Using Mega Crop question

Kevin Jacobs

Well-Known Member
I just received my order of mega crop 9-6-17 and MC PK booster 0-26-37 here's the question,
My plants are in early bloom just started week 3... Do I use the 5g per gallon + the 1gper gallon of PK or do I cut back to 4g+ 1g to equal 5g? I'm not sure and can't find any thing about it anywhere.
Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.
you should first introduce mc to the plant. use 2.5g of mc and feed her. once that feeding is done bump her to 4.5 which seems to be the sweet spot. @Pennywise have you used pk booster by mc
@Kevin Jacobs what does the instruction on the packaging say?
@Buds Buddy @Emilya @Dbdub @Rexer @stoneotter
just calling you guys out to see what kevin should do. I wanna bring this guy to heaven from hell :rofl: :rofl:
call out anyone else you might know that i haven't spoken too
Nothing other than 1g per gallon early bloom then 1.5g per gallon full bloom. That's why I don't know if I should cut back a little on the one when I add the other.
just wait before you do anything. i've called out some ppl i look out too and i know some of them havn't used it but someone might have.
@Dbdub r u the guy wiht the youtube channel? "It's a beutifull day"
I just received my order of mega crop 9-6-17 and MC PK booster 0-26-37 here's the question,
My plants are in early bloom just started week 3... Do I use the 5g per gallon + the 1gper gallon of PK or do I cut back to 4g+ 1g to equal 5g? I'm not sure and can't find any thing about it anywhere.
Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.
I strongly suggest that you look on their web page and try to understand their very vague instructions. Do not use the PK until you establish a base line for the regular MC or you will burn your plants to a crisp.

To correctly use MC, you have to adjust the dosage rate by looking at the color of your plants. If you look at the background on this 420mag page, that beautiful leaf that shows up behind the edit screen, that is the perfect MegaCrop green. If your plants are darker than this, you are giving too much... lighter, not enough.

Also, if you see ANY leaf damage, something is wrong... usually you are giving too much.

Save your PK for the end of the grow, when the plants actually need extra p and k.


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I strongly suggest that you look on their web page and try to understand their very vague instructions. Do not use the PK until you establish a base line for the regular MC or you will burn your plants to a crisp.

To correctly use MC, you have to adjust the dosage rate by looking at the color of your plants. If you look at the background on this 420mag page, that beautiful leaf that shows up behind the edit screen, that is the perfect MegaCrop green. If your plants are darker than this, you are giving too much... lighter, not enough.

Also, if you see ANY leaf damage, something is wrong... usually you are giving too much.

Save your PK for the end of the grow, when the plants actually need extra p and k.
Thank you..
I started with young plants at 1g/gal and every watering for a while I added a half a gram. When I got up to 5g/g I started getting spotting and realized I was giving too much. When I started giving PK along with it, I ended up getting severe lockouts and was only able to finally give PK successfully after backing down the MC to 4.5-4.75g/gal. It is strong stuff... and do not ever assume that because they list 6g/gal as the maximum dosage, that this is some sort of goal.... because it is not. Unless you have a monster plant in a monster container growing monster buds under monster lights, you probably are never going to need 6g/gal.
This would result in total disaster. Many plants cant even handle 5g/gal of MC, and throwing PK in there too would totally screw it up. MC is not something you want to guess at.
I just emailed the manufacturer hopefully I will hear back from them. I just feed them yesterday with a different line of nutes as I have a day or 2 to find the answer.
Agreed, I have plants in flower I cannot take past 4.5 gr/gal. I've tried to go up to 4.75 the last 3 weeks, each time the plant has stopped taking up nutrients until I replace some of my hydroponic water to lower it back down. Once back at 4.5, they feed like crazy.
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