UV, IR and deep red lights added to flower mode


Well-Known Member
The question is....if I already have 500w grow lights that work well.....to produce more trichs and bigger buds....will adding UV IR and Deep Red grown lights actually produce better or does my full spectrum do enough and adding won't make much of a difference?

And if it does make a difference....should I or is it better to turn down the 500w full specs and then add the other to the flower stage?
...will adding UV IR and Deep Red grown lights actually produce better or does my full spectrum do enough and adding won't make much of a difference?
If you already have full spectrum lights then they should already be supplying the UV, the IR and the red that you are looking for.

... is it better to turn down the 500w full specs and then add the other to the flower stage?
Based on several message threads here it is better to turn the lights down about 10% for the cost savings alone. Not the savings on the amount of electricity but because even a small drop can help the lights last way more than 10% longer. I believe it was @bluter who has mentioned this often.
Man that is crazy if that is the case. The problem with the lights I have is my room gets like 88 to 91 degrees, its starts to cut entire light bars off if it gets over 91.
So truly I could cut my lights back a bit and still produce the same? If that is the case then I need to turn them down now.
Man that is crazy if that is the case. The problem with the lights I have is my room gets like 88 to 91 degrees, its starts to cut entire light bars off if it gets over 91.
So truly I could cut my lights back a bit and still produce the same? If that is the case then I need to turn them down now.
Yes, what @SmokingWings said, I'd agree entirely
It was @bluter that turned me on to that as well
Man that is crazy if that is the case. The problem with the lights I have is my room gets like 88 to 91 degrees, its starts to cut entire light bars off if it gets over 91.
My number one method of controlling the temperature and humidity in the tent is open the door. Doing just that is often enough to lower the tent temperatures to match the room. For those days when that is not enough I will open the door to the room.

So truly I could cut my lights back a bit and still produce the same? If that is the case then I need to turn them down now.
It pays to spend a couple extra minutes each morning looking to see if there are new messages added since the day before. I am able to pick up new suggestions and tips and tricks even on stuff I am not doing at the time. I just file the info away.
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