Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant SOG

Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

i need a good camera as well, ive got one that someone bought me from abroad, its a 14mega pixel camera, but it came with no power lead, it has a usb adaptor on it but when i plug it into computer it wont charge so im thinking it may need to have a powered usb adaptor so im trying to get one to give it a try, its brand new in the box and looks brilliant but it was bought abroad and the person may have got scammed, im tempted to take it apart and have a look inside, might have nothing inside it except something to weight it a bit to make it feel real. so ive been using a crappy fone and also my moms 4mega pixel camera which dont give great pics, but she has had it back now so im back to my fone so not took any pictures in the last few days, but ill get the camera back tomorrow so can update my journal then, but i know i could get some amazing pictures with better camera, theirs things i want to show and take pics of but the camera is just not good enough, but till i get the new one sorted out or till i can afford a new one ill have to make do with what i got,
Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Hey Bro your sista here, Lol

Just wanted to let you know I've been keeping track on your grow and also Doc's. I have been searching the net for days now trying to come up with an Organic soil or something close to the soils you both are using. I think I have finally found a supply place near me. Mastery Nursery affiliated with Coast of Maine. I doubt I can get the Harbor blend you are using. I'm going to try Bumper Crop or Black Forest. Do you have any knowledge in you research about these soils?

Oklahoma stinks that they dont offer good soils but have laws on Organic standards for farming. What a joke.

So if after all this organic stuff takes off with several growers and they continue to produce top shelf (oh wait they already have that, need to conger up a name for the product) Do you believe it would be a benefit to man kind to set up some sort of standard for Organic mj. Just a thought, you all do it to. Isnt that part of the hobbies we are in?

I have decided to step back on my grow. Im seeing more and more males. I haven't put to much into this grow and feel I can get my room finished now.

Just wanted to stop by and show my support. Hope all is well.:goodjob:
Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Hey Bro your sista here, Lol

Just wanted to let you know I've been keeping track on your grow and also Doc's. I have been searching the net for days now trying to come up with an Organic soil or something close to the soils you both are using. I think I have finally found a supply place near me. Mastery Nursery affiliated with Coast of Maine. I doubt I can get the Harbor blend you are using. I'm going to try Bumper Crop or Black Forest. Do you have any knowledge in you research about these soils?

Oklahoma stinks that they dont offer good soils but have laws on Organic standards for farming. What a joke.

So if after all this organic stuff takes off with several growers and they continue to produce top shelf (oh wait they already have that, need to conger up a name for the product) Do you believe it would be a benefit to man kind to set up some sort of standard for Organic mj. Just a thought, you all do it to. Isnt that part of the hobbies we are in?

I have decided to step back on my grow. Im seeing more and more males. I haven't put to much into this grow and feel I can get my room finished now.

Just wanted to stop by and show my support. Hope all is well.:goodjob:

Not speaking for Vape here.....but I'm a bit on the fence regarding the "organic" label.

I completely subscribe the the idea that we should natural, pesticide free, safe methods for growing. I love using products that are called "organic."

However, not everything natural and safe can claim the label of "organic." For example, a friend of mine owns a very successful restaurant and he personally grows all the fresh produce used in the restaurant. He's now gone High Brix, due to talking to me!

However, he had to add 10 pounds of copper sulfate to a 2 acre farm....which means that his produce might be worth killing for its so damn good....but he can no longer call it "organic." Copper is a naturally occurring, essential trace element in the soil. Plants need it. But copper sulfate isn't considered "organic."

I think we should put our heads together and come up with a "Best Practice" standard that doesn't bow to the political labels that have been placed on us.

In other words, it's sometimes a really good idea to use products that aren't "organic."

I like the idea of being free of chemical pesticides. I like the idea of natural rock powders and organic material. I insist on mold free, healthy produce.....but I don't think judicious use of salts is a bad thing.

Measure Brix, potency, test for pesticide residue and that's that.
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Hey Bro your sista here, Lol

Just wanted to let you know I've been keeping track on your grow and also Doc's. I have been searching the net for days now trying to come up with an Organic soil or something close to the soils you both are using. I think I have finally found a supply place near me. Mastery Nursery affiliated with Coast of Maine. I doubt I can get the Harbor blend you are using. I'm going to try Bumper Crop or Black Forest. Do you have any knowledge in you research about these soils?

Oklahoma stinks that they dont offer good soils but have laws on Organic standards for farming. What a joke.

So if after all this organic stuff takes off with several growers and they continue to produce top shelf (oh wait they already have that, need to conger up a name for the product) Do you believe it would be a benefit to man kind to set up some sort of standard for Organic mj. Just a thought, you all do it to. Isnt that part of the hobbies we are in?

I have decided to step back on my grow. Im seeing more and more males. I haven't put to much into this grow and feel I can get my room finished now.

Just wanted to stop by and show my support. Hope all is well.:goodjob:

:thanks: Support is always welcome!

You won't regret putting extra effort into getting your room just right...environment is the most important factor for any grow in my book. We can have the best of everything...but without fresh air and proper temps and RH it will all be wasted...I'd rather grow in a perfect environment with CFLs!

Bumper Crop isn't actually a potting soil, it's more of a soil amendment...but it's very high quality and worth adding to your soil. It's filled with stuff like seafood compost, worm castings, kelp meal, poultry manure, etc. Just make sure it says Produced by Coast of Maine Organic Products for Master Nursery Garden Centers on the back of the bag.

If they don't have Bar Harbor I wouldn't get Black Forest...that's an acidic soil that is fungally dominated for acid loving plants like trees, shrubs, blueberries, etc. Instead see if they have Gardener's's a sweeter soil that's pretty close to Bar Harbor Blend...just check the bag to make sure its manufactured by Coast of Maine also. If you start with that, and add in some Bumper Crop, I think you'll be very happy! :thumb:
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Not speaking for Vape here.....but I'm a bit on the fence regarding the "organic" label.

I completely subscribe the the idea that we should natural, pesticide free, safe methods for growing. I love using products that are called "organic."

However, not everything natural and safe can claim the label of "organic." For example, a friend of mine owns a very successful restaurant and he personally grows all the fresh produce used in the restaurant. He's now gone High Brix, due to talking to me!

However, he had to add 10 pounds of copper sulfate to a 2 acre farm....which means that his produce might be worth killing for its so damn good....but he can no longer call it "organic." Copper is a naturally occurring, essential trace element in the soil. Plants need it. But copper sulfate isn't considered "organic."

I think we should put our heads together and come up with a "Best Practice" standard that doesn't bow to the political labels that have been placed on us.

In other words, it's sometimes a really good idea to use products that aren't "organic."

I like the idea of being free of chemical pesticides. I like the idea of natural rock powders and organic material. I insist on mold free, healthy produce.....but I don't think judicious use of salts is a bad thing.

Measure Brix, potency, test for pesticide residue and that's that.

I agree fully! And I'll add this...just because it's labeled "organic", doesn't necessarily mean it's any healthier, or even safe.

Personally I'm still on the fence about PGRs...I haven't had the time to fully research them, but what I had read had raised some concerns for me. I think you had said at least some of them were safe, but the idea still makes me a bit nervous.
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

I agree fully! And I'll add this...just because it's labeled "organic", doesn't necessarily mean it's any healthier, or even safe.

Personally I'm still on the fence about PGRs...I haven't had the time to fully research them, but what I had read had raised some concerns for me. I think you had said at least some of them were safe, but the idea still makes me a bit nervous.

Kelp is a PGR. Just look at it like that. The PGR I use is simply kelp with the auxins removed.
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

I recently found out that all the major organic labels are owned by coca-cola, kellogg, etc... so needless to say some pockets are being lined to certify its organic. The only way you know for sure is to grow all your own foods...
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Kelp is a PGR. Just look at it like that. The PGR I use is simply kelp with the auxins removed.

Well, they certainly don't sound all that evil when you put it that way...I don't think anything natural would bother me, but the synthetic hormones concern me. I keep thinking about genetically modified crops, and how the FDA says they're safe because the chemical compounds in the GMOs are the same as the non-GMO crops and our bodies can't tell the difference...but then you read where in every study where mammals are fed GMOs they are suffering organ failure and sterility within a few generations.

Don't get me wrong...I know there's a huge difference between giving a plant a synthetic hormone and say...genetically modifying corn to produce it's own pesticide. Like I said, I don't know that much about them, so a little concern is probably a good thing!

I recently found out that all the major organic labels are owned by coca-cola, kellogg, etc... so needless to say some pockets are being lined to certify its organic. The only way you know for sure is to grow all your own foods...

Yeah, I remember reading where organic baby food was testing with more than twice the levels of arsenic allowed in drinking water...I'm trying to do everything I can at this point to produce as much of my own food as I can, and to find local sources I trust for the remainder. :thumb:
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

I think we should put our heads together and come up with a "Best Practice" standard that doesn't bow to the political labels that have been placed on us.

Im in. I also believe that if the right plan is put together we can change alot of minds. I'm sold.
So we should start a thread and test the theory on our community first, ( not sure where to start myself)
Lay out our foundation ""Best Practice" standard's", we should also develop some ways to test THC/CBN's levels amoung other's.
This would be a great project over the winter months when were stuck inside, (all of us but the far southern states)

Do you thing that as far as products are concerned labeled "Organic", is to be regulated and controlled by the Federal Government?
Well it is. here is an article from Organic, difference between organic and sustainable - The Issues - Sustainable Table


Only USDA certified-organic foods can use the word "organic" in the actual product name.

However, organic ingredients can be listed on the packaging of products that are not entirely organic (for instance, "made with organic flour").
In addition, if a company is certified as an organic producer, it can use the word "organic" in its company name.

In order to bear the USDA "Certified Organic" seal, a product must contain 95 to 100 percent organic ingredients. Products that contain 100 percent organic ingredients can be labeled "100 percent organic," while products that contain more than 70 percent, but less than 94 percent organic ingredients can be labeled "Made with Organic Ingredients," but cannot use the USDA "Certified-Organic" seal.

Violators of organic labeling regulations can be fined as much as $10,000 for each offense.Farmers need to prove that their operations comply with all the requirements specified by the USDA, establish and submit their organic farming system plans, keep all records regarding their organic operations, and permit on-site inspections in order to be certified as an organic producer.

For one I do not want the Gov. to step in to regulation of Marijuana in any form. I believe this may be where we are heading with Legalizing our states.

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Im in. I also believe that if the right plan is put together we can change alot of minds. I'm sold.
So we should start a thread and test the theory on our community first, ( not sure where to start myself)
Lay out our foundation ""Best Practice" standard's", we should also develop some ways to test THC/CBN's levels amoung other's.
This would be a great project over the winter months when were stuck inside, (all of us but the far southern states)

Do you thing that as far as products are concerned labeled "Organic", is to be regulated and controlled by the Federal Government?
Well it is. here is an article from Organic, difference between organic and sustainable - The Issues - Sustainable Table

For one I do not want the Gov. to step in to regulation of Marijuana in any form. I believe this may be where we are heading with Legalizing our states.


I reject the federal government doing anything not listed as one of their few, limited powers in the constitution. They have no legal authority to regulate marijuana, let alone dictate labeling of foods or other products. They do have guns, which is why they get away with so much crap that we all hate.

As far as "best practice" goes, what does everyone think about starting a discussion thread, where we hash it all out and come up with a roadmap?
Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Im in, lead the way. As I said not sure where to start.

Is there a patent on the brix way? We dont need to step on toes.

I understand there are natural minerals involved and they are not patentable.

All the patent's I could find have to do with the Means for producing a high brix sugar liquid.

and the means to extract the process of finding the Brix.
K-Patents has managed to enter the polydextrose business with an order of six Process Refractometers to Europe's first polydextrose production plant.
The Brix measurement serves as a quality and safety tool. If Brix is out of specs, the operators can start analyzing what is going wrong. Along with the automation, the whole processing time has been reduced.
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

I reject the federal government doing anything not listed as one of their few, limited powers in the constitution. They have no legal authority to regulate marijuana, let alone dictate labeling of foods or other products. They do have guns, which is why they get away with so much crap that we all hate.

Amen to that! Many people don't realize the government we have now is to even close to the constitutional republic spelled out by our founding fathers in the Constitution.

James Madison even argued that Article 10 of the Bill of Rights was unnecessary because it was already understood, but so many states were concerned that the the federal government would overstep it bounds and try to seize power, so it was added just to be safe...a fat lot of good it did! The FDA even has SWAT teams now to arrest those vicious criminals that dare to sell raw milk...

Ron Paul for President!

As far as "best practice" goes, what does everyone think about starting a discussion thread, where we hash it all out and come up with a roadmap?

I'm all for it bro! Sounds like you already have some thoughts on the issue...I'd love to see the discussion, but I'm wondering how heated it might get. :)
Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant


Heated or not just establish some ground rules right from the beginning. The discussion(s) should also entitle everyone to their opinion(s) and not allow the thread to be hijacked outside of the original means to begin with. I can do some of the research on concerns if need be.

Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

i agree with you on the seeds, id want a free 24carat gold watch with each seed, the price is stupidly high, i mean how different can them seeds really be to make them worth that much, unless the plant grows pounds and pounds of bud in a few weeks then i just cant see how they can justify charging that much on seeds, disgusting, but people will pay it, thats the problem, they would soon lower the price if they never sold even 1 seeds, they would soon give them away just to move them on before they age to much,
Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

If you haven't seen it, go watch the Organics episode of Bull Sh*t. Some really interesting "facts" in that episode. If anyone wants to see it, PM me for a link.
Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

As far as "best practice" goes, what does everyone think about starting a discussion thread, where we hash it all out and come up with a roadmap?

Excellent idea!!!!! Happily be involved/help/contribute in any way I can
Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

If you haven't seen it, go watch the Organics episode of Bull Sh*t. Some really interesting "facts" in that episode. If anyone wants to see it, PM me for a link.


What exactly are you saying?
Is Penn & Teller's opinion that of your own?
Why not share your opinion?

Sorry Vape, Did not intend to hijack your thread by any means.


On another note, my son visited and the smoke was nice.
Any way how about this for a slogan, mission statement, goal, etc...

For the People by the People Edited to ad: Isn't this the way our Goverment was Intended to be run. Each one having a voice, instead of %'s. Just saying...

Possible name: Grass Roots Hi Brix

Since I'm high my brain juices are flowing. Correct me if I'm wrong from what I have been reading, the herd of energizers consist of several various microbial actions. So how many different microbial agents do we have in the roots and can that action be anaylised as a main process in achieving a high value from the Brix. If so what are the Brix limits for our beloved plant?
Re: Vapedogg223’s Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Sorry dpp, I thought it was the same for me, until I started reading a few articles then the light went on, Doc & Vape are right , FEED the SOIL. Not hard to understand the Principles.

Re: Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! All Organic - High Brix -Nirvana Ice- 49 Plant

Possible name: Grass Roots Hi Brix

Since I'm high my brain juices are flowing. Correct me if I'm wrong from what I have been reading, the herd of energizers consist of several various microbial actions. So how many different microbial agents do we have in the roots and can that action be anaylised as a main process in achieving a high value from the Brix. If so what are the Brix limits for our beloved plant?

There are four bases to achieving high brix soil:

1.)Foundational minerals. These are your rock powders, Limestone, Soft Rock Phosphate, Gypsum. Other things could conceivably be used as well, but those are cheap, reliable and available. The single most important mineral for High Brix is Calcium, followed by Phosphorus.

2.)Soil Energy. ERGS (Energy Released per Gram per Second). No energy in the soil, no growth of the plant. Fertilizers, organic material, salts....all increase ERGS.

3.)Soil Biology. These are the microbes, nematodes and fungi that inhabit the root zone and break down all the organic material and present it to the plant. We accomplish proper soil biology with humus and we boost it with microbial teas and root inoculates.

4.)Trace Elements. The "micro's." Magnesium, zinc, boron, iron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, sulfur, etc.

We don't put these things in the soil in the typical NPK ratio's that you see on plant food bottles. These things go into the soil in order to make the soil biology happy. For example, most of the phosphorus isn't available to the plant at all. Same with the calcium. But the microbes love it.

The plants, courtesy of the soil life, get anything they want, as much as they want. They never burn, they never lack.

That's the soil.

You supercharge the Brix in the plant tissue via Foliar Feeding. Phosphorus is the "shipping specialist" in the plant. Most things the plant needs come piggy backed as a phosphate, so increasing the phosphorus and calcium levels in the plant increases the sugar content in the leaves, which the plant sends down to the roots in the form of "root exudates." These root exudates feed and signal microbes and fungi that live on the roots, and they take the sugar and use it to form humic/fulvic acids so they can digest minerals and organic matter and feed the plant.

The foliar sprays act like a supercharger, while the soil acts like a gas tank. The microbes are the engine.....and the plants are the passengers who enjoy the ride.

That's High Brix.
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