Treezzz 1st Grow - Bag Seed - White Widow in Soil

Re: treezzz 1st grow- bagseed, white widow in soil

whtup treezz...plants looking thing...u got your growing area in the open?..u got to contain that light..its going where its not needed..u want to throw that light at the plant..good work on the light reflectors and the way they are mounted...all cfls are not mounted the the 2700k red bulbs they suppose to be mounted base down...and keep the side of the light toward the plant...i see a lot of guys pointing the bulb at the plant...ok back to work...i'm pulling my outside grow...a lot of work when you/re doing it all...peace
Re: treezzz 1st grow- bagseed, white widow in soil

whtup treezz...plants looking thing...u got your growing area in the open?..u got to contain that light..its going where its not needed..u want to throw that light at the plant..good work on the light reflectors and the way they are mounted...all cfls are not mounted the the 2700k red bulbs they suppose to be mounted base down...and keep the side of the light toward the plant...i see a lot of guys pointing the bulb at the plant...ok back to work...i'm pulling my outside grow...a lot of work when you/re doing it all...peace
thanks for the suggestions man. i'll look into that asap. i am kinda wasting light right now
Re: treezzz 1st grow- bagseed, white widow in soil

so i have a problem!!! one of my plants is starting to show rust-colored spots around the midrib of the largest leaves! i think i know what the problem is but i want to confirm it with at least one other person before i attempt to correct it so anyone who has an idea feel free to chime in and it will be much appreciated.

here's the stats for my grow so far so you can get a better idea of what's goin on:

its been 2 weeks from when they sprouted
growing using all bagseed
have 14 plants and only 1 seems affected so far
growing in happy frog soil
temp ranges from 70-78 degrees F or so
humidity stays around upper 60's
have not fed any nutes so far
using filtered tap water pH'd around 7.0 (my meter is not great)
no known pests
cfl's and t5 for lighting 24/0

here is a pic to help out hopefully:


any help would be GREATLY appreciated. let me know if any more info is needed.

Re: treezzz 1st grow- bagseed, white widow in soil

dammmm Treezz...i hate to see that...what kind of soil u got ?....can you get some rain water?...u either got a meg problem or a ph problem...or both....check your water and soil ph....give them a dose of epsom salts for meg def..above all don't panic...u got plenty of help...peace
Re: treezzz 1st grow- bagseed, white widow in soil

dammmm Treezz...i hate to see that...what kind of soil u got ?....can you get some rain water?...u either got a meg problem or a ph problem...or both....check your water and soil ph....give them a dose of epsom salts for meg def..above all don't panic...u got plenty of help...peace
thanks for the reassurance miwa. i believe it is either a cal. or mag. def. also. i don't believe it is a pH problem as well because both of these micronutes are more easily absorbed at higher pH's and my soil and water pH both tend to be on the high end of the ideal pH window. and the soil i'm using is happy frog :) my first feeding is tomorrow and i am using earth juice nutes including grow, micro, and catalyst for the first and second feedings so hopefully the micro will help. i also did a foliar feed this morning and afternoon using 5mL/gal. of botanicare cal./mag., which also has iron. so hopefully if it is any kind of deficiency, it won't get worse. if it does continue to get worse the only other problem i could think of that could be causing this is spider mites...
Re: treezzz 1st grow- bagseed, white widow in soil

Update time! i gave my plants their first feeding 2 days ago and yesterday (in 2 batches) and they all seem to be doing excellently. i am really impressed with earth juice after one feeding so far (haha). the plant that was having some issue with brown spots on 2 of the leaves has not gotten any worse and has continued to grow strongly. here it is:

here is a pic from the outside of the temporary box i built out of a desk thing i found in an alley. i didn't use anything but a screwdriver and some 1-1/4" screws to make this. (and it also has a piece of wood with white paint to put over the open front to reflect light back in):

all the babies have grown considerably since their feeding, but there are a couple strange things going on. first of all, i have one that is growing quickly but has strange, distorted and curved-downward leaves:

and in this photo it is the one on the right:

and also i have 2 "lazy" ones that are leaning over and aren't supporting themselves even though i have had a constant breeze on them. i think it may have been too strong though(kind of a bad pic...):

and last, but definitely not least, here is my largest plant. i was going to put something in the photo for scale but i figured you could tell by comparing it to the coffee container:


if anyone has any advice on the 2 lazy plants or the wierd twisted curly-leaved plant feel free put your 2 cents in. any good advice is appreciated. in other news, i ordered 10 feminized Purps seeds a few days ago... sorry the thread title is misleading but no WW this time around. if anyone has any experience with this strain let me know what to expect! thanks everyone! :thankyou:
Re: treezzz 1st grow- bagseed, white widow in soil

yeh...i don't know what the deal is with those plant had brown tips this morning...check my water was at i emptied my rain barrel out...water came from gutter no more rain water is better just hard...curled leaves can come from heat...i had some twisted i corrected my ph and gave my plant some more distance from the lights...going on 12/12 cycle tonight...see what i got m or f...did a clone on a flowering female..don't know if that will you have drain holes in those containers...water standing in bottoms of pots will kill your plants
Re: treezzz 1st grow- bagseed, white widow in soil

yeh...i don't know what the deal is with those plant had brown tips this morning...check my water was at i emptied my rain barrel out...water came from gutter no more rain water is better just hard...curled leaves can come from heat...i had some twisted i corrected my ph and gave my plant some more distance from the lights...going on 12/12 cycle tonight...see what i got m or f...did a clone on a flowering female..don't know if that will you have drain holes in those containers...water standing in bottoms of pots will kill your plants
oh no!!! that sucks miwa. sorry man. cool i'll look at some pictures of heat damage and see if that looks similar to what i have. i wish those pix were working... and yeah they have at least 4 drain holes in each of them. it's hard to see though especially on the black pots. good luck with your plants man :goodluck::goodluck::goodluck:
Re: treezzz 1st grow- bagseed, white widow in soil also rain real hard...with strong of my outside plants is on the ground...the one with red pistils had a running shoot broke...bad monday for me...thats ok though...just bag seed ...the shoot i got it in the drying closet...i'm fast drying one of the in about an will be forgotten..i'd rather make all my mistakes now ...i should be half way ready when my order arrives..
Re: treezzz 1st grow- bagseed, white widow in soil also rain real hard...with strong of my outside plants is on the ground...the one with red pistils had a running shoot broke...bad monday for me...thats ok though...just bag seed ...the shoot i got it in the drying closet...i'm fast drying one of the in about an will be forgotten..i'd rather make all my mistakes now ...i should be half way ready when my order arrives..
me too man
Re: treezzz 1st grow- bagseed, white widow in soil

lookin alright treezz, it seems all three of us are doin decently well, with a few minor setbacks along the way, but i'd say it wouldn't be a genuine 1st Grow for any of us if we didnt stumble a few times...good luck to all and happy growin muh fuguzz. lol
Hey Treezzz!

I agree! Looks like slight Cal/Mag to me. Happy Frog has got a soil pH of around 6.8 which is perfect. The roots of your plant are probably not out of the peat pot yet. Give it a few days to get to the HF soil before you try doing too much to correct it. It will probably resolve on it's own given some time. :)

Oh! Get a fan blowing on those little gals to help them build stronger main stalks. The leaf curling is probably a reaction to heat or lights being too close.

Sent from my iPod touch using Forum Runner
Re: treezzz 1st grow- bagseed, white widow in soil

Hey Treezzz!

I agree! Looks like slight Cal/Mag to me. Happy Frog has got a soil pH of around 6.8 which is perfect. The roots of your plant are probably not out of the peat pot yet. Give it a few days to get to the HF soil before you try doing too much to correct it. It will probably resolve on it's own given some time. :)

Oh! Get a fan blowing on those little gals to help them build stronger main stalks. The leaf curling is probably a reaction to heat or lights being too close.

Sent from my iPod touch using Forum Runner

ok thanks. i have a fan but its non-oscillating. i can't find one that's compact and not rediculously expensive. and i'll definitely be moving my lights up: high-five:
treezzz said:
ok thanks. i have a fan but its non-oscillating. i can't find one that's compact and not rediculously expensive. and i'll definitely be moving my lights up: high-five:

I use "Holmes" brand 7" clip on fans in all my rooms. Non oscillating. Just bounce the flow off a nearby wall or point it up and over your plants. I got mine for $14.99 each, but it looks like the price is more than that at the moment. You could check your local Home Depot, Lowes or Rite Aide to see if you can get a cheaper brand, but the Holmes are well made and can stand up to being on all the time. I run mine on timers though so that the plants are not getting wind all day long.


They also make a smaller oscillating clamp on model for under 20 bucks.


Here is an Optimus F-0702 on Amazon. Don't have any experience with it, but it is cheaper. ;)

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