Trusted A Fart: Got This Shitshow

Been a busy weekend... In-laws are in town for the holidays. Been running around our local area seeing all the tourist crap. LoL
I'll be happy to get back to work tomorrow 😅

Wishing the best for you & yours brother. 🤙 Always great to see ya.
Hope you get along with your in-laws better than I did when I was married. We mutually dispised each other. lol It’s funny how after being divorced we get along now. CL🍀
Hope you get along with your in-laws better than I did when I was married. We mutually dispised each other. lol It’s funny how after being divorced we get along now. CL🍀
Yeah, I get along with them fine. Just people from different walks of life. LoL

They're Portlanders visiting Texas, lol... things are just a wee bit different down here. 😅

Hello you :)

I was thinking the exact same thing! One minute they are seedlings, nek minut he has a fully blown weed orchid!

And question, how do I get my hands on your seeds and showcase what you got?
Head to the website and send me a message. I'll get back to you with everything you need and want.
Seedwise. Haha
Hope you get along with your in-laws better than I did when I was married. We mutually dispised each other. lol It’s funny how after being divorced we get along now. CL🍀
I got along better with the in-laws than I did my ex, they used to apologise for her lol
I got along better with the in-laws than I did my ex, they used to apologise for her lol
My daughter apologizes for her Mother all the time. And then I’m telling my daughter not to worry about it. My Ex is always in some kind of 💩. CL🍀
Quick pic from the flower room...

Stay frosty y'all!
Bud porn
Thank you sir
This journal should look like pornhub this weekend. 🤣 I'll be chopping a few plants. I'll be sure to post a bunch of nug shots. 🤘

Appreciate ya Lerugged!
Something different.... a bit of my rambling. 🤙

Your feeding video made me miss feeding my last run. My seedlings 🌱 take almost a whole minute to water/feed. lol 😂 Your plants look awesome btw my brother. CL🍀. :thumb: :bravo:
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