Trusted A Fart: Got This Shitshow

Photo dump of the babies... ✌️

Waiting on a couple more seeds to pop & we'll be ready to rock! 🤘🤘🤘
Took the day off work today; figured I'd throw out a little update.

Started the morning off with a blunt of Chocolate Thai. I have 2 different phenos jarred up; one actually has strong chocolate terps (pheno 1). The other pheno has strong earthy/pine terps (pheno 2)

I got into pheno 2 this morning

Not for the faint of heart.... this morning's wake n bake was a violent high. 🤣 I overdid it a bit... now I'm in slow motion

Finally made my way out to the Casita...
Not alot of change with the babies; they're just kinda getting started.

Pretty sure this will be the full crew. I abandoned the seeds that haven't germinated and decided 9 will make a solid enough group.

Oh yeah... I took today off because my new truck is being delivered!

Keep it MotaVated y'all
Pheno #1 Chocolate Thai

Not as heavy of high, a bit more appropriate for morning smoke. Terps in the jar are earthy/cheesy... when it's ground up, it's all chocolate. Crazy!

Was happy with terpene profiles from each pheno, was not impressed with overall plant growth/bud structure.

I wanna run em again & see if I can tighten some things up.
We don't need no steenking duds!
Everytime I've decided that I'm gonna chuck her in the bin, she grows a tiny bit.... just enough for me to "give her another day". LoL

I'll probably chuck her out this week, just waiting to see if something magical happens first. 😅

She's one of 5.... it won't hurt too bad to toss it. I've got 4 others that are solid. 💪
Everytime I've decided that I'm gonna chuck her in the bin, she grows a tiny bit.... just enough for me to "give her another day". LoL

I'll probably chuck her out this week, just waiting to see if something magical happens first. 😅

She's one of 5.... it won't hurt too bad to toss it. I've got 4 others that are solid. 💪
It's a hard one. It's weed though and I believe in culling the weak!
Took the day off work today; figured I'd throw out a little update.

Started the morning off with a blunt of Chocolate Thai. I have 2 different phenos jarred up; one actually has strong chocolate terps (pheno 1). The other pheno has strong earthy/pine terps (pheno 2)

I got into pheno 2 this morning

Not for the faint of heart.... this morning's wake n bake was a violent high. 🤣 I overdid it a bit... now I'm in slow motion

Finally made my way out to the Casita...
Not alot of change with the babies; they're just kinda getting started.

Pretty sure this will be the full crew. I abandoned the seeds that haven't germinated and decided 9 will make a solid enough group.

Oh yeah... I took today off because my new truck is being delivered!

Keep it MotaVated y'all
So I take it that the Chocolate Thai was a hit? Hope you’re doing well my brother and congrats 🎈🍾 on your new truck. Love ❤️ the smell of new vehicle 🚗. CL🍀
So I take it that the Chocolate Thai was a hit? Hope you’re doing well my brother and congrats 🎈🍾 on your new truck. Love ❤️ the smell of new vehicle 🚗. CL🍀
Yeah man. Definitely some fire bud. 🔥

I had some bug problems toward the end of flower that stunted their growth a bit, but they still finished pretty strong.
Been having a pretty rough start with this group. Multiple beans did not germinate, others did but did not sprout when planted. I've had a few mutant/weak seedlings pop up.

I've culled 3 babies so far. Both FIKA seedlings came out weak and struggled from day one. I scrapped that strain completely. I swear I probably dropped 8 FIKA seeds and only got 2 of them above ground. Both came up in bad shape.

I culled one of the CDxLC18 babies, but I think her issue was from getting hung up on the seed shell while sprouting. Doesn't seem to be strain related, just a fluke incident.

Anywhoo... here's what's left.

4) Cherries Dubilee x LC18 (seed fairy)
2) The Jester (St. Aubin Genetics)

I'm dropping some different seeds to fill in the gaps. I'd really like to have 12 plants to start; hoping for 4-6 females to flower.

Gonna try changing some things to see if I get a better start on the rest of these beans. I suspect the failed seeds may be because they are pretty old beans. Gonna try again with my "fresh" stash.
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