Very Late Southern Hemisphere Terrace Grow From Bagseed - Complete N00b

Not saying to abandon what you got but in my opinion if you take the steps on getting your next attempt right in example getting good soil,lighting and whatever else you feel will improve your outcome then look into investing in some female seeds from a seed bank. I ordered mine from all said and done with going in with a friend I spent 40 dollars and got 8 seeds grand total with both our orders $84.00 and got 10 freebies only took like 7days and they guarantee delivery just a thought then you know your getting quality females all the time
Not saying to abandon what you got but in my opinion if you take the steps on getting your next attempt right in example getting good soil,lighting and whatever else you feel will improve your outcome then look into investing in some female seeds from a seed bank. I ordered mine from all said and done with going in with a friend I spent 40 dollars and got 8 seeds grand total with both our orders $84.00 and got 10 freebies only took like 7days and they guarantee delivery just a thought then you know your getting quality females all the time

Oh, I definitely agree. At this point I'm obviously going to stick with seeds I have,as I don't want to fuck up expensive seeds just yet... Especially if this is how bad of a start I've gotten. .
So, after a bit of dejection, I managed to get a hold of some perlite!

Repotted these lot, so now we wait and see which ones pull through surgery.



I'm not giving up that easily. .
As this was on a whim, I got the cheapest soil my non-gardening and budget-conscientious approach allowed.
I figured I could sort out nutrients after the fact...

This was the soil I got for the original lot:

And this was for the second batch of seedlings (shallower in their pots):

And then, on pH:
I know I don't have something to measure pH with at present...
Should use boiled water (cooled down, obvs) in the interim?
Can get a ph tester for a fish tank for like $5 its a liquid. Will get you in the range till you have the funds for a good ph pen. Where there is a will there is a way.
Your in good hands. Lots of knowledgeable growers in here. Dont hesitate to ask questions and take notes.
You will be growing monster in no time. these are my babies 4 weeks old.

16 days old outdoor grow of mine with autos sourhound and sixshooter having fun with it praying for atleast a budsical lol

This even further proves that I started too late... The cold (and my terrible choice in soil) is not helping my growth rate at all.

Yours are looking awesome though!
A long overdue update on the slowest growing plants ever!

I've finally managed to get the plants some actual food, along with some coir and bone meal for the crappy soil.


They have jumped a bit over the last week, but the cold nights and mornings are definitely slowing them down IMO.



I at least am starting to think I might eventually get somewhere after all!

So, after a slow start, with a metric fuck ton of lessons learnt, it seems these greens are gonna make it!

I've now gotten to the point where I'm not messing with the soil anymore, and they're also getting more realistic nutrients!


I've even finally been able to check the pH, even if only with pool strips.
It seems I've been getting 6.8 straight from the tap all the time, so that's good at least.
Also, after adding nutes the water goes in at 6.2, but comes out at 6.8. Am I correct in surmising that the root pH should then be around 6.5,or do we count runoff pH as root pH?




My biggest concern now is the additional light I'm giving them when they come inside at night.
I'm up to about 4500 lumens, spread over 4x 24w CFLs. And yes, I am very aware that it's not enough.

While I'm not aiming for mega yields of any sort, I'm just worried that they might go into flowering before they're ready (if that's even possible).
Oh, and temps are around 17-18°C when they come out in the morning, going up to low/mid 20s during the day. (in June, can you imagine?)

On the patio, I'm guessing it's even warmer, as they get serious direct sun, and are still low to the ground, which is a bit more shielded from the slight chill we've got going in the mornings.
So, with a very vague age of just over two months from seed, the garden is progressing pretty great IMO!


I've taken over a few seedlings from an over-ambitious friend, which should explain the smaller plants inbetween the larger ones.

Those smaller ones are about 20 days old.


Your getting there. A cheap way to add more light when you bring them inside would be to get a couple clamp lights or heat lamps and a bunch of 2,3 or 4 way splitters.
A quick update today:

I've managed to get a few larger pots, so I transplanted the largest plants into more spacious accommodation.


I genuinely can't wait for these to start showing their sex - I have way too many plants (as predicted).

The biggest of these are finally starting to show preflowers! Yay!

Still too small to tell anything though.
Will post pics once I've got the macro lens I've ordered.
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