Tutankharmon - 400HPS - Soil Coco Mix - Grow

Ive made my mind up folks and done the maths. Im starting my time manipulation today! So it 21.36 hrs of light then 12 dark on repeat for next couple of weeks. She should go bloody nuts lol.

This I'VE GOTTA see. Mate, your skills and innovative ways are awe inspiring. My Gert eggs have been dispatched and soon there'll be another 9 baby Gerts on 420 :). If I can do half of what you achieve I'll be like a dog with 2 dicks lol :)
Hello everyone, hope everything is good and green wishes to all! ...

I'm about to start my journal on my Autoflower home grow.

Hope you will enjoy and please feel free to sub and comment. All hints and tips are much appreciated.

Many thanks,

Dr. Pepper :love:
Plant looks great, at least you wont be worried about mold issues now, it will help get the air flow moving a lot better.
its a great looking plant though, cant wait to see the end results

@pepper jack try and get a link in your signature for your journal,
heres how
have 2 tabs open, 1 on 420 mag and the other on 420 mag but have this one on page 1 of your journal.
on the tab you have open on page 1 of your journal highlight the url at the top and right click and choose copy, its the http info.
now go back to the other tab you have open on 420 mag and click on user cp at the top of page.
now scroll down left hand side and click on edit signature.
in the text box write the title you want to have in your signature so it tells us its the link to your journal.
highlight what you just wrote and above the box you typed in click on the blue ball icon.
delete the http thats in the box that pops up
click in the small box that popped up and right click with mouse and choose paste, this will then enter the link to page 1 of your journal in that small box,
then click ok.
now that will put the link in your signature
then choose save or what ever it says at the bottom of the big box you wrote in then we will see your journal at the bottom of every post you make just the same as mine is.

hopefully that will get it sorted for you, it just makes it a lot easier for us to find your journal. if you have problems drop 420girl a msg and im sure she wont mind setting it up for you, once you done it once its pretty easy.
Hey D.P Good luck with the grow mate....I'll be subbing. I'll have mine up in a week or so and welcome you along mate :)
Hey D.P Good luck with the grow mate....I'll be subbing. I'll have mine up in a week or so and welcome you along mate :)

You were part of the inspiration for making one dude ! ... Yes mate I'll be glad too ! ... Btw I have a noob question, how the hell do you import pics from pc to the site? ... says i need to do it with a URL ? ... many thanks
You were part of the inspiration for making one dude ! ... Yes mate I'll be glad too ! ... Btw I have a noob question, how the hell do you import pics from pc to the site? ... says i need to do it with a URL ? ... many thanks

Hi DP. Go onto the gallery tab at the top left of the page. There you'll find a heading to import pics :) So glad you're doing a journal mate. My seeds are due tomorrow/Thurs so I'm starting with you. There are some AWESOME guys n girls here. Great people and great growers. Be inspired dude and learn as you grow :)
Hi DP. Go onto the gallery tab at the top left of the page. There you'll find a heading to import pics :) So glad you're doing a journal mate. My seeds are due tomorrow/Thurs so I'm starting with you. There are some AWESOME guys n girls here. Great people and great growers. Be inspired dude and learn as you grow :)

HAHA I feel such a tard now, didn't even see the gallery tab lols many thanks mate.

Yeh dude you, LA and MANY others have inspired me to do it, so here we go :)

I've had many previous grows but this is my 1st auto attempt so I kinda feel reborn again LOL !

Thanks again, I'll have the 1st part of this journal finished in an hour or so but I'll keep you all posted !
This light schedule is sure interesting mate. So the reson behind it is to make the plant photosynthesise more during the longer light hours but stay in flower with still having 12 hours of darkness? Shit when u thurn lights on after the 12 shel of exploded. She will store a lot of energy during that light spell to turn into growth when the lights go out.
Hi Bruno. Effectively the girl soaks up and stores energy during veg (Suns rays). When flowering occurs all that stored energy is pushed into the bud sites. What LA is doing is flowering AND vegging at the same time :) The guy is a wizard and I'm PRAYING it works well for him. No-one puts more effort, care and LOVE into growing than him :Namaste:
its a bit of a strange one really and you can only do it at a certain point in flower, but the idea is the extra light hours helps the buds put on more weight, as long as the plant gets the 12 hour dark period then it will remain in flower.

you could go 13-12 during the whole of flower, flowering would take longer but yields should be slightly higher, its something ive been interested in for a while, such as why cant we go 14-14 for example, ive not messed around with light times yet as id need a seperate room with just 1 or 2 plants to do some tests on, but im sure we can give the plants more than 24 hours per day so 13-13 for example might work.

i know you can shorten the flowering period by giving 10 hours of light and 14 hours of dark for the last few weeks but this means less yield but a quicker harvest, its sort of similar to the deminishing light schedule,

but the method your trying ive read about a few times, chances are it could be used through the whole of flower but it would drastically increase the flower period, so these 2 weeks are just to boost the amount of growth in flower. ive not tried it myself but it suppose to work and work well
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