Thirstymuppet's Indoor Soil Grow Of 1 Cinderella99 & 1 Northern Lights 2018

Well I'm waiting on a pH and tds meter. I should have em by the wkend. It does look like lockout. The northern lights is showing signs of deficiency. I'm very tempted to give a bit of pH down using litmus paper to bring the water down to 6ish. Couldn't be more accurate than that until this meter comes. The humidity was gone mad while I was away the last few days. Hit 97% at 1 stage!! I'm managing that by just opening the tent for now until I put in an extraction fan and ducting. The worst thing about going away is having 100 jobs building up for when you come back!! I could be persuaded by the auto's yet!!
Was due a watering so I took a chance and added pH down. I tried a few drops in a cup of water just to see if the litmus paper was in fact working at all! It was red so that means about 1 or 2! Had a jug of water sitting out since yesterday so added like 2 drops. Seems to have brought it down a tiny bit to 6ish. I hope I haven't fucked them up. Although they are not where I'd like them to be so I may do something! Here they are in their glory!!

All 3. The replacement C99 on the left is doing quite well but is starting to show signs of deficiency.

Freakshow still looks like unhealthy rocket!!

Northern lights must be missing something with this colouring.

And the replacement C99 here starting to show problems.

Fingers crossed I can get these girls looking fine!! :cheer:
Never heard that about the calmag. That's a great tip. Thanks. I'll have to look into that. More feckin money!! They take a good watering about twice a week and I mixed the compost with perlite and Vegemite so I think the drainage is okay. I think! I hope!!:confused:
There are one or 2 great treads here for identifying deficiencies. There is a good one here...Plant Abuse Chart
Doesn't mention calmag but is really good. Thanks again for that info though. Never read that before! Fair play to ye!!:thumb:
They take a good watering about twice a week and I mixed the compost with perlite and Vegemite so I think the drainage is okay. I think! I hope!!:confused:

I know you meant vermiculite, but mixing vegemite into your compost is much funnier. Lol
Is putting Vegemite in soil bad for plants?!! :hmmmm: Hahaha. I knew it was something like that so when Google suggested it with a capital letter I thought that was it!
Hey guys n girls.
So I have come to the realisation that I should have been using calmag. While I can't find it written in big letters that I should be using it, it does seem to feature in a lot of people's journals. It costs a tenner for 250mg. Bout half a can of coke. That should be plenty right? Delivery is 7 but if I order 20 quids worth I get free delivery. So I might as well get something else. My question is what do you think I should get? I was thinking bat guano but I really don't know. In my arsenal is the pH down, seaweed fert and a bloom fert. pH meter and tds meter are on the way.
Is there another nutrient I should have at hand?

Hey buddy, calmag was one of the things I picked up on from reading other journals, I think your plants will love it!
I'm the same as you, I've got pH down, calmag (which lasts for ages) and I have a pack of three different nutrients from biobizz:

The 'grow' one is used all the way through and the others come in later. I think that pack is about £15 on amazon.. Very concentrated so it'll last a while
I picked up a bottle of cal-mag at Walmart, of all places. My local head shop didn’t even know what it was.

Not that I generally like to support the evil empire, but it was a good brand (Alaska) and US$10 for about a liter.

Thanks bear. I've never been to a Walmart! It's a simple life we live over here!! :p 10 dollars for a liter is nothing! Wish we had a Walmart!
Ifound a hydroponic store 20 mins away while researching calmag though! I don't like anything that increases my chances of getting busted though and that includes parking up outside a shop in an industrial estate that clearly sells products for the production of an illegal substance. :oops: I've convinced myself I'm being paranoid though so I'll park down the road and walk up. Eeek! :cool: does it look suspicious to wear shades in the rain!!
Cal mag is in the bag! :slide: There was a garage next door and it seemed everyone came out as I was walking past to move cars and god knows what else. So I'm walking past with the hood up cause it's raining a small bit. Of course me looking at them suspiciously in a hoodie drew suspicious looks from the grease monkeys which did not help. In my head they were all cops ready to take down my massive empire! :eek: And I'm not even stoned!! Prohibition causing me anxiety which I treat with grass! :p Only I can't seem to get any! It's on the way I'm told.
Anyway gonna lash a bit in later or tomorrow. Thanks for the input guys. ...And breath!! :Namaste:
Hi everyone. Hope everything is good in your awesome little worlds. :cool: Don't mind me. It was sunny today. It has me in a good humour! Bought a few plants for the garden at a local plant fair today. Now if I could get the plants in the tent to do as well as the plants in the garden I would be fierce happy!

Saying that I am controlling the pH with a proper meter as of this weekend so that should be a big help. I need to calibrate the TDS meter before I can use it. I do have 1 very decent looking C99. I also started a bit of LST (Low Stress Training for the uninitiated) on the replacement C99 and the Northern Lights. It's not seen in these pics though.

The NL will be re-potted tomorrow. There are a lot of roots at the base so I think it's time. I'll take off that last fan leaf that's starting to yellow also. Close up it looks more obvious that it's dying. I might get a pic of that too if I think of it.

This is the Northern Lights. A close up of a side branch. It's not obvious here but apart from the pitiful lack of deep green, there is a lovely purple tinge on the leaf tips. I'll try get a better pic of that too.

And here is my girl up close. The repacement C99. I didn't bother taking a close up of the C99 she was replacing as she has yet too impress but i'm still hopeful for poor old freakshow! A close up of her scraggledy ass tomorrow too!:p

That is if I get time. Not working but I do have a few jobs to do. One of which is to pick up a bit of shmoke. Oh yes. :yahoo:

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