VG After Dark Featuring Weedseedsexpress & Mars Hydro TS1000

It also depends on the age of the ProMix. It changes as it gets further from the manufacture date. A year under ideal storage conditions, shorter in the heat.
That, and her water is not ideal either from what she says. I'd still like to know the alkalinity level. Combine the three, and things change fast.
Hey VG. Just cruising through on the catch-up choo choo.
I'm sure they'll be fine. Your plants always look killer come the end.
Stay safe VG
Glad to see you making rounds dear.
Hope you and the fam are well. I'll be over to catch up soon.
seems like that’s happened really fast tho, seeing as they only transplanted recently, d’y’think?

hope the different nitrogen source works VG - sending good Ph dropping vibes!
I did a slurry but they aren't precise by any means and just a gives you a range. I'm really not that far off.Since I over fertilized last time they may have some leftover salts that need to be leached out.
It also depends on the age of the ProMix. It changes as it gets further from the manufacture date. A year under ideal storage conditions, shorter in the heat.
I've looked over my Pro Mix bags and can't locate the expiry date. Can you give me a clue to the general location where it may be on the bag?
That, and her water is not ideal either from what she says. I'd still like to know the alkalinity level. Combine the three, and things change fast.
Well, my PPM out of tap is 197. Can't help you on total alkalinity. Don't think I have any acid on hand to test it either.
Sorry for the absence.
I've been having some pain issues that have been complicating an already busy life.
I do have a quick pic of the girls. They are on the mend and do look better than they did a week ago.

Sexxpot is still having a little bit of an issue but has improved greatly. Charlotte still has some light spotting on her leaves.

I am a week or less from flip so I need to get them looking their best.

They are both currently on 5.5 gr/ gal of MC.

I also cleaned them up and removed a bunch of suckers and the damaged leaves.
Charlotte has two stumpy legs but a nice big green medallion necklace! I'm glad the yellowing is under control, and that you're feeling a bit better.
Glad that I can look at a screen without my eyes watering.
Don't know about the yellowing being under control. Slowed down maybe?
You saw them post-trim. I removed quite a few yucky yellow leaves.
Sexy seemed light stressed so I lowered the intensity a little. Didn't realize it was on full power. It's a bit too close for that.
I had planned on having them in a taller space by now. I'm a bit limited in the 2x2. It's only 5'4" tall.
Me and my too big plants... :rolleyes:
Glad you’re a bit functional again VG. Not easy keeping the garden going through such things :love: and they’re doing Ok!
Slowed down maybe
is definitely an improvement :thumb: hope the state of the body continues to improve as well. Keep resting more than you ‘need‘ to, if you can!! (Not often possible I know)
Glad you’re a bit functional again VG. Not easy keeping the garden going through such things :love: and they’re doing Ok!

is definitely an improvement :thumb: hope the state of the body continues to improve as well. Keep resting more than you ‘need‘ to, if you can!! (Not often possible I know)
Sorry Amy.
I either didn't get an update or I just missed it.
Been feeling much better. Haven't had a headache in about 5 days.
It does impact my garden when I go through these multi-day headaches. I end up not watering on time and it usually results in a few crappy leaves.
It's unfortunate but can and does happen from time to time.

Awesome setup ad strains... I'm late to the party but I'm in! I just started some WSE magic beans as well.
Welcome to my WSE journal, Chronic.
I bet they sprouted quickly. That's what I've seen again and again.
What strains did you drop?
The @WeedSeedsExpress girls got transplanted into 3 gallons Geopots this weekend.
They look like they took my
wo-manhandling pretty well. They look like they are continuing to improve and should be ready to flip in about a week. Their flowering space is being used as a drying closet at the moment.

I topped the Charlotte about a month ago I believe. Her top finally rooted!
Still need to take a clone from Sexxpot.
Sorry Amy.
I either didn't get an update or I just missed it.
Been feeling much better. Haven't had a headache in about 5 days.
It does impact my garden when I go through these multi-day headaches. I end up not watering on time and it usually results in a few crappy leaves.
It's unfortunate but can and does happen from time to time.

Welcome to my WSE journal, Chronic.
I bet they sprouted quickly. That's what I've seen again and again.
What strains did you drop?
Chiquita banana and critical white brother.
Chiquita banana and critical white sister.
Fixed that for you :love: :laughtwo:
I'll have to check them out. I like to do reading on strains when I can't fall asleep.
OK...I'm in for this one, too, and reserving judgement about growing Sexpot alongside Charlotte's Web! :rofl:
I know it's a bit of an odd pairing. Perhaps I should have run the Green Crack with Sexxpot and then the Charlotte later?
Oh well.
Thanks for checking out my WSE journal!
Hey y'all.
They look like they are doing ok today. Still an odd crud leaf or two but considering that they were grossly overfed for who knows how long, not bad looking over all.
I am prepping them for flip. I need to get in and trim them up a bit more before then. I would also like to add a cage to support Charlotte. She is a bit unruly and is the willowy type.
Flowering closet is being used for a few days as a drying closet. Hope to have them flipped by Monday. They are pretty tall already and I'm concerned about stretch.
Knock on wood that it all goes as planned.

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