Using Mega Crop question

This is only my 2nd grow ever, my 1st grow went fairly well using MG for tomato plants and MG bloom booster, I thought I had it figured out but I couldn't have been more wrong. I ordered a 6 part fertilizer but have had nothing but problems with it from day 1. As I said earlier in this post, I may have to scrub this grow and start over but I at least have to try to save it. It's been pointed out I have a K lockout so, I'm going to use just plain water for a couple days before I start the MC hopefully that will fix it, if not I'll start over, giving up is not in my DNA. Thank you all for reaching out to help a newborn.
@InTheShed every action has a reaction.
action: flushing soil with tap water and then feeding more water with less nutrient
reaction: clears nutr salts form soil, plant leaves are down for 3 to 5 days {adding nutrient after flush does nothing when plant is stressed} it will also reduce other micros that the plant can use but due to the flush all those micros are low as well. More unnotisable stress

Action: Devide soil into 4 sections and water each section 1 hour at a time for 5 times
Reaction: less stress on plant, nutrient salts will become low and the plant will start rejuvinating by having the rest of the nutrients. Plant gives faster result and signs becasue it was not stressed out from a flush.
@InTheShed every action has a reaction.
action: flushing soil with tap water and then feeding more water with less nutrient
reaction: clears nutr salts form soil, plant leaves are down for 3 to 5 days {adding nutrient after flush does nothing when plant is stressed} it will also reduce other micros that the plant can use but due to the flush all those micros are low as well. More unnotisable stress

Action: Devide soil into 4 sections and water each section 1 hour at a time for 5 times
Reaction: less stress on plant, nutrient salts will become low and the plant will start rejuvinating by having the rest of the nutrients. Plant gives faster result and signs becasue it was not stressed out from a flush.
That's what I started doing this morning, lights come on at 9 and so far I have half gallon in each 3gal cloth pots at the rate of a quart per hour, hopefully that's about right.
¡Hola Kevin! :high-five:

Welcome to :420:

Your plants are 3 weeks into flowering? So that means they are expecting a certain level of nutrition. What was the NOG dose you were using? As far as the level of N provided at this point, you will probably want to stay fairly close to that. I think Shed’s suggestion of starting out with just 5g/gal of MC is a good one. Establish a standard dose in MC first, get some experience reading the plants, and THEN, maybe play around with BE.
¡Hola Kevin! :high-five:

Welcome to :420:

Your plants are 3 weeks into flowering? So that means they are expecting a certain level of nutrition. What was the NOG dose you were using? As far as the level of N provided at this point, you will probably want to stay fairly close to that. I think Shed’s suggestion of starting out with just 5g/gal of MC is a good one. Establish a standard dose in MC first, get some experience reading the plants, and THEN, maybe play around with BE.
The last feeding I used...
2 tsp Medusa's magic.
2 tsp Gaia Mania.
1 TBS Athena's Aminas.
1.5 tsp Demeter's Destiny.
1 TBS Herculean Harvest.
2 tsp Zeus Juice and Olympus up to bring it to a pH of 6.3 and a ppm of 468.
I'm sure this is a good product it's just not for a beginner like myself.
@PK1 Are you recommending this:
your going to suffer it some more by stressing the roots by flushing it. "chucking water at it"
Just give it tap water for few days
Or this:
Action: Devide soil into 4 sections and water each section 1 hour at a time for 5 times

action: flushing soil with tap water and then feeding more water with less nutrient
reaction: clears nutr salts form soil, plant leaves are down for 3 to 5 days {adding nutrient after flush does nothing when plant is stressed} it will also reduce other micros that the plant can use but due to the flush all those micros are low as well. More unnotisable stress
Plants that are showing signs of deficiency or toxicity will not suffer if flushed and fed. Many growers do it to good effect.

Action: Devide soil into 4 sections and water each section 1 hour at a time for 5 times
Feel free to take 5 hours to flush your plants, but when you're done, feed them. Never leave a plant sitting in a nutrient-free substrate.

And just giving it plain water for a few days will never clear the old salts and unused ions from the soil, so if that's part of your intent, it won't work.
The last feeding I used...
2 tsp Medusa's magic.
2 tsp Gaia Mania.
1 TBS Athena's Aminas.
1.5 tsp Demeter's Destiny.
1 TBS Herculean Harvest.
2 tsp Zeus Juice and Olympus up to bring it to a pH of 6.3 and a ppm of 468.
I'm sure this is a good product it's just not for a beginner like myself.

Wow - that’s a lot of ingredients to keep track of! o_O

I was going to offer to help you figure out how much N you were providing with your current NOG dose, but I’m just going to stick with the initial 5g/gal of MC, since that shouldn’t be too far off for a plant at that stage of development.
Wow - that’s a lot of ingredients to keep track of! o_O

I was going to offer to help you figure out how much N you were providing with your current NOG dose, but I’m just going to stick with the initial 5g/gal of MC, since that shouldn’t be too far off for a plant at that stage of development.
Yeah this stuff is different that's for sure, and it's so pH sensitive it's sickening, you even have to adjust total alkalinity. It will no longer be used at my house, maybe I'll be able to find someone that uses it and give it to them. There's no doubt it's a good product it's just too complicated for a newborn.
Looking at the names of those products I'd say it's all Greek to me! Too complicated for adults as well :).
That's what it is, it's the Greek regimen. 6 parts + pH up and a bottle that you mix with water to use as a spray. I've had nothing but problems with it from day 1,. Apparently I'm not the only one either, I see all kinds of post in their forums of people having the same problems I have. Time to cut my losses and move on.
Feel free to take 5 hours to flush your plants, but when you're done, feed them. Never leave a plant sitting in a nutrient-free substrate.

And just giving it plain water for a few days will never clear the old salts and unused ions from the soil, so if that's part of your intent, it won't work.

see, if he would of waterd it normally few days a go, he would of brought the greek nutri down and he would of been able to start feeding MC as soon as he got it. The plant would of not died, the salts in the soil would of been minimized and all would of been good.

Now, you can take five hours to water a plant, or devide it in sections or any other method. The point was to bring the salts down. Only difference is that my suggustion would of not stunt the plant.

look at it this way; when you get a perscription, does it say take x amount every x amount of hours, or does it say chuck it down until you get sufricated?
I guess unless you're here to see the difference in person it's probably hard to tell. After using nothing but tap water yesterday to clean things out and letting them drain real good, they all got a half gallon at 3.5g/g. I know that the damage that is done is done there's nothing that can be done about it, but this morning they seem to have a little more color to them and they seem to look a little happier. I guess time will tell, I would like to thank each and every one of you for reaching out to help a newborn, it's greatly appreciated.


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i been looking into pk booster. I think slowly introducing it to the plant in mid flower to boost the yield and make the buds bigger would be ideal. although it is saying early bloom 1g per gallon I would do like 1/4tsp.

I've noticed with MC it dosnt take much to show resluts.
I'm currently using Terpinator with MC. It's 0-0-4 so all "K". Using 4 ml. per gallon & I increase it each bucket change (DWC) by .5 gr. per gal. So far it looks like it's working great. Buds are way frostier this grow then they were last time I grew this strain.
I'm currently using Terpinator with MC. It's 0-0-4 so all "K". Using 4 ml. per gallon & I increase it each bucket change (DWC) by .5 gr. per gal. So far it looks like it's working great. Buds are way frostier this grow then they were last time I grew this strain.
At this point I'm just going to try to save this grow. I'll try to get a little more aggressive with my next one but for now it's life support for these girls. I've been reading Emilya's grow journal on growing with MC, so even though I may lose this grow I'm arming myself for the next one and hopefully it will be on point, "Hindsight is education".
I'm currently using Terpinator with MC. It's 0-0-4 so all "K". Using 4 ml. per gallon & I increase it each bucket change (DWC) by .5 gr. per gal. So far it looks like it's working great. Buds are way frostier this grow then they were last time I grew this strain.
I was thinking of adding .05ml of bigbud into my mc mixture. What ya think?
@Kevin Jacobs Update us with pictures in natural light brah!!!
i'd appreciate if their not fuzzy or out of focus. :rofl:
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