Tony Sussan's Sealed Sea Of Green!

Lots of good info on this site, I never won any popularity contest, or was in a mutual of omaha commercial, this site is a form of creative advertisement, that we're allowed to use so sponsors can advertise and sell products. Nothing less, nothing more. I will milk it like a fat lazy cow. I don't want anything for free, and I'm not impressed by green dots anymore.:thumb:
I am in it for the info, NOT the contests...I was welcomed here even with my limited knowledge and have only had one encounter with a moderator and that was MY FAULT. The guidelines are there for a reason...if a person doesn't like them he should learn PHP and do his own site with its own set of guidelines...I understand the reasoning behind the guidelines and even though I DON'T LIKE BIG BROTHER peering into my domain I support them! :cheesygrinsmiley:

And just to add, these guidliness are there to make sure all of 420's hard work isnt undone by something that could have been avoided. I mean have you read 420's story and how this place came to be? It definitely wasn't over night and was lots of hard work to give us this.

Im not calling tony out either, I don't know the issues at hand. I hope he reconsiders cause i liked his journal and his work and even though i don't comment much its still great knowledge.
Nobody gave ANYBODY ANYTHING....LOL...MONEY MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND. Everyone is using this forum cuz they're getting something from it, management, sponsors, members. The owners are getting paid for their hard work. I am getting something too, I just try to repay by helping someone to grow weed or anything for that matter. I want to know EVERYTHING i can, and it's often frustrating that we can't openly discuss non-sponsored products that are being used. I know 420 has their reasons, they're should be a clause or statement of some kind ensuring the sponsors that their products are the only ones allowed to be openly discussed on this forum, that kind of thing attracts sponsors. I see it for what it is, and will use it for what I can. I have made some good friends and can grow weed that will knock your dick straight, thanks to caring individuals.....that's not even correct enough....the whole 420 community, has taken my growing to a higher level and given me an opportunity to minister to some of them.
Good rant mcloadie. I don't think Tony's shez has anything to do with that, maybe it does... but I do find the idea of free speech is lost when people make ridiculous rules on what a individual can say. I've had some trouble with moderators and such, nor to say it wasn't my own doing, but I can't say what I want here, where I should be able to say whatever comes to mind. Whatever plants keep growing and we probably shouldn't use tony's journal as a discussion ground at any rate...
Ramble on Tony my man! We each have our own principles and I respect you taking a stand on yours. Thanks for taking me to outer space down under bro!

Sad to see the end of this journal though.

I just read from start to finish and wish it could have continued. Since i have no idea what happend and since it aint none of my business ill just keep it as a big thanks to tony for creating this journal, I got something positive out of it and am a better grower because of his time and all the members replies.
Later tony
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