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Hey Dani nice trim job..” Your Hired” I can see in your pics your enjoying a couple of whiskeys and cook’n with some alcohol to..I’m not quite there yet but I’m starting to get a nice pile of fric frac .all those popcorn buds are going to make some gooood spread.good to see your staying Busy friend.i have a half plant yet to harvest..a little frost on the nuggets this morning, should sweeten them up some.. keep on the good side of things, in a bit

Hey Jonny been doing the job slowly but surely, being a lonewolf means I get to do all of the work myself, buddies will appear when the buds are dried and smokeable LOL.

I got the Rye wisky to do some tincture with the useless buds and trim, I like to keep a cannabis tincture always available its just good medicinal.

The harvest aint done yet, I still got some plants out there. Weather is good and what is left is some hardcore sativas mid thru flower. Lets go girls!!

How is everything going on your end?


Beautiful buds Amigo. :yahoo: Congrats.
Nice work. :bravo:
Hope your enjoying your weekend.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:

Thanks brother, The hard work is paying off.
Still on the trim and drying here, now the burping and checking for no mold in the jar.

Hope your monday is kicking off with some good tunes and a nice smoke.

I love a stinky stinky plant! One of my Zkittlez went super stinky last grow, so strong we were almost gagging, had to open the house up during one of the hottest days of summer!
That deprived plant is a good example of droughting! I do it whenever I can! Droughting and its medicinal effects in cannabis
Just by looking at it, that Chunky Skunk was water depraved for 14 days before the final take down, the Durban was only 8 days. At the end when I chopped the Skunk all the fans were yellow so nothing in themm the plant had sucked all and the buds are considerably more sticky (I noticed the resin sticking more to scissors than when I did the Durban).
The smoke has more kick too.

Would lifting the plant with a decent root ball attached, wrap the root ball in a garbage bag to encase the soil then hang the whole plant and let hang for about 10 days.....duplicate a drought.....then harvest??? :hmmmm:
Asking for a friend!!!!:ciao:
My first tought is the plant will reverse itself looking for light. Now if you are to do that in total darkness that would be something to watch, maybe the plant gives up and dries, as soon as it can pick up any nutrients or water from the soil it will start eating the reserves on the fan leaves.
If you give it a try I would like to know how it went.
Hey Dani still have my nose to the grind stone, But lov’n it ,, 2lbs down and about 2 to go probably more like 1.5 and about 2/3 of a pound of fric frac ...funny how friends show up after the work is done.. you will have to tell me more about the tinctures ,, I usually just make oils from the spoils, thinking about doing some hash , but not a lot of return on the product in -Product out.?? I guess that’s why I like the grease.. Harvest time makes a lot of work for the farmer... the plants you have out must have a good resistance to the moulds,, good deal dude
Here is my week update;

Last week I was very busy with chopping and processing all the buds, things are great now taking it slow since most of the work is coming to an end.

I didnt take many pictures of the phenos before harvest but I can assure that the Chunky Skunk after 14 days of no water, and I mean 0 water since the BC and the Island had not seen a single drop for weeks. This pheno held her 14 days by the end all the fan wilted and yellow, absolutely no signs of bud rot, or mold. She was heavy on the tops but way less popcorn than the Durban. Incredible smell, the Chunky skunk was stinky and sticky. Having the plant stress at the very end makes it easy to trim, leaves are yellow and easy to take off, leaving the buds nice and green. Interesting enough everything that had turned yellow had no trichomes on it, eveything inside the bud stayed green and filled with trichomes.

I couldnt check root mass since I left the plant with a bud that has the seeds, I am waiting for them to be fully ripen on the bud as my earlier harvest gave me some very inmature seeds, I dont want to make a mistake to have no seeds at the end.
Harvest day.jpg

Durban Pioson left over bud with seeds.
Left over bud with seeds to ripen Durban Poison.jpg

Chunky skunk left over bud with seeds.
Left over bud with seeds to ripen Chunky Skunk.jpg

Trichomes on the buds and sugar leaves, harvest day.
Harvest day 2.jpg

This is last night, after a week or so since harvest and trim and bud wash... it all comes down to some jars.
Its soooo funny that this both phenos end up giving the same 150 grm each of dry bud. breaking it down to 100 grms each of prime top buds, and 30 grms of mid size buds and a 20 grms useless bud (actually not useless they end up in tincture or what I call salad mix small jar in the middle). Total 10 oz 2 plants.
The ones in the bags are clones of the Durban Poison, one is half an Oz that was the pheno in the pot in the bush, the other one is 24 grms that as just a top harvest on the clone.
Dry and jared up, cure time.JPG

It was the perfect timming to harvest these plants because I noticed some black mold forming at the base of the stem of the Durban Poison pheno, and it looked very mean, black and moldy. I cant stress this enough but I had no issues with mold, bud rot or PM all thru flower, and these plants had all the types of stress available in the books. And I will have a second run at this with the 2 remaining phenos, I have sprayed again using willow JMS with no dilution.

Dutertes Nightmare
Dutertes Nightmare .jpg

Dutertes nightmare apical bud top.jpg
Dutertes Nightmare horizontal bud.jpg

Personal Sativa
Personal Sativa horizontal bud.jpg
Personal sativa top bud shooting spears.jpg
Hey Dani still have my nose to the grind stone, But lov’n it ,, 2lbs down and about 2 to go probably more like 1.5 and about 2/3 of a pound of fric frac ...funny how friends show up after the work is done.. you will have to tell me more about the tinctures ,, I usually just make oils from the spoils, thinking about doing some hash , but not a lot of return on the product in -Product out.?? I guess that’s why I like the grease.. Harvest time makes a lot of work for the farmer... the plants you have out must have a good resistance to the moulds,, good deal dude

2 in the bag and 1.5 to come, :bravo: you were not kidding when you said "some nice poundage".
Thats some great weight Jonny. And you know what when the buddies all come to smoke our shit we just pull them out the fricfrac lol thats why its good to keep the C buds for the buddies that smoke and dont help. LOL

Tinctures are easy and cost effective, all you need is a alcohol you like of at least 40% or higher (the higher you go the harsh it gets) and you put all the organic material you want to extract in a maison jar and fill it with the whisky (I went with rye alberta whiskey 45$ bottle), of course take the occasional shot for keeping the energy up.
Once the buds are soaking on the jar, close tight and let it sit for 3 months (minimum 4 weeks), shake it every week or so. Basically what you do with a tincture is a Alcohol extraction, but its refined so all you have to do at the end is strain the organic matter from the whiskey and then use by drops. Its mild effect unless you use 2 lbs of prime bud lol then you will have a strong concentration.
Beats making hash at the end (at least for me) because you have way more things to do and buy when making hash.
The spectrum of cannabinoids extracted using a tincture seems broader than making hash or any other concentrate extraction. Tinctures have a wide range of medicinal uses.

Kool,, I personally don’t have any medicinal needs (none that I know of anyway) But it sounds like doing shots would be an interesting Buzzzz . Maybe I will soak it some Don Julio get some imported prosciutto , sit back after the harvest , and enjoy a December afternoon , Salute “”
Kool,, I personally don’t have any medicinal needs (none that I know of anyway) But it sounds like doing shots would be an interesting Buzzzz . Maybe I will soak it some Don Julio get some imported prosciutto , sit back after the harvest , and enjoy a December afternoon , Salute “”

Some called it, get medicated. Some called it, get high! serves the same purpose my G.
I'm assuming you decarb before soaking?

Hum I don’t actually. The way I was shown by a long time cannabis tincture maker was dump and let it sit. It takes long time for the tincture to be ready, I assumed decarb must probably happen with time and oxidation.

I’m also assuming the alcohol melts all the trichomes with it and washes off any cannabinoids, resulting a complex mix of everything.

The decarb process happens subtlety when we cure the bud, no heat is a necessary to decarb but it is faster when heat is applied.

The method I use is a 3 month process, and that goes for all my tinctures, no sun no light and room temperature storage for long time.

If wished the cannabis tincture can be heated using the doble boiler technique.
Hum I don’t actually. The way I was shown by a long time cannabis tincture maker was dump and let it sit. It takes long time for the tincture to be ready, I assumed decarb must probably happen with time and oxidation.
I read the linked article and decarb is step #1. Don't have to do it if you're after the acidic properties I suppose.

I’m also assuming the alcohol melts all the trichomes with it and washes off any cannabinoids, resulting a complex mix of everything.
Both oils and alcohol will dissolve the tricomes but I think a higher proof alcohol is more efficient at doing so. Don't know if that just means a lower proof takes more time or if it has less capacity to hold the goodies, but the highest proof you can get is often recommended.

The decarb process happens subtlety when we cure the bud, no heat is a necessary to decarb but it is faster when heat is applied
But natural decard occurs over a  long time is my understanding. Not sure if three months is adequate. :hmmmm:
I read the linked article and decarb is step #1. Don't have to do it if you're after the acidic properties I suppose.

Both oils and alcohol will dissolve the tricomes but I think a higher proof alcohol is more efficient at doing so. Don't know if that just means a lower proof takes more time or if it has less capacity to hold the goodies, but the highest proof you can get is often recommended.

But natural decard occurs over a  long time is my understanding. Not sure if three months is adequate. :hmmmm:

You are right about decarb being the first step, what the article doesn’t specify is that this process is for immediate use. That’s what the heating decarb serves as purpose to make the THC available now for use.

The long term natural decarb process is not for immediate use as it takes more than 3 months, depending on the storage conditions. If we supply controlled heat let’s say 28 Celsius for a longer period of time you would probably achieve the decarb result but in longer time. Given that room temperature will eventually get to 28 Celsius (not in winter in Canada) the natural heat does accommodate the decarb process. Many equatorial cannabis just gets put in a shed for weeks to dry and decarb so it’s does happen naturally.

Most people would use everclear, you are right about higher proof. It serves as a catalyst for a faster extraction but it increases dramatically the bitter and strong taste almost hard to take if taken pure 70-80 proof. So for it to work with higher proof you need to dilute the mother extraction bringing it down to a more comfortable taste we can handle.

There are many ways to decarb cannabis, I’m sure you heard of Charas? The process of making charas has no external heat source to decarb fresh live cannabis, it’s heated from the rubbing of the hands to extract the resins, then the hot knife takes the sticky resin of the hands to make them in to balls, that’s not enough heat to decarb as we know it.

Charas is an example of fresh live cannabis used without decarb, later it is smoked in pipes (decarb). The use of decarb cannabis presents a medicinal value rather than a recreational one (get high).

This is the 95% grain spirit I used before, since you know trying to support Canadian makers (everclear is American).

Cruxx 190 Proof Neutral Grain Spirit​

But it is incredibly too strong and hard to handle so you have to dilute the extraction.

My humble opinion.
The long term natural decarb process is not for immediate use as it takes more than 3 months, depending on the storage conditions. If we supply controlled heat let’s say 28 Celsius for a longer period of time you would probably achieve the decarb result but in longer time. Given that room temperature will eventually get to 28 Celsius (not in winter in Canada) the natural heat does accommodate the decarb process. Many equatorial cannabis just gets put in a shed for weeks to dry and decarb so it’s does happen naturally.
Decarb is a time @ temperature graph, so the higher the temp, the less time needed. GW Pharmaceutical listed the ideal combination to be 100C for 110 minutes in one of their patent applications (think it was them). Different terpenes and flavanoids evaporate at temps much lower than is typically used to decarb and so that part of whatever medicinal value there was is lost.

Most people would use everclear, you are right about higher proof. It serves as a catalyst for a faster extraction but it increases dramatically the bitter and strong taste almost hard to take if taken pure 70-80 proof.
If you weren't going to dilute it, what proof would you use to extract? And is there a minimum proof you'd use?

There are many ways to decarb cannabis, I’m sure you heard of Charas? The process of making charas has no external heat source to decarb fresh live cannabis, it’s heated from the rubbing of the hands to extract the resins, then the hot knife takes the sticky resin of the hands to make them in to balls, that’s not enough heat to decarb as we know it.
I only heard the term once. Was referenced in the YouTube movie series of Strain Hunters(?) I think that was the name. A group of guys travel the world in search of landrace strains and seeds. What you describe is what I remember them showing on screen.

The use of decarb cannabis presents a medicinal value rather than a recreational one (get high).
You mean the other way round, right? I use most of my stuff non-decarbed, so thc-a, cbd-a, etc. I soak chopped up raw buds in olive oil and use it on my salads for the month. The decarb process is literally taking off a carbon atom (de-carbonizing the structure) which makes THC-A convert over to THC which is then psychoactive. It's not the only cannabinoid that's psychoactive but there aren't many.
Been having internet problems, and my laptop is dead. I will get back to you on the last post.

I have also seen that fungal thread is still going and I have something to give;

The rain has started for almost a week now I have visit my clones out in the bush to find a nice surprise, buds are stacking, trichomes are building up and the plants are free of bud rot, mold or PM. Temperature was 9celcius, still enough sunlight to get them going for at least until the first frost happens.
They have pulled out all available reserves from the fan leaves but notice most are still alive not dark green but a pale lime, not exactly yellow.
I have watered with my tea and did a heavy foliar with willow. I have not changed a single thing regarding the feeding/water and foliar.
Keeping in mind this is a test of endurance, resilience, and seed making. Having big buds wouldn’t be a success rather a gift.
I gotta say what ever is happening with the Willow JMS and the relations with the microbial tea seems to have at least enough to keep these plants from dying.




See any difference in the phenos?
2 are on the ground and 4 are on pots. Can’t help myself to say they are slightly different despite being clones of the same mom and having been fed and foliar the exact same way.
Lots of white pistils, and seems like seed pods carry some mature seeds.
They will continue their journey until the the next time I go check them out.
Since rain are here to stay water deprivation is no longer an option but they had seen my forced drought several times during their growth.

Been having internet problems, and my laptop is dead. I will get back to you on the last post.

I have also seen that fungal thread is still going and I have something to give;

The rain has started for almost a week now I have visit my clones out in the bush to find a nice surprise, buds are stacking, trichomes are building up and the plants are free of bud rot, mold or PM. Temperature was 9celcius, still enough sunlight to get them going for at least until the first frost happens.
They have pulled out all available reserves from the fan leaves but notice most are still alive not dark green but a pale lime, not exactly yellow.
I have watered with my tea and did a heavy foliar with willow. I have not changed a single thing regarding the feeding/water and foliar.
Keeping in mind this is a test of endurance, resilience, and seed making. Having big buds wouldn’t be a success rather a gift.
I gotta say what ever is happening with the Willow JMS and the relations with the microbial tea seems to have at least enough to keep these plants from dying.




See any difference in the phenos?
2 are on the ground and 4 are on pots. Can’t help myself to say they are slightly different despite being clones of the same mom and having been fed and foliar the exact same way.
Lots of white pistils, and seems like seed pods carry some mature seeds.
They will continue their journey until the the next time I go check them out.
Since rain are here to stay water deprivation is no longer an option but they had seen my forced drought several times during their growth.

I can't tell a major difference in phenos, but I'm half blind. :rofl:
I do see some beautiful ladies there. :yahoo:
Still some time left though, how is your weather for the next month?
Hope everything is going well.
Take care my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Duterte’s Nightmare
She ain’t done yet, lots of life left. Strong character and traits, lush green still no signs of slowing down the intake of nutrients and photosynthesis. No signs of pm, rot, mold, or major stress. Lots of progress in the bud development. She will keep going for what it looks like. I did not water because now the season will take care of that, I did do foliar very heavy foliar (500ml non diluted Willow JMS).
Beautiful pheno.

Personal Sativa
It’s looking good for the tall lanky lady here, she is putting it all for the bud, like on the way to drain those fan leaves in the next few days. Slightly greener considering the clones, she is in way better shape. I’m happy that I took care of the under belly no loose popcorn so less changes of picking up splash droplets from the rain hitting the ground. She probably won’t fully ripen in 3 weeks from now but the good thing is she is alive and kicking. She’s got lots of soil to keep the roots going, the temperature don’t seem to be freezing just yet, we are pushing it beyond season here and with out a roof on their head. I’m sinking that in slowly these phenos are still turning biomass into flower. Can’t wait to see them next time, if she makes it to a dry bud I’m sure looking forward to smoking it.


I haven’t been able to access my laptop, I couldn’t tag the pictures.


Decarb is a time @ temperature graph, so the higher the temp, the less time needed. GW Pharmaceutical listed the ideal combination to be 100C for 110 minutes in one of their patent applications (think it was them). Different terpenes and flavanoids evaporate at temps much lower than is typically used to decarb and so that part of whatever medicinal value there was is lost.

If you weren't going to dilute it, what proof would you use to extract? And is there a minimum proof you'd use?

I only heard the term once. Was referenced in the YouTube movie series of Strain Hunters(?) I think that was the name. A group of guys travel the world in search of landrace strains and seeds. What you describe is what I remember them showing on screen.

You mean the other way round, right? I use most of my stuff non-decarbed, so thc-a, cbd-a, etc. I soak chopped up raw buds in olive oil and use it on my salads for the month. The decarb process is literally taking off a carbon atom (de-carbonizing the structure) which makes THC-A convert over to THC which is then psychoactive. It's not the only cannabinoid that's psychoactive but there aren't many.

I’m very familiar with the decarb process as it is used for many other herbs for the same purpose, activating organoleptic properties with the use off heat. I would not argue the 100c for 110mins. It makes bud available to smoke and get high right away.

The decarb process I prefer to use is rather a longer more natural occurrence of low heat in longer periods of time, we sure would agree that hash makers in parts of the world don’t put their crops in big ovens to roast at a controlled temperature to make their product. Many forms of drying and curing can achieve a decarb desired level, once again it’s a time game. Curing anything takes time for proteins, sugars, fatty acids to break down. The harshness of the chlorophyll seems to ease with time rather than heat.

For a tincture two ways can be taken; either high proof (everclear) will do the job but trust me it is not pleasant to use like that, it burns and has way bitter after taste, you would want to dilute this. You won’t find anything this pure to be sold, it’s rather toxic I would say.
Other way to do it is something on the 40-60 range leaving the extraction time rather longer (no heat source supplied) but the taste is considerably more approachable so no need to dilute further if desired.
Ultimately with a distiller one could further separate water from oils and have a cleaner tincture (I don’t do any extra steps).

Even though Charas was made popular by SeedHunters this is a very old tradition for these Jamaicans to make finger hash from live resin. No Decarb is mentioned in their process it’s hand rubbed live resin from a live plant then scraped off the hands of the growers with a hot knife, the finger hash the make is insane.
My point of mentioning the Charas making process is that is doesn’t not involve a Decarb process like we know here in North America. Decarb in the oven is not something many outdoor growers do at least the ones I know. Drying takes time and curing takes time, in the interval of these 2 processes decarb is happening.

The point is wish to bring up is Decarb is a natural occurring process at room temperature, it takes time. Decarb in a oven at 100c is to make cannabis active right away and there fore can be enjoyable getting users high on ThC.

I’m after a longer cure hopefully a less destructive decarb process, one that preserves as much of the cannabinoids spectrum as possible.
The longest I have cured a bud has been 3 years, it never saw daylight and never saw heat, by 3 years the effect was entirely narcotic and very heavy.

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