ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

6.5 ounces of goodness and does that put you a Tad over your limit?
I don't personally know a Tad. But I do have a buddy named Smidgen! :)
Hello all! :ciao:

Hanging ten!

Thanks Carmen. :thanks:

Thanks Carcass.

There is quite a bit of plant matter stored around here! :yummy:

Thanks Bode!

I'm glad you brought her up. The clone is not bigger than her mama. It may be just that her 2x2 setting makes her appear to be. However, she is the spitting image of her mom, just on a smaller scale.

The mama has been bagged for about the last 72 hours and is now holding steady at either 61 or 62 RH (damn stupid Hygrometers :straightface:). So I'm bagging her up for the cure this morning.

She ended up yielding exactly 180g dry, so nearly 6.5 ounces.
GM END dry  180g 5-20-23.jpg

EDIT: I meant to include this nug pic but forgot.
GM END nug 5-20-23.JPG

One thing I really like about the Grovebags is that they require a lot less storage space than do Mason jars. I'd be out of storage space if everything I have was in jars!


You all have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!

Perfect. That’s personally my sweet spot and the plants of mine that turn out the best - the 6-8 ouncers. Congratulations. Great harvest.
Perfect. That’s personally my sweet spot and the plants of mine that turn out the best - the 6-8 ouncers. Congratulations. Great harvest.
Btw - as you know I’m into coke weed, which you might think of as anxiety weed. I get off on the chest bind and the super head high that is stronger than a cup of coffee. Sativas. Harvest when most people call it early, ie, as little amber as possible. The reason I bring it up is that if it’s anxiety or that set of feelings I described you’re looking for, the best I’ve grown in that realm was the White Widow. Try growing one of them and take it pre-amber. You’ll get your coveted anxiety. :rofl:
Thoroughly enjoyed that catch up. Great work mate. Enjoy those beautiful fruits.


Thanks for reminding me of this. 🤣
LMAO. Balls of Steel and Brains of Mush! :)
Hello all and Happy Sunday!
Here are the Sunday pics:

Gush Mints clone - Flip 72
GM cl 5-21-23 F71.jpg

Her fade coming on hard. I'm wondering if it's linked to the weeks she spent too close to the @ViparSpectra XS1500Pro when it was running at 100%.


And the Crescendo clone on Flip 25.

Cresc clone 5-21-23 F25.jpg

She's got the whole @ViparSpectra KS5000 to herself. Not a very efficient use of gear but she doesn't care!
Cresc cl under 5-21-23 F25.jpg

Thanks for stopping by and have yourself a wonderful Sunday!


Perfect. That’s personally my sweet spot and the plants of mine that turn out the best - the 6-8 ouncers. Congratulations. Great harvest.

Btw - as you know I’m into coke weed, which you might think of as anxiety weed. I get off on the chest bind and the super head high that is stronger than a cup of coffee. Sativas. Harvest when most people call it early, ie, as little amber as possible. The reason I bring it up is that if it’s anxiety or that set of feelings I described you’re looking for, the best I’ve grown in that realm was the White Widow. Try growing one of them and take it pre-amber. You’ll get your coveted anxiety. :rofl:
"Coke weed." Gotta be rough on the nostrils! :laugh:

Thanks for the heads-up Jon. I have some WW seeds. I'll move them up on the list!
Hey, I know his uncle Scosche.!..🤪
I know his brother, Pinch! :)
Oh yeah! 6.5 zips in the grove bag! Nice heavy plant GDB! The champagne of rolled flowers!
Thanks Stone. Today that .5 of her gets smashed! :)
Congrats on a killer harvest GDB! I’m glad you’re taking a little break, you’ve been growin your lil azz off for a while now. You deserve it!! Kick your feet up, squish some nugs and enjoy summer break. 🌞
I was hoping to see it take off as a national pastime. 🤣 Knock and don't run is my favourite.
Our fav used to be fresh dog poop on the welcome mat. We'd find a big turd of fresh dog poop, put it in a paper bag, put it on the welcome mat, set it on fire, knock on the door and run! Hopefully we got to see someone open the door and stomp the fire out! :)
Congrats on a killer harvest GDB! I’m glad you’re taking a little break, you’ve been growin your lil azz off for a while now. You deserve it!! Kick your feet up, squish some nugs and enjoy summer break. 🌞
Thanks HH. And thanks for dropping by!:ciao:
Her fade coming on hard. I'm wondering if it's linked to the weeks she spent too close to the @ViparSpectra XS1500Pro when it was running at 100%.

She's the right age for it to be normal fade, but I always wonder if it's something I did (or didn't do)..🤔
Either way, It isn't going to hurt those big fat buds!
I'm wondering if it's linked to the weeks she spent too close to the @ViparSpectra XS1500Pro when it was running at 100%. the light damaged the leaves and made it so they couldn't use the nutes you're giving?
And the Crescendo clone on Flip 25.
How many flowering plants could you fit around that one? None? Took over the tent I'd say. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Knock and don't run is my favourite.
Said they guy in a country with as many guns as we have in some neighbourhoods!
She's the right age for it to be normal fade, but I always wonder if it's something I did (or didn't do)..🤔
Either way, It isn't going to hurt those big fat buds!
Please Carcass.

I'm growing this plant in a 2x2 tent that's only 4ft tall. Stay in your lane! :laugh:
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