herbs and spices. WTF is this stuff??:laugh::rofl::laugh::rofl:
That must be all the herbs and spices. I can't think of a 130 herbs and spices off the top of my head.
"What shall we put in this awesome new drink Mr Monk in France. Rosemary?"
"What else do we have here? Thyme?"
"Are you ok"
"It's just that you've only said "yep" so far"
"This drink's gonna taste like shit"
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