V4L's Canuk Seeds Comparative Grow: Cherry Pie Fems, LOS, 2023

Hey @Vegan4life, I had one other Brix question and hope it’s okay to ask here, considering how well developed your conversation with @Gee64 already is? Thanks. I haven’t seen or found anything that addresses this yet, so maybe it’s a dumb question, idk.

When is peak Brix in a perfect world? At harvest, right? So if that’s the goal, when is harvest, and is there any relationship between trichomes and Brix? For example, is peak Brix when all the trichs are all white but no amber? Or 20% amber? Is there any reason to think about a relationship between the two?

Again, thanks for the space!

Ask away! I'm ready to learn!

Ok enough brix talk, we demand more pictures!👊
Sorry lights are off at the moment...


This will have to hold you over til lights on, Indica from June 2022

indica1 610.JPG
Wow! Very nice! She's beefy😍 How did flower go? As beefy as veg?
It was Ayahuasca purple from Barny's and Purple Kush from WSE. Not my favorite grow... I ended up getting thrips and spraying during flower. One of those learning experiences...

It was Ayahuasca purple from Barny's and Purple Kush from WSE. Not my favorite grow... I ended up getting thrips and spraying during flower. One of those learning experiences...

Too bad. They are little f!@#ers. They like brix 11. They sit right under the line waiting. The plants look beautiful.
Too bad. They are little f!@#ers. They like brix 11. They sit right under the line waiting. The plants look beautiful.
You actually know what Brix is desirable to specific pests? Jesus man. Wow. So these thrips - I’ve never had them but many do. Pretty common pest. So if I fast forward to growing in LOS and have to concern myself with them, what do they do at Brix 12? Is it 11 or less they like? Or specifically 11? This is fascinating .
You actually know what Brix is desirable to specific pests? Jesus man. Wow. So these thrips - I’ve never had them but many do. Pretty common pest. So if I fast forward to growing in LOS and have to concern myself with them, what do they do at Brix 12? Is it 11 or less they like? Or specifically 11? This is fascinating .

This chart shows you what bugs like what brix zones. Thrips are a sucking insect. Sorry my bad, they come in at 9 not 11.
You actually know what Brix is desirable to specific pests? Jesus man. Wow. So these thrips - I’ve never had them but many do. Pretty common pest. So if I fast forward to growing in LOS and have to concern myself with them, what do they do at Brix 12? Is it 11 or less they like? Or specifically 11? This is fascinating .
Above brix 12, the sugars in a plant are too strong for insects. Insects don't have pancreases, so sugars can't be properly digested.

Each group has different tolerances.

Without a pancreas the sugar ferments to alcohol inside the pest and kills it. The bugs know, so they won't eat plants above their sugar threshold.
Happy Christmas Eve fellow Growmies!

Last night I did a top dress, I mixed all amendments in my tea bucket prior to adding to pots. Each pot got approximate amounts of the following: 2 cups worm castings, 1 cup BAS Craft blend, 2 1/2 ounces old buds, 1/8 cup dolomite lime, 1/8 cup Malted Barley flour, 1/8 cup mustard seed powder, 2 teaspoons organic Fish Hydrolysate, 1/2 teaspoon Dynomyco. After adding to pots I lightly watered it in, then covered with cardboard so it will not dry out. I want it to form fungus/mold to help break it all down to feed the soil.

So while I was mixing the amendments last night we had a power outage, so I went and got my headlamp. Then I continued mixing and I notice fungus gnats flying at my face toward the headlamp... I have only been noticing a few prior to this. I put a bug zapper in my lung room and added a few sticky traps and made a vinegar sugar soap solution that I put in dishes under the canopy (it is supposed to attract and trap them). After the power came back on I ordered 500 Rove Beetles, they will probably take a week or two to arrive. Mean while I'm hoping the mustard will help knock any larva down.

Last night I did a top dress, I mixed all amendments in my tea bucket prior to adding to pots. Each pot got approximate amounts of the following: 2 cups worm castings, 1 cup BAS Craft blend, 2 1/2 ounces old buds, 1/8 cup dolomite lime, 1/8 cup Malted Barley flour, 1/8 cup mustard seed powder, 2 teaspoons organic Fish Hydrolysate, 1/2 teaspoon Dynomyco. After adding to pots I lightly watered it in, then covered with cardboard so it will not dry out. I want it to form fungus/mold to help break it all down to feed the soil.
Wait, what?!?

I think you might be doing it wrong. I think most growers  smoke their buds. The rest looks good though.

Wait, what?!?

I think you might be doing it wrong. I think most growers  smoke their buds. The rest looks good though.

That’s what happens when you grow more than you can consume or give away!😜
Yeah, @Gee64 likes to feed his to his worms. He thinks it makes them calmer and more productive, but I think they're just stoned. :laugh:
I do the same thing and I’m sure that the worms in my pots will appreciate it!

Happy Christmas Eve fellow Growmies!

Last night I did a top dress, I mixed all amendments in my tea bucket prior to adding to pots. Each pot got approximate amounts of the following: 2 cups worm castings, 1 cup BAS Craft blend, 2 1/2 ounces old buds, 1/8 cup dolomite lime, 1/8 cup Malted Barley flour, 1/8 cup mustard seed powder, 2 teaspoons organic Fish Hydrolysate, 1/2 teaspoon Dynomyco. After adding to pots I lightly watered it in, then covered with cardboard so it will not dry out. I want it to form fungus/mold to help break it all down to feed the soil.

So while I was mixing the amendments last night we had a power outage, so I went and got my headlamp. Then I continued mixing and I notice fungus gnats flying at my face toward the headlamp... I have only been noticing a few prior to this. I put a bug zapper in my lung room and added a few sticky traps and made a vinegar sugar soap solution that I put in dishes under the canopy (it is supposed to attract and trap them). After the power came back on I ordered 500 Rove Beetles, they will probably take a week or two to arrive. Mean while I'm hoping the mustard will help knock any larva down.

Merry Christmas! Old buds? I didn’t take that literally til I saw the picture. You meant it. Old buds. So what do they do? You just let them break down in the soil? What’s good in old buds for current plants?
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