Vex's 1st Fluxing: Be Gentle, Cookies Kush, PS Dwarf Star, RADDWC, Dewey Misters

Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Mmm i love how bushy she is getting lol.
Lol. Me too.

Tomorrow she'll get trained with some light defol on longer limbs and fresh res change.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Welcome, Pat!!

HAHAHA!! You'll fit right in here. lol

I toss it in each day about an hour or so after her nap, and take it out in the AM before her nap. Seems to help my mini chiller keep the water between 65-72F. So far so good.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

It definitely helps, as my tent location doesn't have ideal venting, so it's hotter than desired...

She's 75 days in veg, and will continue until she grows vertically at least 16" before flipping to 12/12. Maybe another month. lol

P.S. Rocklock was a bust, very mild buzz....oh well. Rolling some Blissful Wizard now.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Morning shots:

Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Those apical shoots are growing really quick since the topping!
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Yep my lebs went into the dewey sog last nite and the roots were all in the net cups. This morning they have roots coming from the net cups all around!
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Incredible!! The roots absolutely love the Aero Deweys.

I'll be ordering more Dewey parts very soon.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Vex, is it me, or is she growing alternating nodes now?
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Hey SB!

Seems like the mains started to grow that way. Glad I topped them now. It may be due to all of the stress I put her through. Lol
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Thanks, GGG!


I'm so glad you are back up and running. Welcome to the Deweyponics crew!!
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

She is looking so nice. She looks about ready to build some vertical growth, if All limbs are where you want them. Definitely not ready to flip yet.

Little tip for slowing down leaders when going vertical, light pinch, just below the tip of growing point, the stem part. Pinch just enough to hear it crack but not a full super crop, you don't want the top to flop over. It just slows it for a day or so so others can catch up.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Thanks, Mr. A.

She's close. I'll train her tonight, and allow the topped main apicals to grow a bit more. She'll grow vertical for another month-ish, then flip. If all goes well, of course.

Thanks for the tip!
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Just got home, and she ain't slowin' down!!

I may give her one last defol tonight, in order to allow the new apicals to catch up a bit.

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