THsea's Outrageous & Just Plain Cheesy Grow

That is good to know about basil. I am on a cooking gourmet kick and have been using fresh basil. It is a great tasting herb!

I hate to hear you suffering with Crohn's, really glad to hear that cannabis is not interacting and helps with enjoying a better life!:circle-of-love:
Oh yea! :high-five: Basil is nice, as there are a good amount of varieties... If you grow it, keep pinching off the flowers to keep aromatic production in the leaves! Premature flowers are good for cooking too. On larger leaf varieties I find you have to pinch off lower than the smaller leaf varieties. just saying!

If you like mints (I wish I liked them more!) they have crazy amount of varieties too. Spear, Chocolate, Lemon, Lime, Cinnamon, and beyond! Aromatic plants are the best. Period.

BTW, I do not take any medications now! Only cannabis... And I use DGL (Deglycerrized Licorice).. The DGL replaced heart-burn medications. My issue is really ulcers for that, but its been way better than anything for it.

Thank you for even more info... by the way I heard from his wife today that he might be open to new relief options, maybe.

Thanks again

Hey man, no problem. If your son does want to try cannabis... I'd say maybe just give him some of that super-fine oil you made (to injest!! not smoke). I really believe in edibles/ tinctures... Sometimes its hard to eat with Crohn's... But I like the idea of "direct application"... Part of the problem with this condition is mucosal lining of the GI tract is messed up... And they've found cannabinoids may help repair this... :)

Could you post your recipe for making that oil with ethanol? That pink stuff.. I think about it a lot. Just beautiful! I was thinking about cooking with my trim... Until I saw that! :circle-of-love: After harvest, I'll be investing in a pen vaporizer from Delta 9.. Specifically for oils/ concentrates! :) I can think of nothing better for on the go symptomatic relief.
Zippin' through your new Journal Thsea, and I like what I see and "hear" about your health and the health of your plants. Best wishes for you my man! Now here's a little Tokin' music for the hell of it.

Easy Star's Lonely Hearts Dub Band 02 - With A Little Help From My Friends ft. Luciano - YouTube
Always nice to see you Cisco! :)

Yup! I still have some issues... But hey, I'm up in weight, I feel way better on average than not... And these plants are the nicest I've ever had. If they yield right... Woohoo! It would be nice to not spend all my goddamn paycheck on meds.

Picked out the vape I'd like to order.. Not going with that expensive shindig, but with the delta 9 O-phos vape... Only for oils.. Fine with me.

Kind of doubting there will be enough trim to make individual oils... Which is dissapointing. But oh well. Boohoo, my hash is mixed! :) good problems.
BTW... Today is when I've finally been able to repot that 2046. 5 gallon smart pot! I bet she will take off :) I really think the 1 gallon was holding her back.

The NLxBB auto seems to be in limbo. Overall, not very impressed so far. But I'm one picky mofo, just ask OMM.
I'll do an o/d update tomorrow... IDK if the indoor girls are really ready for a photo shoot. In a few days they will probably be a lot more worth looking at.

I've been holding off all my yard work... Today it rained like hell, so it wasn't really my fault.. But if can, I'll give it hell tomorrow. I know I'd like to remove about 32 square feet of dirt... So I can fill in some stuff with better drainage and mix that down a bit. Not sure where I'll put that dirt, but one bridge at a time... Right?

Hmm.. Maybe save it, mix it later and do raised beds?!
Wow the comment you made the other day on my 2046 thread. I haven't been on here in a while, but I came on to this thread today to see your 2046 plant. Bud brothers, huh? My last grow before the ones I'm posting now was as follows (and I swear to God I did not look up ANY of your threads until now):

1 - Big Buddha "Cheese"
2 - Greenhouse Seed Company "Exodus Cheese"
1 - Reserva Privada "Confidential Cheese"

I can post pics of the Cheese and Exodus Cheese clones I took from the grow if you don't believe me, but the Confidential Cheese got a few male parts near the end so I decided to kill the clone/reveg I took of it (watch for that on yours, by the way). You'll love the flavor of the Exodus and Confidential Cheese and the buzz off the Cheese, but I only got about 1/2 of an ounce off the Cheese plant so I can't tell you if the "no ceiling" boast is true because I rolled it up in one big doob and smoked it and kept getting higher but then it was gone so I can't tell you if I would have kept getting higher 'cause I didn't have any left sorry 'bout that and an extra apology for the grammatical nightmare this last sentence turned out to be. :(

I backed my 2046 off of the lights a bit because heat stress and overfeeding put a stretch in the top of the colas. All of your plants look much better than mine. :goodjob:
Today is when I've finally been able to repot that 2046. 5 gallon smart pot! I bet she will take off :) I really think the 1 gallon was holding her back.

Replanting will work great! I have 4, 5 gallon smart pots going right now. I am used to using only 3 gallon pots. I sure can tell a difference in the yield with the larger pots.

I guess we are both Smart Potheads!!!
Wow the comment you made the other day on my 2046 thread. I haven't been on here in a while, but I came on to this thread today to see your 2046 plant. Bud brothers, huh? My last grow before the ones I'm posting now was as follows (and I swear to God I did not look up ANY of your threads until now):

1 - Big Buddha "Cheese"
2 - Greenhouse Seed Company "Exodus Cheese"
1 - Reserva Privada "Confidential Cheese"

I can post pics of the Cheese and Exodus Cheese clones I took from the grow if you don't believe me, but the Confidential Cheese got a few male parts near the end so I decided to kill the clone/reveg I took of it (watch for that on yours, by the way). You'll love the flavor of the Exodus and Confidential Cheese and the buzz off the Cheese, but I only got about 1/2 of an ounce off the Cheese plant so I can't tell you if the "no ceiling" boast is true because I rolled it up in one big doob and smoked it and kept getting higher but then it was gone so I can't tell you if I would have kept getting higher 'cause I didn't have any left sorry 'bout that and an extra apology for the grammatical nightmare this last sentence turned out to be. :(

I backed my 2046 off of the lights a bit because heat stress and overfeeding put a stretch in the top of the colas. All of your plants look much better than mine. :goodjob:
Aw man, you know I believe you! :high-five: Man, I really hope I get more than a half-zip off each of my Cheese! You've given the best review I've heard so far... I like the idea of no ceiling! But it needs to get the job done and give me some munchies. The Exodus are beautiful... But a little to dainty for outdoors IMO! Confidential, whoa! Look out now! :) Thanks for the compliments, I really think these plants are doing well. They got a hell of a lot of rain yesterday, and crazy ass winds! Nothings ripped up though! The BB Cheese had few... Yellow leaves with brown spots on the lower part... IDK what that means, the rest looks healthy so I took the ugly ones off :).

Chimpy, I've mentioned this to OMM... Your way to hard on yourself about your plants! You grow lovely cannabis, and honestly... I use "cheat codes"... Outdoors in Hawaii? Its a different ballgame than indoors, brother.. Many consider what I've got to be some of the best o/d conditions in the world. I really try to be much more hands off than most growers.

I noticed you said your 2046 has a little overfeeding? Or light blah blah? Its cool... Long flowering strain. You've got time to fix her! I'm sure you have at least a month to go, if not two!!:thumb: Man, I've looked up some 2046 grows recently... Very nice yields it looks like. About time!!! :) And Haze? Don't know about you, but thats why I cracked that seed. Love me some haze. I really want a quarter pound off her.

Hey Cisco what are you listening to?
Something good! Always! :) He's like a 420 minstrel! :theband:

Replanting will work great! I have 4, 5 gallon smart pots going right now. I am used to using only 3 gallon pots. I sure can tell a difference in the yield with the larger pots.

I guess we are both Smart Potheads!!!
Oh yea CF! :) I love these smart pots too! Airpots dry out a lot faster... Just don't have the money to use nutes every feeding with them. The smart pots are already giving me a run for my money o/d, if the sun is out hardcore and the wind is nice.. They can dry out a day after last watering. Thankfully its our wet season! Lots of rain. Will be off and on until about May.

I still like airpots for a lot of reasons... And want to play with them more. But don't have the time so much. I will be using them for other plants though.
Sorry guys, no pictures today. Just don't really feel up to it. The weather is so-so anyway :)

Gonna goto bed. Think I need those B-12 shots... So I gotta call the doctor. He gave me a hard time about it before, hopefully since I ran all his tests he will just fill the damn prescription... BTW we, had a thing about this come up before when I mentioned these... These aren't "flavored" drinking shots of B-12 vitamins, I'm talking about IM (injection kine shots) cyanocobalamin... The part of my intestines that was removed is the major site for absorbing this vitamin.. So essentially I cannot get it from food/ drinks/ whatever.
Hey man, no problem. If your son does want to try cannabis... I'd say maybe just give him some of that super-fine oil you made (to injest!! not smoke). I really believe in edibles/ tinctures... Sometimes its hard to eat with Crohn's... But I like the idea of "direct application"... Part of the problem with this condition is mucosal lining of the GI tract is messed up... And they've found cannabinoids may help repair this... :)

Could you post your recipe for making that oil with ethanol? That pink stuff.. I think about it a lot. Just beautiful! I was thinking about cooking with my trim... Until I saw that! :circle-of-love: After harvest, I'll be investing in a pen vaporizer from Delta 9.. Specifically for oils/ concentrates! :) I can think of nothing better for on the go symptomatic relief.

THsea ... sorry for the delay. Radio silence. I had hoped to talk to him by now. I need to wait and speak with his wife to find out what is up. Great info on mint... I think he likes it, better yet I like it :cheesygrinsmiley: might as well like what you grow!

That purple oil was a total experiment. I wanted a quick clean reduction. I took about 2-3 cups of fresh (just cut) sweet leaf and popcorn buds and put them in a glass jar and covered with vodka (I only had 80 proof at the time) I shook for a few minutes off an on. I strained with a cut white t shirt and twisted to get out as much as possible. I then strained that twice through coffee filters. Back into the jar and on the stove in a pot of water. I brought the water almost to a boil then reduced the heat to a very low simmer... for hours. Watch that the water does not eveporate out. Let this go till you get it almost done but don't burn it. Take it out and cover the glass with a coffee filter and rubber band and let the rest reduce through eveporation. I put it in the fridge but it is faster at room temp. Do not try early as it is really nasty till it turns into pure oil.

I am now making one with semi-dry leaf and 100 proof vodka... pics in a bit, been really busy and not feeling well (man that has been going around) ... have you heard from OMM? getting a little worried
THsea ... sorry for the delay. Radio silence. I had hoped to talk to him by now. I need to wait and speak with his wife to find out what is up. Great info on mint... I think he likes it, better yet I like it :cheesygrinsmiley: might as well like what you grow!

That purple oil was a total experiment. I wanted a quick clean reduction. I took about 2-3 cups of fresh (just cut) sweet leaf and popcorn buds and put them in a glass jar and covered with vodka (I only had 80 proof at the time) I shook for a few minutes off an on. I strained with a cut white t shirt and twisted to get out as much as possible. I then strained that twice through coffee filters. Back into the jar and on the stove in a pot of water. I brought the water almost to a boil then reduced the heat to a very low simmer... for hours. Watch that the water does not eveporate out. Let this go till you get it almost done but don't burn it. Take it out and cover the glass with a coffee filter and rubber band and let the rest reduce through eveporation. I put it in the fridge but it is faster at room temp. Do not try early as it is really nasty till it turns into pure oil.

I am now making one with semi-dry leaf and 100 proof vodka... pics in a bit, been really busy and not feeling well (man that has been going around) ... have you heard from OMM? getting a little worried
Lovely! You know, I noticed that you didn't use high proof/ everclear... With the water in it, that could pull out water soluble things in the buds. Who knows! Maybe not... I'll probably use the 100 proof when I get down to it. I like the product you ended up with! No everclear for my oil extracts. Maybe lol.... When I get some stuff organized I'll send you a recipe I saw... Very similar to yours.

Man, it's cool about the silence. I fall off the world every once and a while. OMMis just recovering, I talked to him the other day.
Careful playing wit da booze.

Yes sir! I don't drink anymore... makes me tired :cheesygrinsmiley:

If you are talking flame ... yes by all means I will be careful!!! truth be told it is only as dangerous as cooking anything that requires spirits and less so as it is in a boiler and you are not intentionally lighting it, like a baked Alaska or worse flaming shots. I have seen more than one fool burned to shit with flaming shots. F'ing idiots...
Careful playing wit da booze.
Thanks why i tend to call everclear a 'solvent'... If you can drink it, you have a problem! Its liquid fire!

Nice to see you around :)

Yes sir! I don't drink anymore... makes me tired :cheesygrinsmiley:

If you are talking flame ... yes by all means I will be careful!!! truth be told it is only as dangerous as cooking anything that requires spirits and less so as it is in a boiler and you are not intentionally lighting it, like a baked Alaska or worse flaming shots. I have seen more than one fool burned to shit with flaming shots. F'ing idiots...

Weee! Fire! Glad you made it out of Alaska alive! Now Buckshot lives large as a Hashoil Baron!

Edit! Pictures are uploading... indo&outdoe!
14 pictures! Oh, :) I gave the LA's flower a light squeeze and sniff... :circle-of-love: I've never smelled skunk so hashy. I think it leans on the LA Confidential side (which I've had a long time ago... since its an 'afghan', I assume it would be hashy smelling).. Couldn't be happier, that smell makes my heart beat faster and mouth water.. :)
Here the update for today! :cheertwo:

First lets look at the indoor girls... 2046, and the baby is NLxBBautomatic.

Here is where a super-cropped area "twisted" and broke its own stem! I fixed it with some fishing line (what I had in arms reach).. But left it on too long! Oh well, its healed :)

And the baby...

OKAY! Now the big girls :) Dinafem Cheese is up first.

Exodus Cheese #2

Dinafem and Exo2 Together!

LA Cheese/ Confidential Cheese! There are like 4 shots of her.




Big Buddha Cheese

Exodus Cheese #1

Exodus Cheese #1 and BB Cheese!

And a group shot!
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