Unknown Strain From Seed - First Time Grow

Anyone heard of this?

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Those NPK numbers, look a little high for inside cannabis ?
Whats the use of having an active journal going on here if hardly anybody gives help or even shows any interest. Starting to feel like this whole journal is pointless. Unless your one of the popular (growing gods). Well that was my rant for today I'm debating on whether or not I even want to finish this damn journal. Now its definitely time to pack one just to try to uplift my mood/perspective on this whole situation.

Sent from my 5054N using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Whats the use of having an active journal going on here if hardly anybody gives help or even shows any interest. Starting to feel like this whole journal is pointless. Unless your one of the popular (growing gods). Well that was my rant for today I'm debating on whether or not I even want to finish this damn journal. Now its definitely time to pack one just to try to uplift my mood/perspective on this whole situation.

Sent from my 5054N using 420 Magazine Mobile App
I look at it like this: most of my growing skills and knowledge is linked to this site, so I owe what i know to 420 mag. and to a smaller degree other web sites also. I look at my journal as a learning tool for me and others that want to learn to grow pot. i don't give a shit about lettuce, radish's, etc., just pot !! i know a lot about growing pot in general !! I was growing pot, before 420 mag. existed and hopefully will be after they no longer exist !! But I will be soaking up every bit of knowledge I can, until I don't exist !! But having said all that, in order to learn, you have to read and listen to people trying to help. If you're going to buy products, and then ask my opinion, it's a waste, as you've already made your decision. I see you making what I see as bad decisions in your grow, and you haven't once reached out to the community for help & advise. like me, I'm learning to grow in coco, and i will ask and search to see what others are doing, before buying any new products.
I'm not much of a teacher, I try, but just can't connect with people on that level. But I will do anything I can to help any member of 420 mag. !! Including you !! You just blowing off a little steam, maybe had a bad day, but remember Bro., tomorrows another day !! Rome was not built in a day !! and remember, this is a permanent record for you personally refer back to in the future, you will see your mistakes & avoid making them again !! Even if you're all alone at your journal !! Lol !! I think folks search for grows that they'll possibly learn something from, and I'm no exception, so relax, smell the skunk !!
While I do agree that 420 mag. is not the place it used to be and is a lot more commercialized these days, It's still the best site for learning to grow pot !! And I have to ask this, who is the grow God ?? Ha !! I know folks here that I consider experts, and long on experience, but a God ?? You do what you gotta do bro., but I hope to see you up and running soon !! Let me know if I can help ?? I don't mean anything I said to be negative !! :welcome:
Lol bad mood this morning....and nobody has ever said anything about making mistakes to me. I do learn alot on here what pisses me off isnt even about me entirely.
Its the fact that I always read post and questions on here that beginners and even somewhat experienced growers write/ask and alot of times I see people either ignore the question or even not reply at all.

When you have people that ask a question and days ho buy in there is not even a single post at all. (By the grow gods I mean the popular) nothing at all to do with someone being a good grower.

You know I just think some things are kinda in the favor of the popular and I would be willing to bet that there a few people on here who feel the same as I do whether they say it out loud or not.

But then again sometimes people just need to get in their baby feelings which is what I did but I cant even remember the exact thing that set me off this morning so I guess it couldnt have been that important. Lol

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Thats all I can hope for slowpuffer.

For someone to tell you if your making a mistake without bashing you.
We bash ourselves enough when we make them

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I sometimes don't have too much to say because you are quite confident and seem to know what you're doing. I'm kinda new, myself, so I tend to try and help really obvious noob questions to take the load off of the growers higher up the food chain. If I don't have much to say, I just throw some likes around.

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Its all good and im new to.. I just been doing alot of research....the scientific type plus asking alot of questions (different people) take all that info into account and try to make my own informed decision. Im sure I will have some issues and I will have to deal with them. As long as I learn from my mistakes im ok with that but knowledge and experience are two totally different beast

Sent from my 5054N using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Whats the use of having an active journal going on here if hardly anybody gives help or even shows any interest. Starting to feel like this whole journal is pointless. Unless your one of the popular (growing gods). Well that was my rant for today I'm debating on whether or not I even want to finish this damn journal. Now its definitely time to pack one just to try to uplift my mood/perspective on this whole situation.

Sent from my 5054N using 420 Magazine Mobile App
I think the journal is more for you. It also helps if something goes wrong or starting to go wrong. I am bad about updating this journal but I have my written journal that i am able to go back to. I am sorry that no one was here to help. I have gotten help from here so not sure.

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ANYWAYS..... Does anyone know a brand of in line fan that is 50$ or less that is quiet?

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Is a great value at $70

Not exactly sure "quiet" is the best word to describe it but I guess that depends on what you compare it to .

I find the noise very very tolerable and it's variable speed so you can control the noise that way...

Sorry, I know that's not what you asked but it is reliable information .

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ANYWAYS..... Does anyone know a brand of in line fan that is 50$ or less that is quiet?

Sent from my 5054N using 420 Magazine Mobile App
I buy my fans from htg supply, always had good luck with their products. If you want quite, you're gonna pay for it. $144.70 for vortex 6" inline extra quite fan, but if this is in your bedroom, then it's $ well spent . I don't know of any below $50, even the cheapest ?
Cool thank you everyone and thanks for the compliment on the lights. Ive been trying to research plus ask people and still cant come up with a definitive answer. Can I use my led's and my t5's together.

Some people say the more light the better and some say the cfl's will interfere with the led color spectrum.

Do any of you know? Or whats your opinion at least

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Today marks day 26 I I topped for the second time today....I think I will let them recooperate a few days also I think my next watering im going to add a little
Hydrogen peroxide to the mix.

Ive been reading some studies and the actual effects that it has on all plants as well as the soil seem very beneficial.

I will keep you posted with results


The bottom looks like a clusterfu&# lol
Hey lst in training

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