VG After Dark Featuring Weedseedsexpress & Mars Hydro TS1000

She is beautiful! I find myself doting on those natural beauties and have to watch out for the less gifted.
I know what you mean. I have a Peyote WiFi that's a little mutant. I refuse to cull her.
I was pleasantly surprised how one of my ugliest plants turned out. The big DDA looked really similar at the beginning. So I'm not going to give up on her either.
Some just need a little more time and a little extra care.
Happy Friday V. We got rain today. Thankfully It's giving me a reprieve from mowing, pool filter cleaning and removal, gutter pipe repair, grass planting, preparing the weed grow for next year, etc. It's pay bills and make sure the drying/curing goes right for me today, make pizza dough, and get high, not necessarily in that order. A fraction of your day, but I'm only a quarter as efficient.
Happy Friday V. We got rain today. Thankfully It's giving me a reprieve from mowing, pool filter cleaning and removal, gutter pipe repair, grass planting, preparing the weed grow for next year, etc. It's pay bills and make sure the drying/curing goes right for me today, make pizza dough, and get high, not necessarily in that order. A fraction of your day, but I'm only a quarter as efficient.
I saved all of my hard outdoor work for a cold snap because I'm such a smartie. We had frost on our deck this morning.
I have to clean the patio pond and a bunch of fish tank filters out in the cold.
It's gonna suck.

You think a fan could make the damage on that leaf? I though that it may have come from a slightly textured wall and constant friction?
You think a fan could make the damage on that leaf? I though that it may have come from a slightly textured wall and constant friction?
Hmmm, the damage looks frictiony to me. Was it thin to begin with? Is it thicker now? I use the "is the new growth better today?" A lot around here. I can't answer a lot of things until later. This leaf looks so healthy otherwise but also is showing where it would tell us about needing some mag. I don't know.
Hmmm, the damage looks frictiony to me. Was it thin to begin with? Is it thicker now? I use the "is the new growth better today?" A lot around here. I can't answer a lot of things until later. This leaf looks so healthy otherwise but also is showing where it would tell us about needing some mag. I don't know.
I think it's friction burn. Those little fans that I have are pretty powerful.
The wounds are slightly frayed along the periphery.
A Sexpot with a bit of friction burn shouldn't be a surprise, so that very well could be it. It's a beauty!

Would you rather be cleaning fish filters or rinsing perlite...that's the question ;).
Without a doubt, I'd rather clean perlite.
It doesn't smell like slimy lake water.
Fish poo....You're soaking in it!
I have Palmolive for later.
Fish poo....You're soaking in it!
I have Palmolive for later.
OMG Madge would be so pissed off. But who sits down at a table and sticks their hand in a liquid without even knowing what it is anyhow? Could have been manicurist acid for all she knew.
They look really good Stone. I'm enamoured with Sexxpot.
She's a natural beauty.
Glamour shots.....

And a few of these funky leaves.
Perhaps I was too rough when moving her? Or she's like the Hulk and is bursting out from rapid growth!?!

This one is for you Sara.
Hope you are doing well.
looking awesome
A Sexpot with a bit of friction burn shouldn't be a surprise
:laugh: ..... I’ll just add that sexxpot is a curvalicious gal. Sexy, sorry about the friction burn... :laugh:
But who sits down at a table and sticks their hand in a liquid without even knowing what it is anyhow?
Seriously! I saw those commercials as a kid and thought “why are those women so stupid and then pissed at others because they are stupid?” Maybe I was a bad kid. :eye-roll:
Looks like I have a decision to make.
I may have to evict Charlotte. She needs more room and Sexy is a pushy roommate.

I hate to do it because I wanted her to stay under a Mars light but she's not getting what she needs where she is at being shaded out by a WNBA player.

This will make for a very cramped 2x4 as well but I may have more control over that tent if I keep the rest in check.

Damn I wish I didn't suck at keeping my plants in check.
Wow - super floppy Charlotte! And those leaves are looking very limp as well as faded oddly. If it were a soil grow I’d be looking to add some root tonic to get the soil activity going, I don’t know what the Mega Crop equivalent would be to that. Some myco/beneficial bacteria product made for hydro - if such a thing exists. Maybe MC has some of this kind of stuff in it already.

Dunno - it’s a hemp line, Charlotte‘s Webb, so who knows if it maybe has some particular requirements because of that. I certainly don’t! I hope you find a well supported place for her!

Sexpot, meanwhile... lookout, will be a big flower show it looks like!
Here she is in her ultra floppy glory.
She's gonna need some serious support.

That’s how my Dr. S CBD grew. Results were ok but what a floppy mess until then. It didn’t happen until I moved her around, but the integrity of those branches gave out pretty easy and they became like rubber bands.
Wow - super floppy Charlotte! And those leaves are looking very limp as well as faded oddly. If it were a soil grow I’d be looking to add some root tonic to get the soil activity going, I don’t know what the Mega Crop equivalent would be to that. Some myco/beneficial bacteria product made for hydro - if such a thing exists. Maybe MC has some of this kind of stuff in it already.

Dunno - it’s a hemp line, Charlotte‘s Webb, so who knows if it maybe has some particular requirements because of that. I certainly don’t! I hope you find a well supported place for her!

Sexpot, meanwhile... lookout, will be a big flower show it looks like!
I have more pics from this morning.
I don't see how she gonna produce anything worthwhile.
She so, so fragile.
Look how easily she bends. And this is one of her thicker branches.

That’s how my Dr. S CBD grew. Results were ok but what a floppy mess until then. It didn’t happen until I moved her around, but the integrity of those branches gave out pretty easy and they became like rubber bands.
That's exactly what happened here. She was fine in the closet. I took her out very gently and she just flopped. Now she looks like a damn weeping willow.
I have more pics from this morning.
I don't see how she gonna produce anything worthwhile.
She so, so fragile.
Look how easily she bends. And this is one of her thicker branches.

That's exactly what happened here. She was fine in the closet. I took her out very gently and she just flopped. Now she looks like a damn weeping willow.
At least mine was halfway through flower before it got rubbery. I’m convinced it would have produced more if I could have remedied that (and I had any idea what caused that problem) but I got my harvest. Switched to autos for the next ones, wonder if they will exhibit the same traits.
Pretty weird that the move freaked it out so suddenly, but from the rubbery stems and the limp leaves it doesn't look like it's the best example of the genetic line. And the double tap showed that going in. Even my floppy Candidas don't flop until flower (like 13g13's CBD), so I don't think you should regret letting this one go to the salve bin and growing another one. I'm sure it won't be a repeat, but some serious training (LST really makes for fat stems) will thicken up all the stems before you flip. Then it will probably still need support.
Pretty weird that the move freaked it out so suddenly, but from the rubbery stems and the limp leaves it doesn't look like it's the best example of the genetic line. And the double tap showed that going in. Even my floppy Candidas don't flop until flower (like 13g13's CBD), so I don't think you should regret letting this one go to the salve bin and growing another one. I'm sure it won't be a repeat, but some serious training (LST really makes for fat stems) will thicken up all the stems before you flip. Then it will probably still need support.
I'll try to pick up some of that fancy Si that MrS has.
Certainly can't hurt, right?
I have to run a Green Crack yet so it's not going to throw off my plans.
I would have liked some CBD asap but what can you do??
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