Southern Hemisphere Midsummer Grow

Ok so I'm not seeing any male preflowers. The one I thought was male looks female now... What is up with that? Let's hope I don't get hermies. I'm killing all hermies I am finding. I don't want seed. I can get better seed later. Right now I want bud. And it looks like I'm going to get bud, and lots of it... This should be good.
Maybe stop planting new seeds. LOL! I'm not sure your dad knows what he has let himself in for.
Well he is mighty impressed actually, and yea I ate the remainder of my seeds, no more new seeds lol. Just did a transplant from one of the long trays (which where a mistake) into a REALLY big and wide pot. I had a Catha Edulis (khat) in it, but that is going to a new home directly into soil on a friend's relatives farm. That poor thing has been pot bound for years now. Pot seems to be about 40litre, or 10gallon, but not as tall as I'd like. It's wide. But I put in a good amount of bonemeal to stimulate root growth, and the pot the plant came out of already shaped the roots to go in directions other than down, so this should be good.
Chewing on khat, ain't ya? :cheesygrinsmiley:
I just looked up the sunrise and sunset times... I have 1 month of veg left. February is 13 hour day and then March is a 12 hour day. It will slowly transition into flowering. I'll need to do all transplants within the next 4 weeks... Fuck that is a lot of pressure... I need to acquire containers and soil... I'm going to buy enough bags in case I can't get enough paint buckets... Now, the hard part is, getting another 20 to 30 5gal bags/buckets full, requires 20-30 5gal bags of soil... That is quite a bit of money... But I'm going to see what I can do...
Never really used it, but it's a native psychoactive, and the guy at the nursery knew me well so immediately told me about it when he got it... That was probably 5 years ago now. When it's in the ground and producing a shit load of leaves I'd like to try the tea my friend goes off about. Chewing it, nah thank you too hard. Not a nice leaf to chew.
Ok, maybe it's not your plan but what about putting them directly into soil?
In London Africans chew in in the bus :laughtwo:
LOL Oh my word.

I would have loved to but for a few reasons I can't. Firstly there is no unpaved area that is secluded enough and gets enough sun, secondly the soil here SUCKS BALLS. It's sand. Seriously. No thank you. If this harvest is big, I'm going to the mountains after this, and then I can easily plant directly into the ground. I'd even be able to keep it off my property but still in optimum conditions if I play my cards right. A giant plant in the ground doesn't require nearly as much tending as many many many average size plants.
That's true plant directly in the ground takes care of herself most of the time which makes everything easier but it sucks you have only sand. Well should you wish for a better soil in the future :cheesygrinsmiley::tokin:
Ok, so another day and all the newly transplanted plants are looking great. The one that went into the Khat pot was tricky so I'm really glad to see the leaves all pointed straight up, soaking in rays, and growing taller. I'm running out of 8 hour light space, and had to put it in a 7 hour light space. Some of them will end up where the seedlings are in the 5-6 hour space, which is less than ideal, but still good enough for some decent bud.

Oh, and looking at these babies being about 4 months from harvest, what would you guys rate those plants in the white 5 gal paint containers will yield each?
It's too early to tell I think. Once the stretch is over in 12/12, then you can guesstimate.
Ok, so feeding regimens: I only started feeding recently, after I fixed the pH problems. I assumed that due to the constant flushing with pH'd water it may be a good idea to add some nutes back. I used two things mainly. Pee, diluted into water, and a 3/2/1 mix, but bare minimums. I never went above 1/4 strength, except once at 1/2 strength for a clearly nute-deprived plant that recovered right after. But I don't like store nutes, they give burn tips WAY too easily if you do it wrong. Pee seems to be a bit more friendly if you test the pH of your water and keep it at 6.5... So now I am going to do something else... I'm making a nice old tea. But guess what I'm giving my plants.

Coffee and bonemeal.

I have this coffee that just tastes like shit. I gave my plants coffee earlier in their life cycle and they skyrocketed beautifully, but my friend said it will make the ground too acidic so I stopped, then the pH of the water ended up being too high and I'm thinking the coffee and pee kept my plants going strong. Now I'll make a tea, and then dilute it and test the pH of the water, and water with that... This should be good.
I took a good look at everything and pulled another 2. So that is 3 down for the greater good of the other 3... I hate killing plants but I'm not going to lie I'm glad I got my numbers down. I'd rather have the other 3 grow bigger and with less issues. The soil in this tray is causing shit tho. I dunno I'm getting problems but the one lemon skunk I have that is in a pot is doing fine and has no issues. Maybe the culling is the answer here...
Too early to tell it's also genetics dependent. Pee is good fert unless you go overboard. Try to keep everything at minimum, cannabis doesn't need as much fertilizing as it's accepted among growers. Too much nitrates inhibits calcium and magnesium uptake and will promote unnecessary stretching and stem thickening, which means you should add them only occasionally, and give plants long time to absorb it.
Yea my water is mostly either just plain water with the right amount of lemon juice to get the pH right, or water with a bit of pee plus an adjusted amount of lemon juice. SOMETIMES I'll add the store bought nutes, but I am switching to the teas for now. But yea the bonemeal has lots of calcium and magnesium as far as I understand, (ok now that I looked up not sure on the magnesium but confirmed on the calcium) and my plants seem to be loving it. The plants that was planted in soil without bonemeal in it (the wooden box) have issues that the others don't seem to have, and their leaves are paler too. As for the tea, I'm going to dilute it. I made a tea with 14 tablespoons of coffee and the same bonemeal. It's like 2 gallons and I'm going to add 500ml to 5 gals of water. I'll test the pH and see if I still need to add lemon juice or not.
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