Trala’s Tent


I never say never... except when it comes to anal. Firm no.


I will be thinking of her. I am sending easy birth vibes.
lol is that a NO ( yes but deny it!!) lollinnnnnggg. waiting game now. Thanks for the vibes, I hope I have an easy time now. heehee
Yeah boiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Timer on!



Kimee no friends :( :( :(


brilliant T. a little more control can go a long way.
seeds do love symmetrical growth and why it is better to use them for training in quads ect. If you remove lower growth, it is easier to keep it balanced and uniform during the process too. We get the full planned DNA in a seed but a clone is a lower branch that kept growing basically. slightly less vigour and has no idea who is a merristem until the growth has sorted itself out. To keep a great plant going clones can't be beaten as you get a perfect match to rhe original but this also means only a single phenotype too. quite a few strains have different phenotypes that give a version of the original but differ as much as a different strain altogether. exploring phenos can be as engrossing as changing strains. A good example is my #3 Purple monkey who is totally different looking to her 2 sisters in growth and node spacing.
Hey something interesting. I cloned my tops, and they are growing symmetrically, well one is definitely.

The thing I find with clones is they are a bit like Dolly the sheep, like they look ok, but inside they are a bit fucked. The more I have cloned off a plant the more fucked the new clone is. Look now thinking about it, it could be a coincidence because I am basing this on my Gorilla Glue grow, and in defence of my failed plants, I think it was my poor choices than their PNA (plantnucleic acid).
I’m digging the milk crate and plastic tub plant plant elevator system….. you are so good!!!

that clone degradation as in making clones of clones are exaclty why people have adopted the clone mother concept. Take a 1st generation clone from a plant started by seed. Keep that 1st gen clone in a small container off to the side to become a clone mother….. then she will produce 2nd gen clones time after time.

Read a great thread by Bobrown14 explaining that its not so much genetic drift but slow introduction of germs and virus over multiple cloning generations that weakens a strain IDK for sure but sounds more than plausible. I know my Paki Valley chicks showed that by 3rd and 4th generation they turned to pure crap, smoke turned out ok but plant showed all kinds of deficiency that I couldn’t fix even after throwing the kitchen sink at them
I’m digging the milk crate and plastic tub plant plant elevator system….. you are so good!!!

that clone degradation as in making clones of clones are exaclty why people have adopted the clone mother concept. Take a 1st generation clone from a plant started by seed. Keep that 1st gen clone in a small container off to the side to become a clone mother….. then she will produce 2nd gen clones time after time.

Read a great thread by Bobrown14 explaining that its not so much genetic drift but slow introduction of germs and virus over multiple cloning generations that weakens a strain IDK for sure but sounds more than plausible. I know my Paki Valley chicks showed that by 3rd and 4th generation they turned to pure crap, smoke turned out ok but plant showed all kinds of deficiency that I couldn’t fix even after throwing the kitchen sink at them
Hi 013

Well that makes sense.

I forgot how beautifully seeds grow. My two from seed plants are the same age as my little monstercropped clone! Actually she has shown real growth in the last few days. I think I will have to be on herm watch. This process must be stressful for her.

OMG you are determined to have me become a clone mother lollllll
Nice new light, Trala, and the ladies under it are looking sweet!
Keep up the good work!
One thing I will NEVER say is timer and super simple. I get sooooooo confused.
My $4.00 timers have all you need to know printed on the front....
idiot proof...jpg
Nice new light, Trala, and the ladies under it are looking sweet!
Keep up the good work!

My $4.00 timers have all you need to know printed on the front....
idiot proof...jpg

That's the kind we had, which I hate. :cheesygrinsmiley:
That's the kind we had, which I hate.
They've been doing what I need them to do for over 2 years now, so I can't really complain.
Originally, they were "temporary" but they work so well they're permanent now....
Love me some HashGirl but I hate that type of electronic timer she posted pic of. I’ve got a handfull of those but every freaking time I look at them they foul up. Granted I’m fugly but that’s beside the point. I’ve programmed the piss out of ’em and never fails they screwed the pooch running wrong program in flower no doubt so I’m stuck with old school pin timer.

that timer Carcass dropped pic of has 30 minute pins and is major improvement on the stupid cheapo 15 minute tiny pin versions found around here.

well Tra you are a good mom and a good cloner so you should be great at the clone mom game plus it solves your seed problem & degradation issues. So that’s like win X 4
Nice new light, Trala, and the ladies under it are looking sweet!
Keep up the good work!

My $4.00 timers have all you need to know printed on the front....
idiot proof...jpg
Omg best timer EVERRRRRRR!

I literally wrote “press down on push up off“ on my chalk board!

I know it’s silly but I get so confused.

How to confuse an Australian - give her 5 shovels and tell her to take per pick.
Love me some HashGirl but I hate that type of electronic timer she posted pic of. I’ve got a handfull of those but every freaking time I look at them they foul up. Granted I’m fugly but that’s beside the point. I’ve programmed the piss out of ’em and never fails they screwed the pooch running wrong program in flower no doubt so I’m stuck with old school pin timer.

that timer Carcass dropped pic of has 30 minute pins and is major improvement on the stupid cheapo 15 minute tiny pin versions found around here.

well Tra you are a good mom and a good cloner so you should be great at the clone mom game plus it solves your seed problem & degradation issues. So that’s like win X 4
A funny tho.

I set mine for 6am and off at 1800. I can’t get the time time right. Last night it went off at 1815, and hopefully it will be turning back in any second.

Ive actually had words with the legend I grow for. Told him the gravy train is now off the tracks. If he wants seeds, he needs to buy them. I think he’s in the process now.
I got word this morning my light was too high and to drop it to 10 inches I had to guesstimate hopefully this is better.



And Carcass:- #timersorted


Hey I think these are looking like I need to up my feed to 1.5mg/2L. My reasoning is they are looking a bit light on the green. Do you think this is right or should I wait. They are currently 1g/2L

Do you think this is right or should I wait?
I'd go up to 2g/2l, then another half gram/ 2liters when you start to see flowers... they're big enough to handle it now.
4g/gallon is the veg dose, so you should be going up to 5g/ gallon real soon, maybe even higher if they need it when the buds start stacking...

Edit: I'm talking about the big girls- the little girls do look like they could use another half g/2l- they're looking just a little pale
@Carcass - Do you have a MegaCrop feeding schedule for autos? I'm trying to get a handle on how much to feed mine and apparently have been under-feeding them.
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